"""Tests for the decorators we've created for IPython.

# Module imports
# Std lib
import inspect
import sys

# Our own
from IPython.testing import decorators as dec
from IPython.testing.skipdoctest import skip_doctest

# Utilities

# Note: copied from OInspect, kept here so the testing stuff doesn't create
# circular dependencies and is easier to reuse.
def getargspec(obj):
    """Get the names and default values of a function's arguments.

    A tuple of four things is returned: (args, varargs, varkw, defaults).
    'args' is a list of the argument names (it may contain nested lists).
    'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None.
    'defaults' is an n-tuple of the default values of the last n arguments.

    Modified version of inspect.getargspec from the Python Standard

    if inspect.isfunction(obj):
        func_obj = obj
    elif inspect.ismethod(obj):
        func_obj = obj.__func__
        raise TypeError('arg is not a Python function')
    args, varargs, varkw = inspect.getargs(func_obj.__code__)
    return args, varargs, varkw, func_obj.__defaults__

# Testing functions

def trivial():
    """A trivial test"""

def test_deliberately_broken():
    """A deliberately broken test - we want to skip this one."""

@dec.skip('Testing the skip decorator')
def test_deliberately_broken2():
    """Another deliberately broken test - we want to skip this one."""

# Verify that we can correctly skip the doctest for a function at will, but
# that the docstring itself is NOT destroyed by the decorator.
def doctest_bad(x,y=1,**k):
    """A function whose doctest we need to skip.

    >>> 1+1

def call_doctest_bad():
    """Check that we can still call the decorated functions.
    >>> doctest_bad(3,y=4)
    x: 3
    y: 4
    k: {}

def test_skip_dt_decorator():
    """Doctest-skipping decorator should preserve the docstring.
    # Careful: 'check' must be a *verbatim* copy of the doctest_bad docstring!
    check = """A function whose doctest we need to skip.

    >>> 1+1
    # Fetch the docstring from doctest_bad after decoration.
    val = doctest_bad.__doc__
    assert check == val, "doctest_bad docstrings don't match"

# Doctest skipping should work for class methods too
class FooClass(object):


    >>> 1+1

    def __init__(self,x):
        """Make a FooClass.


        >>> f = FooClass(3)
        print('Making a FooClass.')
        self.x = x
    def bar(self,y):

        >>> ff = FooClass(3)
        >>> ff.bar(0)
        >>> 1/0
        return 1/y

    def baz(self,y):

        >>> ff2 = FooClass(3)
        Making a FooClass.
        >>> ff2.baz(3)
        return self.x==y

def test_skip_dt_decorator2():
    """Doctest-skipping decorator should preserve function signature.
    # Hardcoded correct answer
    dtargs = (['x', 'y'], None, 'k', (1,))
    # Introspect out the value
    dtargsr = getargspec(doctest_bad)
    assert dtargsr==dtargs, \
           "Incorrectly reconstructed args for doctest_bad: %s" % (dtargsr,)

def test_linux():
    assert sys.platform.startswith("linux") is False, "This test can't run under linux"

def test_win32():
    assert sys.platform != "win32", "This test can't run under windows"

def test_osx():
    assert sys.platform != "darwin", "This test can't run under osx"