#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Checkout gitwash repo into directory and do search replace on name ''' import os from os.path import join as pjoin import shutil import sys import re import glob import fnmatch import tempfile from subprocess import call verbose = False def clone_repo(url, branch): cwd = os.getcwd() tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: cmd = 'git clone %s %s' % (url, tmpdir) call(cmd, shell=True) os.chdir(tmpdir) cmd = 'git checkout %s' % branch call(cmd, shell=True) except: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) raise finally: os.chdir(cwd) return tmpdir def cp_files(in_path, globs, out_path): try: os.makedirs(out_path) except OSError: pass out_fnames = [] for in_glob in globs: in_glob_path = pjoin(in_path, in_glob) for in_fname in glob.glob(in_glob_path): out_fname = in_fname.replace(in_path, out_path) pth, _ = os.path.split(out_fname) if not os.path.isdir(pth): os.makedirs(pth) shutil.copyfile(in_fname, out_fname) out_fnames.append(out_fname) return out_fnames def filename_search_replace(sr_pairs, filename, backup=False): ''' Search and replace for expressions in files ''' in_txt = open(filename, 'rt').read(-1) out_txt = in_txt[:] for in_exp, out_exp in sr_pairs: in_exp = re.compile(in_exp) out_txt = in_exp.sub(out_exp, out_txt) if in_txt == out_txt: return False open(filename, 'wt').write(out_txt) if backup: open(filename + '.bak', 'wt').write(in_txt) return True def copy_replace(replace_pairs, out_path, repo_url, repo_branch = 'master', cp_globs=('*',), rep_globs=('*',), renames = ()): repo_path = clone_repo(repo_url, repo_branch) try: out_fnames = cp_files(repo_path, cp_globs, out_path) finally: shutil.rmtree(repo_path) renames = [(re.compile(in_exp), out_exp) for in_exp, out_exp in renames] fnames = [] for rep_glob in rep_globs: fnames += fnmatch.filter(out_fnames, rep_glob) if verbose: print '\n'.join(fnames) for fname in fnames: filename_search_replace(replace_pairs, fname, False) for in_exp, out_exp in renames: new_fname, n = in_exp.subn(out_exp, fname) if n: os.rename(fname, new_fname) break USAGE = ''' If not set with options, the repository name is the same as the If not set with options, the main github user is the same as the repository name.''' GITWASH_CENTRAL = 'git://github.com/matthew-brett/gitwash.git' GITWASH_BRANCH = 'master' if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.set_usage(parser.get_usage().strip() + USAGE) parser.add_option("--repo-name", dest="repo_name", help="repository name - e.g. nitime", metavar="REPO_NAME") parser.add_option("--github-user", dest="main_gh_user", help="github username for main repo - e.g fperez", metavar="MAIN_GH_USER") parser.add_option("--gitwash-url", dest="gitwash_url", help="URL to gitwash repository - default %s" % GITWASH_CENTRAL, default=GITWASH_CENTRAL, metavar="GITWASH_URL") parser.add_option("--gitwash-branch", dest="gitwash_branch", help="branch in gitwash repository - default %s" % GITWASH_BRANCH, default=GITWASH_BRANCH, metavar="GITWASH_BRANCH") parser.add_option("--source-suffix", dest="source_suffix", help="suffix of ReST source files - default '.rst'", default='.rst', metavar="SOURCE_SUFFIX") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 2: parser.print_help() sys.exit() out_path, project_name = args if options.repo_name is None: options.repo_name = project_name if options.main_gh_user is None: options.main_gh_user = options.repo_name copy_replace((('PROJECTNAME', project_name), ('REPONAME', options.repo_name), ('MAIN_GH_USER', options.main_gh_user)), out_path, options.gitwash_url, options.gitwash_branch, cp_globs=(pjoin('gitwash', '*'),), rep_globs=('*.rst',), renames=(('\.rst$', options.source_suffix),))