# encoding: utf-8
The Base Application class for IPython.parallel apps


* Brian Granger
* Min RK


#  Copyright (C) 2008-2011  The IPython Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
#  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.

# Imports

import os
import logging
import re
import sys

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

from IPython.config.application import catch_config_error, LevelFormatter
from IPython.core import release
from IPython.core.crashhandler import CrashHandler
from IPython.core.application import (
    base_aliases as base_ip_aliases,
    base_flags as base_ip_flags
from IPython.utils.path import expand_path
from IPython.utils import py3compat
from IPython.utils.py3compat import unicode_type

from IPython.utils.traitlets import Unicode, Bool, Instance, Dict

# Module errors

class PIDFileError(Exception):

# Crash handler for this application

class ParallelCrashHandler(CrashHandler):
    """sys.excepthook for IPython itself, leaves a detailed report on disk."""

    def __init__(self, app):
        contact_name = release.authors['Min'][0]
        contact_email = release.author_email
        bug_tracker = 'https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues'
            app, contact_name, contact_email, bug_tracker

# Main application
base_aliases = {}
    'work-dir' : 'BaseParallelApplication.work_dir',
    'log-to-file' : 'BaseParallelApplication.log_to_file',
    'clean-logs' : 'BaseParallelApplication.clean_logs',
    'log-url' : 'BaseParallelApplication.log_url',
    'cluster-id' : 'BaseParallelApplication.cluster_id',

base_flags = {
    'log-to-file' : (
        {'BaseParallelApplication' : {'log_to_file' : True}},
        "send log output to a file"

class BaseParallelApplication(BaseIPythonApplication):
    """The base Application for IPython.parallel apps
    Principle extensions to BaseIPyythonApplication:
    * work_dir
    * remote logging via pyzmq
    * IOLoop instance

    crash_handler_class = ParallelCrashHandler
    def _log_level_default(self):
        # temporarily override default_log_level to INFO
        return logging.INFO
    def _log_format_default(self):
        """override default log format to include time"""
        return u"%(asctime)s.%(msecs).03d [%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s"

    work_dir = Unicode(py3compat.getcwd(), config=True,
        help='Set the working dir for the process.'
    def _work_dir_changed(self, name, old, new):
        self.work_dir = unicode_type(expand_path(new))

    log_to_file = Bool(config=True,
        help="whether to log to a file")

    clean_logs = Bool(False, config=True,
        help="whether to cleanup old logfiles before starting")

    log_url = Unicode('', config=True,
        help="The ZMQ URL of the iplogger to aggregate logging.")

    cluster_id = Unicode('', config=True,
        help="""String id to add to runtime files, to prevent name collisions when
        using multiple clusters with a single profile simultaneously.
        When set, files will be named like: 'ipcontroller-<cluster_id>-engine.json'
        Since this is text inserted into filenames, typical recommendations apply:
        Simple character strings are ideal, and spaces are not recommended (but should
        generally work).
    def _cluster_id_changed(self, name, old, new):
        self.name = self.__class__.name
        if new:
            self.name += '-%s'%new
    def _config_files_default(self):
        return ['ipcontroller_config.py', 'ipengine_config.py', 'ipcluster_config.py']
    loop = Instance('zmq.eventloop.ioloop.IOLoop')
    def _loop_default(self):
        from zmq.eventloop.ioloop import IOLoop
        return IOLoop.instance()

    aliases = Dict(base_aliases)
    flags = Dict(base_flags)
    def initialize(self, argv=None):
        """initialize the app"""
        super(BaseParallelApplication, self).initialize(argv)
    def to_work_dir(self):
        wd = self.work_dir
        if unicode_type(wd) != py3compat.getcwd():
            self.log.info("Changing to working dir: %s" % wd)
        # This is the working dir by now.
        sys.path.insert(0, '')

    def reinit_logging(self):
        # Remove old log files
        log_dir = self.profile_dir.log_dir
        if self.clean_logs:
            for f in os.listdir(log_dir):
                if re.match(r'%s-\d+\.(log|err|out)' % self.name, f):
                        os.remove(os.path.join(log_dir, f))
                    except (OSError, IOError):
                        # probably just conflict from sibling process
                        # already removing it
        if self.log_to_file:
            # Start logging to the new log file
            log_filename = self.name + u'-' + str(os.getpid()) + u'.log'
            logfile = os.path.join(log_dir, log_filename)
            open_log_file = open(logfile, 'w')
            open_log_file = None
        if open_log_file is not None:
            while self.log.handlers:
            self._log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(open_log_file)
            self._log_handler = self.log.handlers[0]
        # Add timestamps to log format:
        self._log_formatter = LevelFormatter(self.log_format,
        # do not propagate log messages to root logger
        # ipcluster app will sometimes print duplicate messages during shutdown
        # if this is 1 (default):
        self.log.propagate = False

    def write_pid_file(self, overwrite=False):
        """Create a .pid file in the pid_dir with my pid.

        This must be called after pre_construct, which sets `self.pid_dir`.
        This raises :exc:`PIDFileError` if the pid file exists already.
        pid_file = os.path.join(self.profile_dir.pid_dir, self.name + u'.pid')
        if os.path.isfile(pid_file):
            pid = self.get_pid_from_file()
            if not overwrite:
                raise PIDFileError(
                    'The pid file [%s] already exists. \nThis could mean that this '
                    'server is already running with [pid=%s].' % (pid_file, pid)
        with open(pid_file, 'w') as f:
            self.log.info("Creating pid file: %s" % pid_file)

    def remove_pid_file(self):
        """Remove the pid file.

        This should be called at shutdown by registering a callback with
        :func:`reactor.addSystemEventTrigger`. This needs to return
        pid_file = os.path.join(self.profile_dir.pid_dir, self.name + u'.pid')
        if os.path.isfile(pid_file):
                self.log.info("Removing pid file: %s" % pid_file)
                self.log.warn("Error removing the pid file: %s" % pid_file)

    def get_pid_from_file(self):
        """Get the pid from the pid file.

        If the  pid file doesn't exist a :exc:`PIDFileError` is raised.
        pid_file = os.path.join(self.profile_dir.pid_dir, self.name + u'.pid')
        if os.path.isfile(pid_file):
            with open(pid_file, 'r') as f:
                s = f.read().strip()
                    pid = int(s)
                    raise PIDFileError("invalid pid file: %s (contents: %r)"%(pid_file, s))
                return pid
            raise PIDFileError('pid file not found: %s' % pid_file)
    def check_pid(self, pid):
        if os.name == 'nt':
                import ctypes
                # returns 0 if no such process (of ours) exists
                # positive int otherwise
                p = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(1,0,pid)
            except Exception:
                    "Could not determine whether pid %i is running via `OpenProcess`. "
                    " Making the likely assumption that it is."%pid
                return True
            return bool(p)
                p = Popen(['ps','x'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
                output,_ = p.communicate()
            except OSError:
                    "Could not determine whether pid %i is running via `ps x`. "
                    " Making the likely assumption that it is."%pid
                return True
            pids = list(map(int, re.findall(br'^\W*\d+', output, re.MULTILINE)))
            return pid in pids