"""The main API for the v3 notebook format. """ # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. __all__ = ['NotebookNode', 'new_code_cell', 'new_text_cell', 'new_notebook', 'new_output', 'new_worksheet', 'new_metadata', 'new_author', 'new_heading_cell', 'nbformat', 'nbformat_minor', 'nbformat_schema', 'reads_json', 'writes_json', 'read_json', 'write_json', 'to_notebook_json', 'reads_py', 'writes_py', 'read_py', 'write_py', 'to_notebook_py', 'downgrade', 'upgrade', 'parse_filename' ] import os from .nbbase import ( NotebookNode, new_code_cell, new_text_cell, new_notebook, new_output, new_worksheet, new_metadata, new_author, new_heading_cell, nbformat, nbformat_minor, nbformat_schema ) from .nbjson import reads as reads_json, writes as writes_json from .nbjson import reads as read_json, writes as write_json from .nbjson import to_notebook as to_notebook_json from .nbpy import reads as reads_py, writes as writes_py from .nbpy import reads as read_py, writes as write_py from .nbpy import to_notebook as to_notebook_py from .convert import downgrade, upgrade def parse_filename(fname): """Parse a notebook filename. This function takes a notebook filename and returns the notebook format (json/py) and the notebook name. This logic can be summarized as follows: * notebook.ipynb -> (notebook.ipynb, notebook, json) * notebook.json -> (notebook.json, notebook, json) * notebook.py -> (notebook.py, notebook, py) * notebook -> (notebook.ipynb, notebook, json) Parameters ---------- fname : unicode The notebook filename. The filename can use a specific filename extention (.ipynb, .json, .py) or none, in which case .ipynb will be assumed. Returns ------- (fname, name, format) : (unicode, unicode, unicode) The filename, notebook name and format. """ basename, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) if ext == u'.ipynb': format = u'json' elif ext == u'.json': format = u'json' elif ext == u'.py': format = u'py' else: basename = fname fname = fname + u'.ipynb' format = u'json' return fname, basename, format