"""A simple interactive demo to illustrate the use of IPython's Demo class. Any python script can be run as a demo, but that does little more than showing it on-screen, syntax-highlighted in one shot. If you add a little simple markup, you can stop at specified intervals and return to the ipython prompt, resuming execution later. """ from __future__ import print_function print('Hello, welcome to an interactive IPython demo.') print('Executing this block should require confirmation before proceeding,') print('unless auto_all has been set to true in the demo object') # The mark below defines a block boundary, which is a point where IPython will # stop execution and return to the interactive prompt. # Note that in actual interactive execution, # --- stop --- x = 1 y = 2 # --- stop --- # the mark below makes this block as silent # silent print('This is a silent block, which gets executed but not printed.') # --- stop --- # auto print('This is an automatic block.') print('It is executed without asking for confirmation, but printed.') z = x+y print('z=',x) # --- stop --- # This is just another normal block. print('z is now:', z) print('bye!')