GitHub stats for 2016/07/05 - 2016/07/07 (tag: 5.0.0rc1) These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates. We closed 95 issues and merged 191 pull requests. The full list can be seen `on GitHub `__ The following 27 authors contributed 229 commits. * Adam Greenhall * Adrian * Antony Lee * Benjamin Ragan-Kelley * Carlos Cordoba * Carol Willing * Chris * Craig Citro * Dmitry Zotikov * Fernando Perez * Gil Forsyth * Jason Grout * Jonathan Frederic * Jonathan Slenders * Justin Zymbaluk * Kelly Liu * klonuo * Matthias Bussonnier * nvdv * Pavol Juhas * Pierre Gerold * sukisuki * Sylvain Corlay * Thomas A Caswell * Thomas Kluyver * Trevor Bekolay * Yuri Numerov