import os # System library imports from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui # Local imports from IPython.frontend.qt.svg import save_svg, svg_to_clipboard, svg_to_image from ipython_widget import IPythonWidget class RichIPythonWidget(IPythonWidget): """ An IPythonWidget that supports rich text, including lists, images, and tables. Note that raw performance will be reduced compared to the plain text version. """ # Protected class variables. _svg_text_format_property = 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'object' interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, *args, **kw): """ Create a RichIPythonWidget. """ kw['kind'] = 'rich' super(RichIPythonWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ConsoleWidget' protected interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _show_context_menu(self, pos): """ Reimplemented to show a custom context menu for images. """ format = self._control.cursorForPosition(pos).charFormat() name = format.stringProperty(QtGui.QTextFormat.ImageName) if name.isEmpty(): super(RichIPythonWidget, self)._show_context_menu(pos) else: menu = QtGui.QMenu() menu.addAction('Copy Image', lambda: self._copy_image(name)) menu.addAction('Save Image As...', lambda: self._save_image(name)) menu.addSeparator() svg = format.stringProperty(self._svg_text_format_property) if not svg.isEmpty(): menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction('Copy SVG', lambda: svg_to_clipboard(svg)) menu.addAction('Save SVG As...', lambda: save_svg(svg, self._control)) menu.exec_(self._control.mapToGlobal(pos)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'FrontendWidget' protected interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _process_execute_ok(self, msg): """ Reimplemented to handle matplotlib plot payloads. """ payload = msg['content']['payload'] for item in payload: if item['source'] == 'IPython.zmq.pylab.backend_payload.add_plot_payload': if item['format'] == 'svg': svg = item['data'] try: image = svg_to_image(svg) except ValueError: self._append_plain_text('Received invalid plot data.') else: format = self._add_image(image) format.setProperty(self._svg_text_format_property, svg) cursor = self._get_end_cursor() cursor.insertBlock() cursor.insertImage(format) cursor.insertBlock() else: # Add other plot formats here! pass elif item['source'] == 'IPython.zmq.zmqshell.ZMQInteractiveShell.edit_magic': # TODO: I have implmented the logic for TextMate on the Mac. # But, we need to allow payload handlers on the non-rich # text IPython widget as well. Furthermore, we should probably # move these handlers to separate methods. But, we need to # be very careful to process the payload list in order. Thus, # we will probably need a _handle_payload method of the # base class that dispatches to the separate handler methods # for each payload source. If a particular subclass doesn't # have a handler for a payload source, it should at least # print a nice message. filename = item['filename'] line_number = item['line_number'] if line_number is None: cmd = 'mate %s' % filename else: cmd = 'mate -l %s %s' % (line_number, filename) os.system(cmd) elif item['source'] == '': # TODO: This is probably a good place to start, but Evan can # add better paging capabilities. self._append_plain_text(item['data']) else: # Add other payload types here! pass else: super(RichIPythonWidget, self)._process_execute_ok(msg) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'RichIPythonWidget' protected interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _add_image(self, image): """ Adds the specified QImage to the document and returns a QTextImageFormat that references it. """ document = self._control.document() name = QtCore.QString.number(image.cacheKey()) document.addResource(QtGui.QTextDocument.ImageResource, QtCore.QUrl(name), image) format = QtGui.QTextImageFormat() format.setName(name) return format def _copy_image(self, name): """ Copies the ImageResource with 'name' to the clipboard. """ image = self._get_image(name) QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setImage(image) def _get_image(self, name): """ Returns the QImage stored as the ImageResource with 'name'. """ document = self._control.document() variant = document.resource(QtGui.QTextDocument.ImageResource, QtCore.QUrl(name)) return variant.toPyObject() def _save_image(self, name, format='PNG'): """ Shows a save dialog for the ImageResource with 'name'. """ dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(self._control, 'Save Image') dialog.setAcceptMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.AcceptSave) dialog.setDefaultSuffix(format.lower()) dialog.setNameFilter('%s file (*.%s)' % (format, format.lower())) if dialog.exec_(): filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0] image = self._get_image(name), format)