#!/usr/bin/env sh # pick repo for gh-pages branch repo=origin if [ ! -d gh-pages ]; then echo "setting up gh-pages subdir" mkdir gh-pages || exit -1 cp -r ../.git gh-pages/ || exit -1 cd gh-pages || exit -1 init=0 git checkout $repo/gh-pages || init=1 if [ "$init" != "0" ]; then echo "initializing gh-pages repo" git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/gh-pages || exit -1 rm .git/index || exit -1 git clean -fdx || exit -1 touch index.html git add . git commit -a -m 'init gh-pages' || exit -1 git push origin HEAD:gh-pages fi cd .. fi echo "updating local gh-pages with html build" rsync -va build/html/ gh-pages/ --delete --exclude .git || exit -1 cd gh-pages git add . git commit -a || exit -1 echo "pushing to remote gh-pages" # pwd git push $repo HEAD:gh-pages