%=============================================================================== % Cell style %=============================================================================== % Inherit from the specified cell style. ((* extends 'latex_article.tplx' *)) %=============================================================================== % Latex Sphinx Article %=============================================================================== ((* block docclass *)) % Make sure that the sphinx doc style knows who it inherits from. \def\sphinxdocclass{article} % Declare the document class \documentclass[letterpaper,10pt,english]{((( resources.sphinx.texinputs | posix_path )))/sphinxhowto} ((* endblock docclass *)) ((* block packages *)) \usepackage[((( resources.sphinx.chapterstyle )))]{((( resources.sphinx.texinputs | posix_path )))/fncychap} \usepackage{((( resources.sphinx.texinputs | posix_path )))/sphinx} ((( super() ))) ((* endblock packages *)) ((* block commands *)) ((( super() ))) \graphicspath{ {figs/} } % Document level variables \date{((( resources.sphinx.date | escape_latex )))} \release{((( resources.sphinx.version | escape_latex )))} \author{((( resources.sphinx.author | escape_latex )))} \renewcommand{\releasename}{((( resources.sphinx.release | escape_latex )))} % TODO: Add option for the user to specify a logo for his/her export. \newcommand{\sphinxlogo}{} % Make the index page of the document. \makeindex ((* endblock commands *))