# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tools for handling LaTeX.""" # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from io import BytesIO, open import os import tempfile import shutil import subprocess from base64 import encodebytes import textwrap from pathlib import Path, PurePath from IPython.utils.process import find_cmd, FindCmdError from traitlets.config import get_config from traitlets.config.configurable import SingletonConfigurable from traitlets import List, Bool, Unicode from IPython.utils.py3compat import cast_unicode class LaTeXTool(SingletonConfigurable): """An object to store configuration of the LaTeX tool.""" def _config_default(self): return get_config() backends = List( Unicode(), ["matplotlib", "dvipng"], help="Preferred backend to draw LaTeX math equations. " "Backends in the list are checked one by one and the first " "usable one is used. Note that `matplotlib` backend " "is usable only for inline style equations. To draw " "display style equations, `dvipng` backend must be specified. ", # It is a List instead of Enum, to make configuration more # flexible. For example, to use matplotlib mainly but dvipng # for display style, the default ["matplotlib", "dvipng"] can # be used. To NOT use dvipng so that other repr such as # unicode pretty printing is used, you can use ["matplotlib"]. ).tag(config=True) use_breqn = Bool( True, help="Use breqn.sty to automatically break long equations. " "This configuration takes effect only for dvipng backend.", ).tag(config=True) packages = List( ['amsmath', 'amsthm', 'amssymb', 'bm'], help="A list of packages to use for dvipng backend. " "'breqn' will be automatically appended when use_breqn=True.", ).tag(config=True) preamble = Unicode( help="Additional preamble to use when generating LaTeX source " "for dvipng backend.", ).tag(config=True) def latex_to_png(s, encode=False, backend=None, wrap=False, color='Black', scale=1.0): """Render a LaTeX string to PNG. Parameters ---------- s : str The raw string containing valid inline LaTeX. encode : bool, optional Should the PNG data base64 encoded to make it JSON'able. backend : {matplotlib, dvipng} Backend for producing PNG data. wrap : bool If true, Automatically wrap `s` as a LaTeX equation. color : string Foreground color name among dvipsnames, e.g. 'Maroon' or on hex RGB format, e.g. '#AA20FA'. scale : float Scale factor for the resulting PNG. None is returned when the backend cannot be used. """ s = cast_unicode(s) allowed_backends = LaTeXTool.instance().backends if backend is None: backend = allowed_backends[0] if backend not in allowed_backends: return None if backend == 'matplotlib': f = latex_to_png_mpl elif backend == 'dvipng': f = latex_to_png_dvipng if color.startswith('#'): # Convert hex RGB color to LaTeX RGB color. if len(color) == 7: try: color = "RGB {}".format(" ".join([str(int(x, 16)) for x in textwrap.wrap(color[1:], 2)])) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError('Invalid color specification {}.'.format(color)) from e else: raise ValueError('Invalid color specification {}.'.format(color)) else: raise ValueError('No such backend {0}'.format(backend)) bin_data = f(s, wrap, color, scale) if encode and bin_data: bin_data = encodebytes(bin_data) return bin_data def latex_to_png_mpl(s, wrap, color='Black', scale=1.0): try: from matplotlib import mathtext from pyparsing import ParseFatalException except ImportError: return None # mpl mathtext doesn't support display math, force inline s = s.replace('$$', '$') if wrap: s = u'${0}$'.format(s) try: mt = mathtext.MathTextParser('bitmap') f = BytesIO() dpi = 120*scale mt.to_png(f, s, fontsize=12, dpi=dpi, color=color) return f.getvalue() except (ValueError, RuntimeError, ParseFatalException): return None def latex_to_png_dvipng(s, wrap, color='Black', scale=1.0): try: find_cmd('latex') find_cmd('dvipng') except FindCmdError: return None try: workdir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) tmpfile = workdir.joinpath("tmp.tex") dvifile = workdir.joinpath("tmp.dvi") outfile = workdir.joinpath("tmp.png") with tmpfile.open("w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.writelines(genelatex(s, wrap)) with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull: subprocess.check_call( ["latex", "-halt-on-error", "-interaction", "batchmode", tmpfile], cwd=workdir, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) resolution = round(150*scale) subprocess.check_call( ["dvipng", "-T", "tight", "-D", str(resolution), "-z", "9", "-bg", "transparent", "-o", outfile, dvifile, "-fg", color], cwd=workdir, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) with outfile.open("rb") as f: return f.read() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None finally: shutil.rmtree(workdir) def kpsewhich(filename): """Invoke kpsewhich command with an argument `filename`.""" try: find_cmd("kpsewhich") proc = subprocess.Popen( ["kpsewhich", filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate() return stdout.strip().decode('utf8', 'replace') except FindCmdError: pass def genelatex(body, wrap): """Generate LaTeX document for dvipng backend.""" lt = LaTeXTool.instance() breqn = wrap and lt.use_breqn and kpsewhich("breqn.sty") yield r'\documentclass{article}' packages = lt.packages if breqn: packages = packages + ['breqn'] for pack in packages: yield r'\usepackage{{{0}}}'.format(pack) yield r'\pagestyle{empty}' if lt.preamble: yield lt.preamble yield r'\begin{document}' if breqn: yield r'\begin{dmath*}' yield body yield r'\end{dmath*}' elif wrap: yield u'$${0}$$'.format(body) else: yield body yield u'\\end{document}' _data_uri_template_png = u"""<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s" alt=%s />""" def latex_to_html(s, alt='image'): """Render LaTeX to HTML with embedded PNG data using data URIs. Parameters ---------- s : str The raw string containing valid inline LateX. alt : str The alt text to use for the HTML. """ base64_data = latex_to_png(s, encode=True).decode('ascii') if base64_data: return _data_uri_template_png % (base64_data, alt)