""" An exceptionally lousy site spider Ken Kinder This module gives an example of how the TaskClient interface to the IPython controller works. Before running this script start the IPython controller and some engines using something like:: ipcluster -n 4 """ from twisted.python.failure import Failure from IPython.kernel import client import time fetchParse = """ from twisted.web import microdom import urllib2 import urlparse def fetchAndParse(url, data=None): links = [] try: page = urllib2.urlopen(url, data=data) except Exception: return links else: if page.headers.type == 'text/html': doc = microdom.parseString(page.read(), beExtremelyLenient=True) for node in doc.getElementsByTagName('a'): if node.getAttribute('href'): links.append(urlparse.urljoin(url, node.getAttribute('href'))) return links """ class DistributedSpider(object): # Time to wait between polling for task results. pollingDelay = 0.5 def __init__(self, site): self.tc = client.TaskClient() self.rc = client.MultiEngineClient() self.rc.execute(fetchParse) self.allLinks = [] self.linksWorking = {} self.linksDone = {} self.site = site def visitLink(self, url): if url not in self.allLinks: self.allLinks.append(url) if url.startswith(self.site): print ' ', url self.linksWorking[url] = self.tc.run(client.Task('links = fetchAndParse(url)', pull=['links'], push={'url': url})) def onVisitDone(self, result, url): print url, ':' self.linksDone[url] = None del self.linksWorking[url] if isinstance(result.failure, Failure): txt = result.failure.getTraceback() for line in txt.split('\n'): print ' ', line else: for link in result.ns.links: self.visitLink(link) def run(self): self.visitLink(self.site) while self.linksWorking: print len(self.linksWorking), 'pending...' self.synchronize() time.sleep(self.pollingDelay) def synchronize(self): for url, taskId in self.linksWorking.items(): # Calling get_task_result with block=False will return None if the # task is not done yet. This provides a simple way of polling. result = self.tc.get_task_result(taskId, block=False) if result is not None: self.onVisitDone(result, url) def main(): distributedSpider = DistributedSpider(raw_input('Enter site to crawl: ')) distributedSpider.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()