"""a navigable completer for the qtconsole"""
# coding : utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2012, IPython Development Team.$
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.$
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.

# System library imports
import IPython.utils.text as text

from IPython.external.qt import QtCore, QtGui

# Return an HTML table with selected item in a special class
def html_tableify(item_matrix, select=None, header=None , footer=None) :
    """ returnr a string for an html table"""
    if not item_matrix :
        return ''
    html_cols = []
    tds = lambda text : u'<td>'+text+u'  </td>'
    trs = lambda text : u'<tr>'+text+u'</tr>'
    tds_items = [map(tds, row) for row in item_matrix]
    if select :
        row, col = select
        tds_items[row][col] = u'<td class="inverted">'\
                +u'  </td>'
    #select the right item
    html_cols = map(trs, (u''.join(row) for row in tds_items))
    head = ''
    foot = ''
    if header :
        head = (u'<tr>'\

    if footer : 
        foot = (u'<tr>'\
    html = (u'<table class="completion" style="white-space:pre">'+head+(u''.join(html_cols))+foot+u'</table>')
    return html

class SlidingInterval(object): 
    """a bound interval that follows a cursor
    internally used to scoll the completion view when the cursor 
    try to go beyond the edges, and show '...' when rows are hidden
    _min = 0
    _max = 1
    _current = 0
    def __init__(self, maximum=1, width=6, minimum=0, sticky_lenght=1):
        """Create a new bounded interval
        any value return by this will be bound between maximum and 
        minimum. usual width will be 'width', and sticky_length 
        set when the return  interval should expand to max and min
        self._min = minimum 
        self._max = maximum
        self._start = 0
        self._width = width
        self._stop = self._start+self._width+1
        self._sticky_lenght = sticky_lenght
    def current(self):
        """current cursor position"""
        return self._current
    def current(self, value):
        """set current cursor position"""
        current = min(max(self._min, value), self._max)

        self._current = current

        if current > self._stop : 
            self._stop = current
            self._start = current-self._width
        elif current < self._start : 
            self._start = current
            self._stop = current + self._width

        if abs(self._start - self._min) <= self._sticky_lenght :
            self._start = self._min
        if abs(self._stop - self._max) <= self._sticky_lenght :
            self._stop = self._max

    def start(self):
        """begiiing of interval to show"""
        return self._start
    def stop(self):
        """end of interval to show"""
        return self._stop

    def width(self):
        return self._stop - self._start

    def nth(self):
        return self.current - self.start

class CompletionHtml(QtGui.QWidget):
    """ A widget for tab completion,  navigable by arrow keys """

    # 'QObject' interface

    _items = ()
    _index = (0, 0)
    _consecutive_tab = 0
    _size = (1, 1)
    _old_cursor = None
    _start_position = 0
    _slice_start = 0
    _slice_len = 4

    def __init__(self, console_widget):
        """ Create a completion widget that is attached to the specified Qt
            text edit widget.
        assert isinstance(console_widget._control, (QtGui.QTextEdit, QtGui.QPlainTextEdit))
        super(CompletionHtml, self).__init__()

        self._text_edit = console_widget._control
        self._console_widget = console_widget
        self._sliding_interval = None
        self._justified_items = None

        # Ensure that the text edit keeps focus when widget is displayed.

    def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
        """ Reimplemented to handle keyboard input and to auto-hide when the
            text edit loses focus.
        if obj == self._text_edit:
            etype = event.type()
            if etype == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress:
                key = event.key()
                if self._consecutive_tab == 0 and key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab,):
                    return False
                elif self._consecutive_tab == 1 and key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab,):
                    # ok , called twice, we grab focus, and show the cursor
                    self._consecutive_tab = self._consecutive_tab+1
                    return True
                elif self._consecutive_tab == 2:
                    if key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter):
                        return True
                    if key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Tab,):
                        return True
                    elif key in ( QtCore.Qt.Key_Down,):
                        return True
                    elif key in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Right,):
                        return True
                    elif key in ( QtCore.Qt.Key_Up,):
                        return True
                    elif key in ( QtCore.Qt.Key_Left,):
                        return True
                    elif key in ( QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape,):
                        return True
                    else :

            elif etype == QtCore.QEvent.FocusOut:

        return super(CompletionHtml, self).eventFilter(obj, event)

    # 'CompletionHtml' interface
    def cancel_completion(self):
        """Cancel the completion

        should be called when the completer have to be dismissed

        This reset internal variable, clearing the temporary buffer
        of the console where the completion are shown.
        self._consecutive_tab = 0
        self._slice_start = 0
        self._index = (0, 0)
            self._sliding_interval = None

    #  ...  2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4  4  4
    #   2   2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4  4  4
    #2  2   x x x x x x x x x x x  5  5
    #6  6   x x x x x x x x x x x  5  5
    #6  6   x x x x x x x x x x ?  5  5
    #6  6   x x x x x x x x x x ?  1  1
    #3  3   3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1  1  1 ...
    #3  3   3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1  1  1 ...
    def _select_index(self, row, col):
        """Change the selection index, and make sure it stays in the right range

        A little more complicated than just dooing modulo the number of row columns
        to be sure to cycle through all element.

        horizontaly, the element are maped like this :
        to r <-- a b c d e f --> to g
        to f <-- g h i j k l --> to m
        to l <-- m n o p q r --> to a

        and vertically
        a d g j m p
        b e h k n q
        c f i l o r

        nr, nc = self._size
        nr = nr-1
        nc = nc-1

        # case 1
        if (row > nr and col >= nc) or (row >= nr and col > nc):
            self._select_index(0, 0)
        # case 2
        elif (row <= 0 and col < 0) or  (row < 0 and col <= 0):
            self._select_index(nr, nc)
        # case 3
        elif row > nr :
            self._select_index(0, col+1)
        # case 4
        elif row < 0 :
            self._select_index(nr, col-1)
        # case 5
        elif col > nc :
            self._select_index(row+1, 0)
        # case 6
        elif col < 0 :
            self._select_index(row-1, nc)
        elif 0 <= row and row <= nr and 0 <= col and col <= nc :
            self._index = (row, col)
        else :
            raise NotImplementedError("you'r trying to go where no completion\
                           have gone before : %d:%d (%d:%d)"%(row, col, nr, nc) )

    def _slice_end(self):
        end = self._slice_start+self._slice_len
        if end > len(self._items) :
            return None
        return end

    def select_up(self):
        """move cursor up"""
        r, c = self._index
        self._select_index(r-1, c)

    def select_down(self):
        """move cursor down"""
        r, c = self._index
        self._select_index(r+1, c)

    def select_left(self):
        """move cursor left"""
        r, c = self._index
        self._select_index(r, c-1)

    def select_right(self):
        """move cursor right"""
        r, c = self._index
        self._select_index(r, c+1)

    def show_items(self, cursor, items):
        """ Shows the completion widget with 'items' at the position specified
            by 'cursor'.
        if not items :
        self._start_position = cursor.position()
        self._consecutive_tab = 1
        items_m, ci = text.compute_item_matrix(items, empty=' ')
        self._sliding_interval = SlidingInterval(len(items_m)-1)

        self._items = items_m
        self._size = (ci['rows_numbers'], ci['columns_numbers'])
        self._old_cursor = cursor
        self._index = (0, 0)
        sjoin = lambda x : [ y.ljust(w, ' ') for y, w in zip(x, ci['columns_width'])]
        self._justified_items = map(sjoin, items_m)

    def _update_list(self, hilight=True):
        """ update the list of completion and hilight the currently selected completion """
        self._sliding_interval.current = self._index[0]
        head = None
        foot = None
        if self._sliding_interval.start > 0 : 
            head = '...'

        if self._sliding_interval.stop < self._sliding_interval._max:
            foot = '...'
        items_m = self._justified_items[\

            sel = (self._sliding_interval.nth, self._index[1])
        else :
            sel = None

        strng = html_tableify(items_m, select=sel, header=head, footer=foot)
        self._console_widget._fill_temporary_buffer(self._old_cursor, strng, html=True)

    # Protected interface

    def _complete_current(self):
        """ Perform the completion with the currently selected item.
        i = self._index
        item = self._items[i[0]][i[1]]
        item = item.strip()
        if item :

    def _current_text_cursor(self):
        """ Returns a cursor with text between the start position and the
            current position selected.
        cursor = self._text_edit.textCursor()
        if cursor.position() >= self._start_position:
        return cursor