#!/usr/bin/env python """ This is a script for testing pull requests for IPython. It merges the pull request with current master, installs and tests on all available versions of Python, and posts the results to Gist if any tests fail. Usage: python test_pr.py 1657 """ from __future__ import print_function import errno from glob import glob import io import json import os import pickle import re import requests import shutil import time from subprocess import call, check_call, check_output, PIPE, STDOUT, CalledProcessError import sys import gh_api basedir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ipy_pr_tests") repodir = os.path.join(basedir, "ipython") ipy_repository = 'git://github.com/ipython/ipython.git' gh_project="ipython/ipython" supported_pythons = ['python2.6', 'python2.7', 'python3.1', 'python3.2'] unavailable_pythons = [] def available_python_versions(): """Get the executable names of available versions of Python on the system. """ del unavailable_pythons[:] for py in supported_pythons: try: check_call([py, '-c', 'import nose'], stdout=PIPE) yield py except (OSError, CalledProcessError): unavailable_pythons.append(py) venvs = [] def setup(): """Prepare the repository and virtualenvs.""" global venvs try: os.mkdir(basedir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise os.chdir(basedir) # Delete virtualenvs and recreate for venv in glob('venv-*'): shutil.rmtree(venv) for py in available_python_versions(): check_call(['virtualenv', '-p', py, '--system-site-packages', 'venv-%s' % py]) venvs.append((py, 'venv-%s' % py)) # Check out and update the repository if not os.path.exists('ipython'): check_call(['git', 'clone', ipy_repository]) os.chdir(repodir) check_call(['git', 'checkout', 'master']) check_call(['git', 'pull', ipy_repository, 'master']) os.chdir(basedir) missing_libs_re = re.compile(r"Tools and libraries NOT available at test time:\n" r"\s*(.*?)\n") def get_missing_libraries(log): m = missing_libs_re.search(log) if m: return m.group(1) def get_branch(repo, branch, owner, mergeable): os.chdir(repodir) if mergeable: merged_branch = "%s-%s" % (owner, branch) # Delete the branch first call(['git', 'branch', '-D', merged_branch]) check_call(['git', 'checkout', '-b', merged_branch]) check_call(['git', 'pull', '--no-commit', repo, branch]) check_call(['git', 'commit', '-m', "merge %s/%s" % (repo, branch)]) else: # Fetch the branch without merging it. check_call(['git', 'fetch', repo, branch]) check_call(['git', 'checkout', 'FETCH_HEAD']) os.chdir(basedir) def run_tests(venv): py = os.path.join(basedir, venv, 'bin', 'python') print(py) os.chdir(repodir) # cleanup build-dir if os.path.exists('build'): shutil.rmtree('build') check_call([py, 'setup.py', 'install']) os.chdir(basedir) iptest = os.path.join(basedir, venv, 'bin', 'iptest') if not os.path.exists(iptest): iptest = os.path.join(basedir, venv, 'bin', 'iptest3') print("\nRunning tests, this typically takes a few minutes...") try: return True, check_output([iptest], stderr=STDOUT).decode('utf-8') except CalledProcessError as e: return False, e.output.decode('utf-8') def markdown_format(pr, results_urls): def format_result(py, passed, gist_url, missing_libraries): s = "* %s: " % py if passed: s += "OK" else: s += "Failed, log at %s" % gist_url if missing_libraries: s += " (libraries not available: " + missing_libraries + ")" return s if pr['mergeable']: com = pr['head']['sha'][:7] + " merged into master" else: com = pr['head']['sha'][:7] + " (can't merge cleanly)" lines = ["**Test results for commit %s**" % com, "Platform: " + sys.platform, ""] + \ [format_result(*r) for r in results_urls] + \ ["", "Not available for testing: " + ", ".join(unavailable_pythons)] return "\n".join(lines) def post_results_comment(pr, results, num): body = markdown_format(pr, results) gh_api.post_issue_comment(gh_project, num, body) def print_results(pr, results_urls): print("\n") if pr['mergeable']: print("**Test results for commit %s merged into master**" % pr['head']['sha'][:7]) else: print("**Test results for commit %s (can't merge cleanly)**" % pr['head']['sha'][:7]) print("Platform:", sys.platform) for py, passed, gist_url, missing_libraries in results_urls: if passed: print(py, ":", "OK") else: print(py, ":", "Failed") print(" Test log:", gist_url) if missing_libraries: print(" Libraries not available:", missing_libraries) print("Not available for testing:", ", ".join(unavailable_pythons)) def dump_results(num, results, pr): with open(os.path.join(basedir, 'lastresults.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump((num, results, pr), f) def load_results(): with open(os.path.join(basedir, 'lastresults.pkl'), 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) def save_logs(results, pr): results_paths = [] for py, passed, log, missing_libraries in results: if passed: results_paths.append((py, passed, None, missing_libraries)) else: result_locn = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('venv-%s' % py, pr['head']['sha'][:7]+".log")) with io.open(result_locn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(log) results_paths.append((py, False, result_locn, missing_libraries)) return results_paths def post_logs(results): results_urls = [] for py, passed, log, missing_libraries in results: if passed: results_urls.append((py, passed, None, missing_libraries)) else: result_locn = gh_api.post_gist(log, description='IPython test log', filename="results.log", auth=True) results_urls.append((py, False, result_locn, missing_libraries)) return results_urls def test_pr(num, post_results=True): # Get Github authorisation first, so that the user is prompted straight away # if their login is needed. if post_results: gh_api.get_auth_token() setup() pr = gh_api.get_pull_request(gh_project, num) get_branch(repo=pr['head']['repo']['clone_url'], branch=pr['head']['ref'], owner=pr['head']['repo']['owner']['login'], mergeable=pr['mergeable'], ) results = [] for py, venv in venvs: tic = time.time() passed, log = run_tests(venv) elapsed = int(time.time() - tic) print("Ran tests with %s in %is" % (py, elapsed)) missing_libraries = get_missing_libraries(log) if passed: results.append((py, True, None, missing_libraries)) else: results.append((py, False, log, missing_libraries)) dump_results(num, results, pr) results_paths = save_logs(results, pr) print_results(pr, results_paths) if post_results: results_urls = post_logs(results) post_results_comment(pr, results_urls, num) print("(Posted to Github)") else: post_script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "post_pr_test.py") print("To post the results to Github, run", post_script) if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test an IPython pull request") parser.add_argument('-p', '--publish', action='store_true', help="Publish the results to Github") parser.add_argument('number', type=int, help="The pull request number") args = parser.parse_args() test_pr(args.number, post_results=args.publish)