# Standard library imports import re import sys from textwrap import dedent # System library imports from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui # Local imports from ansi_code_processor import QtAnsiCodeProcessor from completion_widget import CompletionWidget class ConsolePlainTextEdit(QtGui.QPlainTextEdit): """ A QPlainTextEdit suitable for use with ConsoleWidget. """ # Prevents text from being moved by drag and drop. Note that is not, for # some reason, sufficient to catch drag events in the ConsoleWidget's # event filter. def dragEnterEvent(self, event): pass def dragLeaveEvent(self, event): pass def dragMoveEvent(self, event): pass def dropEvent(self, event): pass class ConsoleTextEdit(QtGui.QTextEdit): """ A QTextEdit suitable for use with ConsoleWidget. """ # See above. def dragEnterEvent(self, event): pass def dragLeaveEvent(self, event): pass def dragMoveEvent(self, event): pass def dropEvent(self, event): pass class ConsoleWidget(QtGui.QWidget): """ An abstract base class for console-type widgets. This class has functionality for: * Maintaining a prompt and editing region * Providing the traditional Unix-style console keyboard shortcuts * Performing tab completion * Paging text * Handling ANSI escape codes ConsoleWidget also provides a number of utility methods that will be convenient to implementors of a console-style widget. """ # Whether to process ANSI escape codes. ansi_codes = True # The maximum number of lines of text before truncation. buffer_size = 500 # Whether to use a list widget or plain text output for tab completion. gui_completion = True # Whether to override ShortcutEvents for the keybindings defined by this # widget (Ctrl+n, Ctrl+a, etc). Enable this if you want this widget to take # priority (when it has focus) over, e.g., window-level menu shortcuts. override_shortcuts = False # Signals that indicate ConsoleWidget state. copy_available = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bool) redo_available = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bool) undo_available = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bool) # Signal emitted when paging is needed and the paging style has been # specified as 'custom'. custom_page_requested = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object) # Protected class variables. _ctrl_down_remap = { QtCore.Qt.Key_B : QtCore.Qt.Key_Left, QtCore.Qt.Key_F : QtCore.Qt.Key_Right, QtCore.Qt.Key_A : QtCore.Qt.Key_Home, QtCore.Qt.Key_E : QtCore.Qt.Key_End, QtCore.Qt.Key_P : QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_N : QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, QtCore.Qt.Key_D : QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete, } _shortcuts = set(_ctrl_down_remap.keys() + [ QtCore.Qt.Key_C, QtCore.Qt.Key_V ]) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'QObject' interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, kind='plain', paging='inside', parent=None): """ Create a ConsoleWidget. Parameters ---------- kind : str, optional [default 'plain'] The type of underlying text widget to use. Valid values are 'plain', which specifies a QPlainTextEdit, and 'rich', which specifies a QTextEdit. paging : str, optional [default 'inside'] The type of paging to use. Valid values are: 'inside' : The widget pages like a traditional terminal pager. 'hsplit' : When paging is requested, the widget is split horizontally. The top pane contains the console, and the bottom pane contains the paged text. 'vsplit' : Similar to 'hsplit', except that a vertical splitter used. 'custom' : No action is taken by the widget beyond emitting a 'custom_page_requested(str)' signal. 'none' : The text is written directly to the console. parent : QWidget, optional [default None] The parent for this widget. """ super(ConsoleWidget, self).__init__(parent) # Create the layout and underlying text widget. layout = QtGui.QStackedLayout(self) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self._control = self._create_control(kind) self._page_control = None self._splitter = None if paging in ('hsplit', 'vsplit'): self._splitter = QtGui.QSplitter() if paging == 'hsplit': self._splitter.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) else: self._splitter.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Vertical) self._splitter.addWidget(self._control) layout.addWidget(self._splitter) else: layout.addWidget(self._control) # Create the paging widget, if necessary. self._page_style = paging if paging in ('inside', 'hsplit', 'vsplit'): self._page_control = self._create_page_control() if self._splitter: self._page_control.hide() self._splitter.addWidget(self._page_control) else: layout.addWidget(self._page_control) elif paging not in ('custom', 'none'): raise ValueError('Paging style %s unknown.' % repr(paging)) # Initialize protected variables. Some variables contain useful state # information for subclasses; they should be considered read-only. self._ansi_processor = QtAnsiCodeProcessor() self._completion_widget = CompletionWidget(self._control) self._continuation_prompt = '> ' self._continuation_prompt_html = None self._executing = False self._prompt = '' self._prompt_html = None self._prompt_pos = 0 self._prompt_sep = '' self._reading = False self._reading_callback = None self._tab_width = 8 # Set a monospaced font. self.reset_font() def eventFilter(self, obj, event): """ Reimplemented to ensure a console-like behavior in the underlying text widget. """ # Re-map keys for all filtered widgets. etype = event.type() if etype == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress and \ self._control_key_down(event.modifiers()) and \ event.key() in self._ctrl_down_remap: new_event = QtGui.QKeyEvent(QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress, self._ctrl_down_remap[event.key()], QtCore.Qt.NoModifier) QtGui.qApp.sendEvent(obj, new_event) return True # Override shortucts for all filtered widgets. Note that on Mac OS it is # always unnecessary to override shortcuts, hence the check below (users # should just use the Control key instead of the Command key). elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.ShortcutOverride and \ sys.platform != 'darwin' and \ self._control_key_down(event.modifiers()) and \ event.key() in self._shortcuts: event.accept() return False elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress: if obj == self._control: return self._event_filter_console_keypress(event) elif obj == self._page_control: return self._event_filter_page_keypress(event) return super(ConsoleWidget, self).eventFilter(obj, event) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'QWidget' interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sizeHint(self): """ Reimplemented to suggest a size that is 80 characters wide and 25 lines high. """ font_metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.font) margin = (self._control.frameWidth() + self._control.document().documentMargin()) * 2 style = self.style() splitwidth = style.pixelMetric(QtGui.QStyle.PM_SplitterWidth) # Despite my best efforts to take the various margins into account, the # width is still coming out a bit too small, so we include a fudge # factor of one character here. width = font_metrics.maxWidth() * 81 + margin width += style.pixelMetric(QtGui.QStyle.PM_ScrollBarExtent) if self._page_style == 'hsplit': width = width * 2 + splitwidth height = font_metrics.height() * 25 + margin if self._page_style == 'vsplit': height = height * 2 + splitwidth return QtCore.QSize(width, height) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ConsoleWidget' public interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def can_paste(self): """ Returns whether text can be pasted from the clipboard. """ # Only accept text that can be ASCII encoded. if self._control.textInteractionFlags() & QtCore.Qt.TextEditable: text = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().text() if not text.isEmpty(): try: str(text) return True except UnicodeEncodeError: pass return False def clear(self, keep_input=True): """ Clear the console, then write a new prompt. If 'keep_input' is set, restores the old input buffer when the new prompt is written. """ if keep_input: input_buffer = self.input_buffer self._control.clear() self._show_prompt() if keep_input: self.input_buffer = input_buffer def copy(self): """ Copy the current selected text to the clipboard. """ self._control.copy() def execute(self, source=None, hidden=False, interactive=False): """ Executes source or the input buffer, possibly prompting for more input. Parameters: ----------- source : str, optional The source to execute. If not specified, the input buffer will be used. If specified and 'hidden' is False, the input buffer will be replaced with the source before execution. hidden : bool, optional (default False) If set, no output will be shown and the prompt will not be modified. In other words, it will be completely invisible to the user that an execution has occurred. interactive : bool, optional (default False) Whether the console is to treat the source as having been manually entered by the user. The effect of this parameter depends on the subclass implementation. Raises: ------- RuntimeError If incomplete input is given and 'hidden' is True. In this case, it is not possible to prompt for more input. Returns: -------- A boolean indicating whether the source was executed. """ # WARNING: The order in which things happen here is very particular, in # large part because our syntax highlighting is fragile. If you change # something, test carefully! # Decide what to execute. if source is None: source = self.input_buffer if not hidden: # A newline is appended later, but it should be considered part # of the input buffer. source += '\n' elif not hidden: self.input_buffer = source # Execute the source or show a continuation prompt if it is incomplete. complete = self._is_complete(source, interactive) if hidden: if complete: self._execute(source, hidden) else: error = 'Incomplete noninteractive input: "%s"' raise RuntimeError(error % source) else: if complete: self._append_plain_text('\n') self._executing_input_buffer = self.input_buffer self._executing = True self._prompt_finished() # The maximum block count is only in effect during execution. # This ensures that _prompt_pos does not become invalid due to # text truncation. self._control.document().setMaximumBlockCount(self.buffer_size) # Setting a positive maximum block count will automatically # disable the undo/redo history, but just to be safe: self._control.setUndoRedoEnabled(False) self._execute(source, hidden) else: # Do this inside an edit block so continuation prompts are # removed seamlessly via undo/redo. cursor = self._control.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() self._append_plain_text('\n') self._show_continuation_prompt() cursor.endEditBlock() return complete def _get_input_buffer(self): """ The text that the user has entered entered at the current prompt. """ # If we're executing, the input buffer may not even exist anymore due to # the limit imposed by 'buffer_size'. Therefore, we store it. if self._executing: return self._executing_input_buffer cursor = self._get_end_cursor() cursor.setPosition(self._prompt_pos, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) input_buffer = str(cursor.selection().toPlainText()) # Strip out continuation prompts. return input_buffer.replace('\n' + self._continuation_prompt, '\n') def _set_input_buffer(self, string): """ Replaces the text in the input buffer with 'string'. """ # For now, it is an error to modify the input buffer during execution. if self._executing: raise RuntimeError("Cannot change input buffer during execution.") # Remove old text. cursor = self._get_end_cursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.setPosition(self._prompt_pos, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() # Insert new text with continuation prompts. lines = string.splitlines(True) if lines: self._append_plain_text(lines[0]) for i in xrange(1, len(lines)): if self._continuation_prompt_html is None: self._append_plain_text(self._continuation_prompt) else: self._append_html(self._continuation_prompt_html) self._append_plain_text(lines[i]) cursor.endEditBlock() self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) input_buffer = property(_get_input_buffer, _set_input_buffer) def _get_font(self): """ The base font being used by the ConsoleWidget. """ return self._control.document().defaultFont() def _set_font(self, font): """ Sets the base font for the ConsoleWidget to the specified QFont. """ font_metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font) self._control.setTabStopWidth(self.tab_width * font_metrics.width(' ')) self._completion_widget.setFont(font) self._control.document().setDefaultFont(font) if self._page_control: self._page_control.document().setDefaultFont(font) font = property(_get_font, _set_font) def paste(self): """ Paste the contents of the clipboard into the input region. """ if self._control.textInteractionFlags() & QtCore.Qt.TextEditable: try: text = str(QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().text()) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass else: self._insert_plain_text_into_buffer(dedent(text)) def print_(self, printer): """ Print the contents of the ConsoleWidget to the specified QPrinter. """ self._control.print_(printer) def redo(self): """ Redo the last operation. If there is no operation to redo, nothing happens. """ self._control.redo() def reset_font(self): """ Sets the font to the default fixed-width font for this platform. """ # FIXME: font family and size should be configurable by the user. if sys.platform == 'win32': # Fixme: we should test whether Consolas is available and use it # first if it is. Consolas ships by default from Vista onwards, # it's *vastly* more readable and prettier than Courier, and is # often installed even on XP systems. So we should first check for # it, and only fallback to Courier if absolutely necessary. name = 'Courier' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': name = 'Monaco' else: name = 'Monospace' font = QtGui.QFont(name, QtGui.qApp.font().pointSize()) font.setStyleHint(QtGui.QFont.TypeWriter) self._set_font(font) def select_all(self): """ Selects all the text in the buffer. """ self._control.selectAll() def _get_tab_width(self): """ The width (in terms of space characters) for tab characters. """ return self._tab_width def _set_tab_width(self, tab_width): """ Sets the width (in terms of space characters) for tab characters. """ font_metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.font) self._control.setTabStopWidth(tab_width * font_metrics.width(' ')) self._tab_width = tab_width tab_width = property(_get_tab_width, _set_tab_width) def undo(self): """ Undo the last operation. If there is no operation to undo, nothing happens. """ self._control.undo() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ConsoleWidget' abstract interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _is_complete(self, source, interactive): """ Returns whether 'source' can be executed. When triggered by an Enter/Return key press, 'interactive' is True; otherwise, it is False. """ raise NotImplementedError def _execute(self, source, hidden): """ Execute 'source'. If 'hidden', do not show any output. """ raise NotImplementedError def _prompt_started_hook(self): """ Called immediately after a new prompt is displayed. """ pass def _prompt_finished_hook(self): """ Called immediately after a prompt is finished, i.e. when some input will be processed and a new prompt displayed. """ pass def _up_pressed(self): """ Called when the up key is pressed. Returns whether to continue processing the event. """ return True def _down_pressed(self): """ Called when the down key is pressed. Returns whether to continue processing the event. """ return True def _tab_pressed(self): """ Called when the tab key is pressed. Returns whether to continue processing the event. """ return False #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ConsoleWidget' protected interface #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _append_html(self, html): """ Appends html at the end of the console buffer. """ cursor = self._get_end_cursor() self._insert_html(cursor, html) def _append_html_fetching_plain_text(self, html): """ Appends 'html', then returns the plain text version of it. """ cursor = self._get_end_cursor() return self._insert_html_fetching_plain_text(cursor, html) def _append_plain_text(self, text): """ Appends plain text at the end of the console buffer, processing ANSI codes if enabled. """ cursor = self._get_end_cursor() self._insert_plain_text(cursor, text) def _append_plain_text_keeping_prompt(self, text): """ Writes 'text' after the current prompt, then restores the old prompt with its old input buffer. """ input_buffer = self.input_buffer self._append_plain_text('\n') self._prompt_finished() self._append_plain_text(text) self._show_prompt() self.input_buffer = input_buffer def _complete_with_items(self, cursor, items): """ Performs completion with 'items' at the specified cursor location. """ if len(items) == 1: cursor.setPosition(self._control.textCursor().position(), QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.insertText(items[0]) elif len(items) > 1: if self.gui_completion: self._completion_widget.show_items(cursor, items) else: text = self._format_as_columns(items) self._append_plain_text_keeping_prompt(text) def _control_key_down(self, modifiers): """ Given a KeyboardModifiers flags object, return whether the Control key is down (on Mac OS, treat the Command key as a synonym for Control). """ down = bool(modifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier) # Note: on Mac OS, ControlModifier corresponds to the Command key while # MetaModifier corresponds to the Control key. if sys.platform == 'darwin': down = down ^ bool(modifiers & QtCore.Qt.MetaModifier) return down def _create_control(self, kind): """ Creates and connects the underlying text widget. """ if kind == 'plain': control = ConsolePlainTextEdit() elif kind == 'rich': control = ConsoleTextEdit() control.setAcceptRichText(False) else: raise ValueError("Kind %s unknown." % repr(kind)) control.installEventFilter(self) control.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) control.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self._show_context_menu) control.copyAvailable.connect(self.copy_available) control.redoAvailable.connect(self.redo_available) control.undoAvailable.connect(self.undo_available) control.setReadOnly(True) control.setUndoRedoEnabled(False) control.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) return control def _create_page_control(self): """ Creates and connects the underlying paging widget. """ control = ConsolePlainTextEdit() control.installEventFilter(self) control.setReadOnly(True) control.setUndoRedoEnabled(False) control.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) return control def _event_filter_console_keypress(self, event): """ Filter key events for the underlying text widget to create a console-like interface. """ intercepted = False cursor = self._control.textCursor() position = cursor.position() key = event.key() ctrl_down = self._control_key_down(event.modifiers()) alt_down = event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.AltModifier shift_down = event.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier if event.matches(QtGui.QKeySequence.Paste): # Call our paste instead of the underlying text widget's. self.paste() intercepted = True elif ctrl_down: if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_K: if self._in_buffer(position): cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.EndOfLine, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() intercepted = True elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_L: self.clear() intercepted = True elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_X: # FIXME: Instead of disabling cut completely, only allow it # when safe. intercepted = True elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Y: self.paste() intercepted = True elif alt_down: if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_B: self._set_cursor(self._get_word_start_cursor(position)) intercepted = True elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_F: self._set_cursor(self._get_word_end_cursor(position)) intercepted = True elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace: cursor = self._get_word_start_cursor(position) cursor.setPosition(position, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() intercepted = True elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_D: cursor = self._get_word_end_cursor(position) cursor.setPosition(position, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() intercepted = True else: if key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter): if self._reading: self._append_plain_text('\n') self._reading = False if self._reading_callback: self._reading_callback() elif not self._executing: self.execute(interactive=True) intercepted = True elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Up: if self._reading or not self._up_pressed(): intercepted = True else: prompt_line = self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber() intercepted = cursor.blockNumber() <= prompt_line elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Down: if self._reading or not self._down_pressed(): intercepted = True else: end_line = self._get_end_cursor().blockNumber() intercepted = cursor.blockNumber() == end_line elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab: if not self._reading: intercepted = not self._tab_pressed() elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Left: intercepted = not self._in_buffer(position - 1) elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Home: cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) start_line = cursor.blockNumber() if start_line == self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber(): start_pos = self._prompt_pos else: start_pos = cursor.position() start_pos += len(self._continuation_prompt) if shift_down and self._in_buffer(position): self._set_selection(position, start_pos) else: self._set_position(start_pos) intercepted = True elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Backspace: # Line deletion (remove continuation prompt) len_prompt = len(self._continuation_prompt) if not self._reading and \ cursor.columnNumber() == len_prompt and \ position != self._prompt_pos: cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.StartOfBlock, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() cursor.deletePreviousChar() cursor.endEditBlock() intercepted = True # Regular backwards deletion else: anchor = cursor.anchor() if anchor == position: intercepted = not self._in_buffer(position - 1) else: intercepted = not self._in_buffer(min(anchor, position)) elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_Delete: # Line deletion (remove continuation prompt) if not self._reading and cursor.atBlockEnd() and not \ cursor.hasSelection(): cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.NextBlock, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor, len(self._continuation_prompt)) cursor.removeSelectedText() intercepted = True # Regular forwards deletion: else: anchor = cursor.anchor() intercepted = (not self._in_buffer(anchor) or not self._in_buffer(position)) # Don't move the cursor if control is down to allow copy-paste using # the keyboard in any part of the buffer. if not ctrl_down: self._keep_cursor_in_buffer() return intercepted def _event_filter_page_keypress(self, event): """ Filter key events for the paging widget to create console-like interface. """ key = event.key() if key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Q, QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape): if self._splitter: self._page_control.hide() else: self.layout().setCurrentWidget(self._control) return True elif key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter, QtCore.Qt.Key_Return): new_event = QtGui.QKeyEvent(QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, QtCore.Qt.NoModifier) QtGui.qApp.sendEvent(self._page_control, new_event) return True return False def _format_as_columns(self, items, separator=' '): """ Transform a list of strings into a single string with columns. Parameters ---------- items : sequence of strings The strings to process. separator : str, optional [default is two spaces] The string that separates columns. Returns ------- The formatted string. """ # Note: this code is adapted from columnize 0.3.2. # See http://code.google.com/p/pycolumnize/ # Calculate the number of characters available. width = self._control.viewport().width() char_width = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.font).maxWidth() displaywidth = max(10, (width / char_width) - 1) # Some degenerate cases. size = len(items) if size == 0: return '\n' elif size == 1: return '%s\n' % str(items[0]) # Try every row count from 1 upwards array_index = lambda nrows, row, col: nrows*col + row for nrows in range(1, size): ncols = (size + nrows - 1) // nrows colwidths = [] totwidth = -len(separator) for col in range(ncols): # Get max column width for this column colwidth = 0 for row in range(nrows): i = array_index(nrows, row, col) if i >= size: break x = items[i] colwidth = max(colwidth, len(x)) colwidths.append(colwidth) totwidth += colwidth + len(separator) if totwidth > displaywidth: break if totwidth <= displaywidth: break # The smallest number of rows computed and the max widths for each # column has been obtained. Now we just have to format each of the rows. string = '' for row in range(nrows): texts = [] for col in range(ncols): i = row + nrows*col if i >= size: texts.append('') else: texts.append(items[i]) while texts and not texts[-1]: del texts[-1] for col in range(len(texts)): texts[col] = texts[col].ljust(colwidths[col]) string += '%s\n' % str(separator.join(texts)) return string def _get_block_plain_text(self, block): """ Given a QTextBlock, return its unformatted text. """ cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(block) cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.EndOfBlock, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) return str(cursor.selection().toPlainText()) def _get_cursor(self): """ Convenience method that returns a cursor for the current position. """ return self._control.textCursor() def _get_end_cursor(self): """ Convenience method that returns a cursor for the last character. """ cursor = self._control.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) return cursor def _get_input_buffer_cursor_column(self): """ Returns the column of the cursor in the input buffer, excluding the contribution by the prompt, or -1 if there is no such column. """ prompt = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_prompt() if prompt is None: return -1 else: cursor = self._control.textCursor() return cursor.columnNumber() - len(prompt) def _get_input_buffer_cursor_line(self): """ Returns line of the input buffer that contains the cursor, or None if there is no such line. """ prompt = self._get_input_buffer_cursor_prompt() if prompt is None: return None else: cursor = self._control.textCursor() text = self._get_block_plain_text(cursor.block()) return text[len(prompt):] def _get_input_buffer_cursor_prompt(self): """ Returns the (plain text) prompt for line of the input buffer that contains the cursor, or None if there is no such line. """ if self._executing: return None cursor = self._control.textCursor() if cursor.position() >= self._prompt_pos: if cursor.blockNumber() == self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber(): return self._prompt else: return self._continuation_prompt else: return None def _get_prompt_cursor(self): """ Convenience method that returns a cursor for the prompt position. """ cursor = self._control.textCursor() cursor.setPosition(self._prompt_pos) return cursor def _get_selection_cursor(self, start, end): """ Convenience method that returns a cursor with text selected between the positions 'start' and 'end'. """ cursor = self._control.textCursor() cursor.setPosition(start) cursor.setPosition(end, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) return cursor def _get_word_start_cursor(self, position): """ Find the start of the word to the left the given position. If a sequence of non-word characters precedes the first word, skip over them. (This emulates the behavior of bash, emacs, etc.) """ document = self._control.document() position -= 1 while position >= self._prompt_pos and \ not document.characterAt(position).isLetterOrNumber(): position -= 1 while position >= self._prompt_pos and \ document.characterAt(position).isLetterOrNumber(): position -= 1 cursor = self._control.textCursor() cursor.setPosition(position + 1) return cursor def _get_word_end_cursor(self, position): """ Find the end of the word to the right the given position. If a sequence of non-word characters precedes the first word, skip over them. (This emulates the behavior of bash, emacs, etc.) """ document = self._control.document() end = self._get_end_cursor().position() while position < end and \ not document.characterAt(position).isLetterOrNumber(): position += 1 while position < end and \ document.characterAt(position).isLetterOrNumber(): position += 1 cursor = self._control.textCursor() cursor.setPosition(position) return cursor def _insert_html(self, cursor, html): """ Inserts HTML using the specified cursor in such a way that future formatting is unaffected. """ cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.insertHtml(html) # After inserting HTML, the text document "remembers" it's in "html # mode", which means that subsequent calls adding plain text will result # in unwanted formatting, lost tab characters, etc. The following code # hacks around this behavior, which I consider to be a bug in Qt, by # (crudely) resetting the document's style state. cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) if cursor.selection().toPlainText() == ' ': cursor.removeSelectedText() else: cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Right) cursor.insertText(' ', QtGui.QTextCharFormat()) cursor.endEditBlock() def _insert_html_fetching_plain_text(self, cursor, html): """ Inserts HTML using the specified cursor, then returns its plain text version. """ cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.removeSelectedText() start = cursor.position() self._insert_html(cursor, html) end = cursor.position() cursor.setPosition(start, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) text = str(cursor.selection().toPlainText()) cursor.setPosition(end) cursor.endEditBlock() return text def _insert_plain_text(self, cursor, text): """ Inserts plain text using the specified cursor, processing ANSI codes if enabled. """ cursor.beginEditBlock() if self.ansi_codes: for substring in self._ansi_processor.split_string(text): for action in self._ansi_processor.actions: if action.kind == 'erase' and action.area == 'screen': cursor.select(QtGui.QTextCursor.Document) cursor.removeSelectedText() format = self._ansi_processor.get_format() cursor.insertText(substring, format) else: cursor.insertText(text) cursor.endEditBlock() def _insert_plain_text_into_buffer(self, text): """ Inserts text into the input buffer at the current cursor position, ensuring that continuation prompts are inserted as necessary. """ lines = str(text).splitlines(True) if lines: self._keep_cursor_in_buffer() cursor = self._control.textCursor() cursor.beginEditBlock() cursor.insertText(lines[0]) for line in lines[1:]: if self._continuation_prompt_html is None: cursor.insertText(self._continuation_prompt) else: self._continuation_prompt = \ self._insert_html_fetching_plain_text( cursor, self._continuation_prompt_html) cursor.insertText(line) cursor.endEditBlock() self._control.setTextCursor(cursor) def _in_buffer(self, position=None): """ Returns whether the current cursor (or, if specified, a position) is inside the editing region. """ cursor = self._control.textCursor() if position is None: position = cursor.position() else: cursor.setPosition(position) line = cursor.blockNumber() prompt_line = self._get_prompt_cursor().blockNumber() if line == prompt_line: return position >= self._prompt_pos elif line > prompt_line: cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.StartOfBlock) prompt_pos = cursor.position() + len(self._continuation_prompt) return position >= prompt_pos return False def _keep_cursor_in_buffer(self): """ Ensures that the cursor is inside the editing region. Returns whether the cursor was moved. """ moved = not self._in_buffer() if moved: cursor = self._control.textCursor() cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) self._control.setTextCursor(cursor) return moved def _page(self, text): """ Displays text using the pager if it exceeds the height of the visible area. """ if self._page_style == 'none': self._append_plain_text(text) else: line_height = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.font).height() minlines = self._control.viewport().height() / line_height if re.match("(?:[^\n]*\n){%i}" % minlines, text): if self._page_style == 'custom': self.custom_page_requested.emit(text) else: self._page_control.clear() cursor = self._page_control.textCursor() self._insert_plain_text(cursor, text) self._page_control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.Start) self._page_control.viewport().resize(self._control.size()) if self._splitter: self._page_control.show() self._page_control.setFocus() else: self.layout().setCurrentWidget(self._page_control) else: self._append_plain_text(text) def _prompt_started(self): """ Called immediately after a new prompt is displayed. """ # Temporarily disable the maximum block count to permit undo/redo and # to ensure that the prompt position does not change due to truncation. # Because setting this property clears the undo/redo history, we only # set it if we have to. if self._control.document().maximumBlockCount() > 0: self._control.document().setMaximumBlockCount(0) self._control.setUndoRedoEnabled(True) self._control.setReadOnly(False) self._control.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End) self._executing = False self._prompt_started_hook() def _prompt_finished(self): """ Called immediately after a prompt is finished, i.e. when some input will be processed and a new prompt displayed. """ self._control.setReadOnly(True) self._prompt_finished_hook() def _readline(self, prompt='', callback=None): """ Reads one line of input from the user. Parameters ---------- prompt : str, optional The prompt to print before reading the line. callback : callable, optional A callback to execute with the read line. If not specified, input is read *synchronously* and this method does not return until it has been read. Returns ------- If a callback is specified, returns nothing. Otherwise, returns the input string with the trailing newline stripped. """ if self._reading: raise RuntimeError('Cannot read a line. Widget is already reading.') if not callback and not self.isVisible(): # If the user cannot see the widget, this function cannot return. raise RuntimeError('Cannot synchronously read a line if the widget ' 'is not visible!') self._reading = True self._show_prompt(prompt, newline=False) if callback is None: self._reading_callback = None while self._reading: QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() return self.input_buffer.rstrip('\n') else: self._reading_callback = lambda: \ callback(self.input_buffer.rstrip('\n')) def _set_continuation_prompt(self, prompt, html=False): """ Sets the continuation prompt. Parameters ---------- prompt : str The prompt to show when more input is needed. html : bool, optional (default False) If set, the prompt will be inserted as formatted HTML. Otherwise, the prompt will be treated as plain text, though ANSI color codes will be handled. """ if html: self._continuation_prompt_html = prompt else: self._continuation_prompt = prompt self._continuation_prompt_html = None def _set_cursor(self, cursor): """ Convenience method to set the current cursor. """ self._control.setTextCursor(cursor) def _set_position(self, position): """ Convenience method to set the position of the cursor. """ cursor = self._control.textCursor() cursor.setPosition(position) self._control.setTextCursor(cursor) def _set_selection(self, start, end): """ Convenience method to set the current selected text. """ self._control.setTextCursor(self._get_selection_cursor(start, end)) def _show_context_menu(self, pos): """ Shows a context menu at the given QPoint (in widget coordinates). """ menu = QtGui.QMenu() copy_action = menu.addAction('Copy', self.copy) copy_action.setEnabled(self._get_cursor().hasSelection()) copy_action.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.Copy) paste_action = menu.addAction('Paste', self.paste) paste_action.setEnabled(self.can_paste()) paste_action.setShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence.Paste) menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction('Select All', self.select_all) menu.exec_(self._control.mapToGlobal(pos)) def _show_prompt(self, prompt=None, html=False, newline=True): """ Writes a new prompt at the end of the buffer. Parameters ---------- prompt : str, optional The prompt to show. If not specified, the previous prompt is used. html : bool, optional (default False) Only relevant when a prompt is specified. If set, the prompt will be inserted as formatted HTML. Otherwise, the prompt will be treated as plain text, though ANSI color codes will be handled. newline : bool, optional (default True) If set, a new line will be written before showing the prompt if there is not already a newline at the end of the buffer. """ # Insert a preliminary newline, if necessary. if newline: cursor = self._get_end_cursor() if cursor.position() > 0: cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.Left, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) if str(cursor.selection().toPlainText()) != '\n': self._append_plain_text('\n') # Write the prompt. self._append_plain_text(self._prompt_sep) if prompt is None: if self._prompt_html is None: self._append_plain_text(self._prompt) else: self._append_html(self._prompt_html) else: if html: self._prompt = self._append_html_fetching_plain_text(prompt) self._prompt_html = prompt else: self._append_plain_text(prompt) self._prompt = prompt self._prompt_html = None self._prompt_pos = self._get_end_cursor().position() self._prompt_started() def _show_continuation_prompt(self): """ Writes a new continuation prompt at the end of the buffer. """ if self._continuation_prompt_html is None: self._append_plain_text(self._continuation_prompt) else: self._continuation_prompt = self._append_html_fetching_plain_text( self._continuation_prompt_html) class HistoryConsoleWidget(ConsoleWidget): """ A ConsoleWidget that keeps a history of the commands that have been executed. """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'object' interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(HistoryConsoleWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self._history = [] self._history_index = 0 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ConsoleWidget' public interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def execute(self, source=None, hidden=False, interactive=False): """ Reimplemented to the store history. """ if not hidden: history = self.input_buffer if source is None else source executed = super(HistoryConsoleWidget, self).execute( source, hidden, interactive) if executed and not hidden: # Save the command unless it was a blank line. history = history.rstrip() if history: self._history.append(history) self._history_index = len(self._history) return executed #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ConsoleWidget' abstract interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _up_pressed(self): """ Called when the up key is pressed. Returns whether to continue processing the event. """ prompt_cursor = self._get_prompt_cursor() if self._get_cursor().blockNumber() == prompt_cursor.blockNumber(): self.history_previous() # Go to the first line of prompt for seemless history scrolling. cursor = self._get_prompt_cursor() cursor.movePosition(QtGui.QTextCursor.EndOfLine) self._set_cursor(cursor) return False return True def _down_pressed(self): """ Called when the down key is pressed. Returns whether to continue processing the event. """ end_cursor = self._get_end_cursor() if self._get_cursor().blockNumber() == end_cursor.blockNumber(): self.history_next() return False return True #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'HistoryConsoleWidget' public interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def history_previous(self): """ If possible, set the input buffer to the previous item in the history. """ if self._history_index > 0: self._history_index -= 1 self.input_buffer = self._history[self._history_index] def history_next(self): """ Set the input buffer to the next item in the history, or a blank line if there is no subsequent item. """ if self._history_index < len(self._history): self._history_index += 1 if self._history_index < len(self._history): self.input_buffer = self._history[self._history_index] else: self.input_buffer = '' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'HistoryConsoleWidget' protected interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _set_history(self, history): """ Replace the current history with a sequence of history items. """ self._history = list(history) self._history_index = len(self._history)