:orphan: Writing code for Python 2 and 3 =============================== .. module:: IPython.utils.py3compat :synopsis: Python 2 & 3 compatibility helpers IPython 6 requires Python 3, so our compatibility module ``IPython.utils.py3compat`` is deprecated. In most cases, we recommend you use the `six module `__ to support compatible code. This is widely used by other projects, so it is familiar to many developers and thoroughly battle-tested. Our ``py3compat`` module provided some more specific unicode conversions than those offered by ``six``. If you want to use these, copy them into your own code from IPython 5.x. Do not rely on importing them from IPython, as the module may be removed in the future. .. seealso:: `Porting Python 2 code to Python 3 `_ Official information in the Python docs. `Python-Modernize `_ A tool which helps make code compatible with Python 3. `Python-Future `_ Another compatibility tool, which focuses on writing code for Python 3 and making it work on Python 2.