"""A TaskRecord backend using mongodb Authors: * Min RK """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from pymongo import Connection # bson.Binary import moved try: from bson.binary import Binary except ImportError: from bson import Binary from IPython.utils.traitlets import Dict, List, Unicode, Instance from .dictdb import BaseDB #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MongoDB class #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MongoDB(BaseDB): """MongoDB TaskRecord backend.""" connection_args = List(config=True, help="""Positional arguments to be passed to pymongo.Connection. Only necessary if the default mongodb configuration does not point to your mongod instance.""") connection_kwargs = Dict(config=True, help="""Keyword arguments to be passed to pymongo.Connection. Only necessary if the default mongodb configuration does not point to your mongod instance.""" ) database = Unicode("ipython-tasks", config=True, help="""The MongoDB database name to use for storing tasks for this session. If unspecified, a new database will be created with the Hub's IDENT. Specifying the database will result in tasks from previous sessions being available via Clients' db_query and get_result methods.""") _connection = Instance(Connection) # pymongo connection def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MongoDB, self).__init__(**kwargs) if self._connection is None: self._connection = Connection(*self.connection_args, **self.connection_kwargs) if not self.database: self.database = self.session self._db = self._connection[self.database] self._records = self._db['task_records'] self._records.ensure_index('msg_id', unique=True) self._records.ensure_index('submitted') # for sorting history # for rec in self._records.find def _binary_buffers(self, rec): for key in ('buffers', 'result_buffers'): if rec.get(key, None): rec[key] = map(Binary, rec[key]) return rec def add_record(self, msg_id, rec): """Add a new Task Record, by msg_id.""" # print rec rec = self._binary_buffers(rec) self._records.insert(rec) def get_record(self, msg_id): """Get a specific Task Record, by msg_id.""" r = self._records.find_one({'msg_id': msg_id}) if not r: # r will be '' if nothing is found raise KeyError(msg_id) return r def update_record(self, msg_id, rec): """Update the data in an existing record.""" rec = self._binary_buffers(rec) self._records.update({'msg_id':msg_id}, {'$set': rec}) def drop_matching_records(self, check): """Remove a record from the DB.""" self._records.remove(check) def drop_record(self, msg_id): """Remove a record from the DB.""" self._records.remove({'msg_id':msg_id}) def find_records(self, check, keys=None): """Find records matching a query dict, optionally extracting subset of keys. Returns list of matching records. Parameters ---------- check: dict mongodb-style query argument keys: list of strs [optional] if specified, the subset of keys to extract. msg_id will *always* be included. """ if keys and 'msg_id' not in keys: keys.append('msg_id') matches = list(self._records.find(check,keys)) for rec in matches: rec.pop('_id') return matches def get_history(self): """get all msg_ids, ordered by time submitted.""" cursor = self._records.find({},{'msg_id':1}).sort('submitted') return [ rec['msg_id'] for rec in cursor ]