.. _credits: ======= Credits ======= IPython was started and continues to be led by Fernando Pérez. Core developers =============== As of this writing, core development team consists of the following developers: * **Fernando Pérez** Project creator and leader, IPython core, parallel computing infrastructure, testing, release manager. * **Robert Kern** Co-mentored the 2005 Google Summer of Code project, work on IPython's core. * **Brian Granger** Parallel computing infrastructure, IPython core. * **Benjamin (Min) Ragan-Kelley** Parallel computing infrastructure. * **Ville Vainio** IPython core, maintainer of IPython trunk from version 0.7.2 to 0.8.4. * **Gael Varoquaux** wxPython IPython GUI, frontend architecture. * **Barry Wark** Cocoa GUI, frontend architecture. * **Laurent Dufrechou** wxPython IPython GUI. * **Jörgen Stenarson** Maintainer of the PyReadline project, which is needed for IPython under windows. Special thanks ============== The IPython project is also very grateful to: Bill Bumgarner , for providing the DPyGetOpt module that IPython used for parsing command line options through version 0.10. Ka-Ping Yee , for providing the Itpl module for convenient and powerful string interpolation with a much nicer syntax than formatting through the '%' operator. Arnd Baecker , for his many very useful suggestions and comments, and lots of help with testing and documentation checking. Many of IPython's newer features are a result of discussions with him. Obviously Guido van Rossum and the whole Python development team, for creating a great language for interactive computing. Enthought (http://www.enthought.com), for hosting IPython's website and supporting the project in various ways over the years. Fernando would also like to thank Stephen Figgins , an O'Reilly Python editor. His October 11, 2001 article about IPP and LazyPython, was what got this project started. You can read it at http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2001/10/11/pythonnews.html. Contributors ============ And last but not least, all the kind IPython contributors who have contributed new code, bug reports, fixes, comments and ideas. A brief list follows, please let us know if we have omitted your name by accident: * Dan Milstein A bold refactor of the core prefilter machinery in the IPython interpreter. * Jack Moffit Bug fixes, including the infamous color problem. This bug alone caused many lost hours and frustration, many thanks to him for the fix. I've always been a fan of Ogg & friends, now I have one more reason to like these folks. Jack is also contributing with Debian packaging and many other things. * Alexander Schmolck Emacs work, bug reports, bug fixes, ideas, lots more. The ipython.el mode for (X)Emacs is Alex's code, providing full support for IPython under (X)Emacs. * Andrea Riciputi Mac OSX information, Fink package management. * Gary Bishop Bug reports, and patches to work around the exception handling idiosyncracies of WxPython. Readline and color support for Windows. * Jeffrey Collins . Bug reports. Much improved readline support, including fixes for Python 2.3. * Dryice Liu FreeBSD port. * Mike Heeter * Christopher Hart PDB integration. * Milan Zamazal Emacs info. * Philip Hisley * Holger Krekel Tab completion, lots more. * Robin Siebler * Ralf Ahlbrink * Thorsten Kampe * Fredrik Kant Windows setup. * Syver Enstad Windows setup. * Richard Global embedding. * Hayden Callow Gnuplot.py 1.6 compatibility. * Leonardo Santagada Fixes for Windows installation. * Christopher Armstrong Bugfixes. * Francois Pinard Code and documentation fixes. * Cory Dodt Bug reports and Windows ideas. Patches for Windows installer. * Olivier Aubert New magics. * King C. Shu Autoindent patch. * Chris Drexler Readline packages for Win32/CygWin. * Gustavo Cordova Avila EvalDict code for nice, lightweight string interpolation. * Kasper Souren Bug reports, ideas. * Gever Tulley Code contributions. * Ralf Schmitt Bug reports & fixes. * Oliver Sander Bug reports. * Rod Holland Bug reports and fixes to logging module. * Daniel 'Dang' Griffith Fixes, enhancement suggestions for system shell use. * Viktor Ransmayr Tests and reports on Windows installation issues. Contributed a true Windows binary installer. * Mike Salib Help fixing a subtle bug related to traceback printing. * W.J. van der Laan Bash-like prompt specials. * Antoon Pardon Critical fix for the multithreaded IPython. * John Hunter Matplotlib author, helped with all the development of support for matplotlib in IPyhton, including making necessary changes to matplotlib itself. * Matthew Arnison Bug reports, '%run -d' idea. * Prabhu Ramachandran Help with (X)Emacs support, threading patches, ideas... * Norbert Tretkowski help with Debian packaging and distribution. * George Sakkis New matcher for tab-completing named arguments of user-defined functions. * Jörgen Stenarson Wildcard support implementation for searching namespaces. * Vivian De Smedt Debugger enhancements, so that when pdb is activated from within IPython, coloring, tab completion and other features continue to work seamlessly. * Scott Tsai Support for automatic editor invocation on syntax errors (see http://www.scipy.net/roundup/ipython/issue36). * Alexander Belchenko Improvements for win32 paging system. * Will Maier Official OpenBSD port. * Ondrej Certik Set up the IPython docs to use the new Sphinx system used by Python, Matplotlib and many more projects. * Stefan van der Walt Design and prototype of the Traits based config system.