""" ILeo - Leo plugin for IPython """ import IPython.ipapi import IPython.genutils import IPython.generics import re import UserDict ip = IPython.ipapi.get() leo = ip.user_ns['leox'] c,g = leo.c, leo.g # will probably be overwritten by user, but handy for experimentation early on ip.user_ns['c'] = c ip.user_ns['g'] = g from IPython.external.simplegeneric import generic import pprint def es(s): g.es(s, tabName = 'IPython') pass @generic def format_for_leo(obj): """ Convert obj to string representiation (for editing in Leo)""" return pprint.pformat(obj) @format_for_leo.when_type(list) def format_list(obj): return "\n".join(str(s) for s in obj) attribute_re = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$') def valid_attribute(s): return attribute_re.match(s) def all_cells(): d = {} for p in c.allNodes_iter(): h = p.headString() if not valid_attribute(h): continue d[h] = p.copy() return d def eval_node(n): body = n.b if not body.startswith('@cl'): # plain python repr node, just eval it return ip.ev(n.b) # @cl nodes deserve special treatment - first eval the first line (minus cl), then use it to call the rest of body first, rest = body.split('\n',1) tup = first.split(None, 1) # @cl alone SPECIAL USE-> dump var to user_ns if len(tup) == 1: val = ip.ev(rest) ip.user_ns[n.h] = val es("%s = %s" % (n.h, repr(val)[:20] )) return val cl, hd = tup xformer = ip.ev(hd.strip()) es('Transform w/ %s' % repr(xformer)) return xformer(rest) class LeoNode(object, UserDict.DictMixin): def __init__(self,p): self.p = p.copy() def get_h(self): return self.p.headString() def set_h(self,val): print "set head",val c.beginUpdate() try: c.setHeadString(self.p,val) finally: c.endUpdate() h = property( get_h, set_h) def get_b(self): return self.p.bodyString() def set_b(self,val): print "set body",val c.beginUpdate() try: c.setBodyString(self.p, val) finally: c.endUpdate() b = property(get_b, set_b) def set_val(self, val): self.b = format_for_leo(val) v = property(lambda self: eval_node(self), set_val) def set_l(self,val): self.b = '\n'.join(val ) l = property(lambda self : IPython.genutils.SList(self.b.splitlines()), set_l) def __iter__(self): return (LeoNode(p) for p in self.p.children_iter()) def _children(self): d = {} for child in self: head = child.h tup = head.split(None,1) if len(tup) > 1 and tup[0] == '@k': d[tup[1]] = child continue if not valid_attribute(head): d[head] = child continue return d def keys(self): d = self._children() return d.keys() def __getitem__(self, key): key = str(key) d = self._children() return d[key] def __setitem__(self, key, val): key = str(key) d = self._children() if key in d: d[key].v = val return if not valid_attribute(key): head = key else: head = '@k ' + key p = c.createLastChildNode(self.p, head, '') LeoNode(p).v = val def __delitem__(self,key): pass class LeoWorkbook: """ class for 'advanced' node access """ def __getattr__(self, key): if key.startswith('_') or key == 'trait_names' or not valid_attribute(key): raise AttributeError cells = all_cells() p = cells.get(key, None) if p is None: p = add_var(key,None) return LeoNode(p) def __str__(self): return "" def __setattr__(self,key, val): raise AttributeError("Direct assignment to workbook denied, try wb.%s.v = %s" % (key,val)) __repr__ = __str__ ip.user_ns['wb'] = LeoWorkbook() _dummyval = object() @IPython.generics.complete_object.when_type(LeoWorkbook) def workbook_complete(obj, prev): return all_cells().keys() def add_var(varname, value = _dummyval): c.beginUpdate() try: p2 = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,varname) if not c.positionExists(p2): p2 = c.currentPosition().insertAfter() c.setHeadString(p2,varname) c.setCurrentPosition(p2) if value is _dummyval: val = ip.user_ns[varname] else: val = value if val is not None: formatted = format_for_leo(val) c.setBodyString(p2,formatted) return p2 finally: c.endUpdate() def add_file(self,fname): p2 = c.currentPosition().insertAfter() def push_script(p): c.beginUpdate() try: ohist = ip.IP.output_hist hstart = len(ip.IP.input_hist) script = g.getScript(c,p,useSelectedText=False,forcePythonSentinels=False,useSentinels=False) script = g.splitLines(script + '\n') script = ''.join(z for z in script if z.strip()) ip.runlines(script) has_output = False for idx in range(hstart,len(ip.IP.input_hist)): val = ohist.get(idx,None) if val is None: continue has_output = True inp = ip.IP.input_hist[idx] if inp.strip(): es('In: %s' % (inp[:40], )) es('<%d> %s' % (idx, pprint.pformat(ohist[idx],width = 40))) if not has_output: es('ipy run: %s' %( p.headString(),)) finally: c.endUpdate() def eval_body(body): try: val = ip.ev(body) except: # just use stringlist if it's not completely legal python expression val = IPython.genutils.SList(body.splitlines()) return val def push_variable(p,varname): try: val = eval_node(LeoNode(p)) except: body = p.bodyString() val = IPython.genutils.SList(body.splitlines()) ip.user_ns[varname] = val es('ipy var: %s' % (varname,)) def push_plain_python(p): script = g.getScript(c,p,useSelectedText=False,forcePythonSentinels=False,useSentinels=False) exec script in ip.user_ns es('ipy plain: %s' % (p.headString(),)) def push_from_leo(p): nod = LeoNode(p) h = p.headString() tup = h.split(None,1) # @ipy foo is variable foo if len(tup) == 2 and tup[0] == '@ipy': varname = tup[1] push_variable(p,varname) return if h.endswith('P'): push_plain_python(p) return if nod.b.startswith('@cl'): es(nod.v) return push_script(p) return ip.user_ns['leox'].push = push_from_leo def leo_f(self,s): """ open file(s) in Leo Takes an mglob pattern, e.g. '%leo *.cpp' or %leo 'rec:*.cpp' """ import os from IPython.external import mglob files = mglob.expand(s) c.beginUpdate() try: for fname in files: p = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,'@auto ' + fname) if not p: p = c.currentPosition().insertAfter() p.setHeadString('@auto ' + fname) if os.path.isfile(fname): c.setBodyString(p,open(fname).read()) c.selectPosition(p) finally: c.endUpdate() ip.expose_magic('leo',leo_f) def leoref_f(self,s): import textwrap print textwrap.dedent("""\ %leo file - open file in leo wb.foo.v - eval node foo (i.e. headstring is 'foo' or '@ipy foo') wb.foo.v = 12 - assign to body of node foo wb.foo.b - read or write the body of node foo wb.foo.l - body of node foo as string list for el in wb.foo: print el.v """ ) ip.expose_magic('leoref',leoref_f) def show_welcome(): print "------------------" print "Welcome to Leo-enabled IPython session!" print "Try %leoref for quick reference." import IPython.platutils IPython.platutils.set_term_title('ILeo') IPython.platutils.freeze_term_title() def run_leo_startup_node(): p = g.findNodeAnywhere(c,'@ipy-startup') if p: print "Running @ipy-startup" push_script(p) run_leo_startup_node() show_welcome()