# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """IPython Shell classes. Originally, this module was horribly complicated because of the need to use threads to integrate with GUI toolkit event loops. Now, we are using the :mod:`IPython.lib.inputhook`, which is based on PyOS_InputHook. This dramatically simplifies this logic and allow 3rd party packages (such as matplotlib) to handle these things by themselves. This new approach also allows projects like matplotlib to work interactively in the standard python shell. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys from IPython.core import ultratb from IPython.core import ipapi from IPython.utils.genutils import ask_yes_no from IPython.core.iplib import InteractiveShell from IPython.core.ipmaker import make_IPython #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IPShell: """Create an IPython instance. This calls the factory :func:`make_IPython`, which creates a configured :class:`InteractiveShell` object, and presents the result as a simple class with a :meth:`mainloop` method. """ def __init__(self, argv=None, user_ns=None, user_global_ns=None, debug=1, shell_class=InteractiveShell): self.IP = make_IPython(argv, user_ns=user_ns, user_global_ns=user_global_ns, debug=debug, shell_class=shell_class) def mainloop(self,sys_exit=0,banner=None): self.IP.mainloop(banner) if sys_exit: sys.exit() # This is an additional magic that is exposed in embedded shells. def kill_embedded(self,parameter_s=''): """%kill_embedded : deactivate for good the current embedded IPython. This function (after asking for confirmation) sets an internal flag so that an embedded IPython will never activate again. This is useful to permanently disable a shell that is being called inside a loop: once you've figured out what you needed from it, you may then kill it and the program will then continue to run without the interactive shell interfering again. """ kill = ask_yes_no("Are you sure you want to kill this embedded instance " "(y/n)? [y/N] ",'n') if kill: self.shell.embedded_active = False print "This embedded IPython will not reactivate anymore once you exit." class IPShellEmbed: """Allow embedding an IPython shell into a running program. Instances of this class are callable, with the __call__ method being an alias to the embed() method of an InteractiveShell instance. Usage (see also the example-embed.py file for a running example):: ipshell = IPShellEmbed([argv,banner,exit_msg,rc_override]) * argv: list containing valid command-line options for IPython, as they would appear in sys.argv[1:]. For example, the following command-line options:: $ ipython -prompt_in1 'Input <\\#>' -colors LightBG would be passed in the argv list as:: ['-prompt_in1','Input <\\#>','-colors','LightBG'] * banner: string which gets printed every time the interpreter starts. * exit_msg: string which gets printed every time the interpreter exits. * rc_override: a dict or Struct of configuration options such as those used by IPython. These options are read from your ~/.ipython/ipythonrc file when the Shell object is created. Passing an explicit rc_override dict with any options you want allows you to override those values at creation time without having to modify the file. This way you can create embeddable instances configured in any way you want without editing any global files (thus keeping your interactive IPython configuration unchanged). Then the ipshell instance can be called anywhere inside your code:: ipshell(header='') -> Opens up an IPython shell. * header: string printed by the IPython shell upon startup. This can let you know where in your code you are when dropping into the shell. Note that 'banner' gets prepended to all calls, so header is used for location-specific information. For more details, see the __call__ method below. When the IPython shell is exited with Ctrl-D, normal program execution resumes. This functionality was inspired by a posting on comp.lang.python by cmkl on Dec. 06/01 concerning similar uses of pyrepl, and by the IDL stop/continue commands. """ def __init__(self, argv=None, banner='', exit_msg=None, rc_override=None, user_ns=None): """Note that argv here is a string, NOT a list.""" self.set_banner(banner) self.set_exit_msg(exit_msg) self.set_dummy_mode(0) # sys.displayhook is a global, we need to save the user's original # Don't rely on __displayhook__, as the user may have changed that. self.sys_displayhook_ori = sys.displayhook # save readline completer status try: #print 'Save completer',sys.ipcompleter # dbg self.sys_ipcompleter_ori = sys.ipcompleter except: pass # not nested with IPython self.IP = make_IPython(argv,rc_override=rc_override, embedded=True, user_ns=user_ns) ip = ipapi.IPApi(self.IP) ip.expose_magic("kill_embedded",kill_embedded) # copy our own displayhook also self.sys_displayhook_embed = sys.displayhook # and leave the system's display hook clean sys.displayhook = self.sys_displayhook_ori # don't use the ipython crash handler so that user exceptions aren't # trapped sys.excepthook = ultratb.FormattedTB(color_scheme = self.IP.rc.colors, mode = self.IP.rc.xmode, call_pdb = self.IP.rc.pdb) self.restore_system_completer() def restore_system_completer(self): """Restores the readline completer which was in place. This allows embedded IPython within IPython not to disrupt the parent's completion. """ try: self.IP.readline.set_completer(self.sys_ipcompleter_ori) sys.ipcompleter = self.sys_ipcompleter_ori except: pass def __call__(self, header='', local_ns=None, global_ns=None, dummy=None): """Activate the interactive interpreter. __call__(self,header='',local_ns=None,global_ns,dummy=None) -> Start the interpreter shell with the given local and global namespaces, and optionally print a header string at startup. The shell can be globally activated/deactivated using the set/get_dummy_mode methods. This allows you to turn off a shell used for debugging globally. However, *each* time you call the shell you can override the current state of dummy_mode with the optional keyword parameter 'dummy'. For example, if you set dummy mode on with IPShell.set_dummy_mode(1), you can still have a specific call work by making it as IPShell(dummy=0). The optional keyword parameter dummy controls whether the call actually does anything. """ # If the user has turned it off, go away if not self.IP.embedded_active: return # Normal exits from interactive mode set this flag, so the shell can't # re-enter (it checks this variable at the start of interactive mode). self.IP.exit_now = False # Allow the dummy parameter to override the global __dummy_mode if dummy or (dummy != 0 and self.__dummy_mode): return # Set global subsystems (display,completions) to our values sys.displayhook = self.sys_displayhook_embed if self.IP.has_readline: self.IP.set_completer() if self.banner and header: format = '%s\n%s\n' else: format = '%s%s\n' banner = format % (self.banner,header) # Call the embedding code with a stack depth of 1 so it can skip over # our call and get the original caller's namespaces. self.IP.embed_mainloop(banner,local_ns,global_ns,stack_depth=1) if self.exit_msg: print self.exit_msg # Restore global systems (display, completion) sys.displayhook = self.sys_displayhook_ori self.restore_system_completer() def set_dummy_mode(self, dummy): """Sets the embeddable shell's dummy mode parameter. set_dummy_mode(dummy): dummy = 0 or 1. This parameter is persistent and makes calls to the embeddable shell silently return without performing any action. This allows you to globally activate or deactivate a shell you're using with a single call. If you need to manually""" if dummy not in [0,1,False,True]: raise ValueError,'dummy parameter must be boolean' self.__dummy_mode = dummy def get_dummy_mode(self): """Return the current value of the dummy mode parameter. """ return self.__dummy_mode def set_banner(self, banner): """Sets the global banner. This banner gets prepended to every header printed when the shell instance is called.""" self.banner = banner def set_exit_msg(self, exit_msg): """Sets the global exit_msg. This exit message gets printed upon exiting every time the embedded shell is called. It is None by default. """ self.exit_msg = exit_msg # This is the one which should be called by external code. def start(user_ns = None): """Return a running shell instance of :class:`IPShell`.""" return IPShell(user_ns = user_ns)