""" Module with physical constants for use with ipython, profile "physics". Definition of Fundamental Physical Constants, CODATA Recommended Values Source, Peter J. Mohr and Barry N. Taylor, CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants, 1998 Website: physics.nist.gov/constants """ # License: BSD-like # Copyright: Gael Varoquaux (gael.varoquaux@normalesup.org) # inspired by maxima's physconst.mac by Cliff Yapp #from math import * # math MUST be imported BEFORE PhysicalQInteractive from IPython.Extensions.PhysicalQInteractive import PhysicalQuantityInteractive # Math constants: # Pi mathematical constants pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 # Universal Constants #------------------------------------------------------------------------- c = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(299792458 , 'm/s') c.__doc__ = """speed of light in vacuum""" c.__doc__ = "speed of light in vacuum" u_0 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(4*pi*1E-7 , 'N/(A**2)') u_0.__doc__ = """magnetic constant""" mu_0 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(4*pi*1E-7 , 'N/(A**2)') epsilon_0 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(8.854187817E-12 , 'F/m') epsilon_0.__doc__ = """electric constant """ Z_0 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(376.730313461 , 'ohm') Z_0.__doc__ = """characteristic impedance of vacuum """ G = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(6.673E-11 , 'm**3/(kg*s**2)') G.__doc__ = """Newtonian constant of gravitation """ h = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(6.62606876E-34 , 'J*s') h.__doc__ = """Planck constant """ h_eV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(4.13566727E-15 , 'eV*s') h_eV.__doc__ = """Planck constant in eVs """ h_bar = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.054571596E-34 , 'J*s') h_bar.__doc__ = """Hbar""" h_bar_eV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(6.58211889E-16 , 'eV*s') h_bar_eV.__doc__ = """Hbar in eV""" P_m = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.1767E-8 , 'kg') P_m.__doc__ = """Planck mass""" P_l = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.6160E-35 , 'm') P_l.__doc__ = """Planck length """ P_t = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(5.3906E-44 , 's') P_t.__doc__ = """Planck time """ # Electromagnetic Constants #------------------------------------------------------------------------ _e = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.602176462E-19 , 'C') _e.__doc__ = """elementary charge""" q = _e capitalphi_0 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.067833636E-15 , 'Wb') capitalphi_0.__doc__ = """magnetic flux quantum """ mfq_0 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.067833636E-15 , 'Wb') G_0 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(7.748091696E-5 , 'S') G_0.__doc__ = """conductance quantum """ K_J = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(483597.898E9 , 'Hz/V') K_J.__doc__ = """Josephson constant""" R_K = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(25812.807572 , 'ohm') R_K.__doc__ = """von Klitzing constant""" u_B = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(927.400899E-26 , 'J/T') u_B.__doc__ = """Bohr magneton""" ueVT_B = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(5.788381749E-5 , 'eV/T') ueVT_B.__doc__ = """Bohr magneton in eV T-1""" u_N = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(5.05078317E-27 , 'J/T') u_N.__doc__ = """nuclear magneton """ ueVT_N = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(3.152451238E-8 , 'eV/T') ueVT_N.__doc__ = """nuclear magneton in eV T-1 """ # Atomic and Nuclear Constants # General #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # fine-structure constant alpha = 7.297352533E-3 Ry = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(10973731.568549 , '1/m') Ry.__doc__ = """Rydberg constant """ Ry_INF = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(10973731.568549 , '1/m') a_0 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(0.5291772083E-10 , 'm') a_0.__doc__ = """Bohr radius """ E_h = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(4.35974381E-18 , 'J') E_h.__doc__ = """Hartree energy """ Eev_h = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(27.2113834 , 'eV') Eev_h.__doc__ = """Hartree energy in eV """ qcir2 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(3.636947516E-4 , 'm**2/s') qcir2.__doc__ = """quantum of circulation h/(2me) """ qcir = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(7.273895032E-4 , 'm**2/s') qcir.__doc__ = """quantum of circulation h/(me) """ # Electroweak #------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fcc = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.16639E-5 , '1/GeV**2') Fcc.__doc__ = """Fermi coupling constant """ # weak mixing angled W (on-shell scheme) wma_W = 0.2224 # Electron, e- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_e = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(9.10938188E-31 , 'kg') m_e.__doc__ = """electron mass """ m_e_u = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(5.485799110E-4 , 'amu') m_e_u.__doc__ = """electron mass (electron relative atomic mass times amu)""" me_J = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(8.18710414E-14 , 'J') me_J.__doc__ = """electron mass - energy equivalent """ me_MeV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(0.510998902 , 'MeV') me_MeV.__doc__ = """electron mass - energy equivalent in MeV""" # electron-muon mass ratio memu = 4.83633210E-3 # electron-tau mass ratio metau = 2.87555E-4 # electron-proton mass ratio memp = 5.446170232E-4 # electron-neutron mass ratio memn = 5.438673462E-4 # electron-deuteron mass ratio memd = 2.7244371170E-4 # electron to alpha particle mass ratio memalpha = 1.3709335611E-4 echargeemass = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(-1.758820174E11 , 'C/kg') echargeemass.__doc__ = """electron charge to mass quotient """ Molar_e = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(5.485799110E-7 , 'kg/mol') Molar_e.__doc__ = """electron molar mass """ lambdaC = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.426310215E-12 , 'm') lambdaC.__doc__ = """Compton wavelength """ r_e = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.817940285E-15 , 'm') r_e.__doc__ = """classical electron radius """ sigma_e = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(0.665245854E-28 , 'm**2') sigma_e.__doc__ = """Thomson cross section """ u_e = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(-928.476362E-26 , 'J/T') u_e.__doc__ = """electron magnetic moment """ # electron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio ueuB = -1.0011596521869 # electron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio ueuN = -1838.2819660 # electron magnetic moment anomaly |ue|/uB - 1 a_e = 1.1596521869E-3 # electron g-factor g_e = -2.0023193043737 # electron-muon magnetic moment ratio ueuu = 206.7669720 # electron-proton magnetic moment ratio ueup = -658.2106875 # electron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio (H2O, sphere, 25 C) ueusp = -658.2275954 # electron-neutron magnetic moment ratio ueun = 960.92050 # electron-deuteron magnetic moment ratio ueud = -2143.923498 # electron to shielded helione magnetic moment ratio (gas, sphere, 25 C) ueush = 864.058255 gamma_e = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.760859794E11 , '1/(s*T)') gamma_e.__doc__ = """electron gyromagnetic ratio """ # Muon, u- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_u = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.88353109E-28 , 'kg') m_u.__doc__ = """muon mass """ mu_u = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(0.1134289168 , 'amu') mu_u.__doc__ = """muon mass in muon relative atomic mass times amu """ muc2_J = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.69283332E-11 , 'J') muc2_J.__doc__ = """energy equivalent """ muc2_MeV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(105.6583568 , 'MeV') muc2_MeV.__doc__ = """energy equivalent in MeV """ # muon-electron mass ratio mume = 206.7682657 # muon-tau mass ratio mum = 5.94572E-2 # muon-proton mass ratio mump = 0.1126095173 # muon-neutron mass ratio mumn = 0.1124545079 Molar_u = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(0.1134289168E-3 , 'kg/mol') Molar_u.__doc__ = """muon molar mass """ lambda_C_u = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(11.73444197E-15 , 'm') lambda_C_u.__doc__ = """muon Compton wavelength """ uu = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(-4.49044813E-26 , 'J/T') uu.__doc__ = """muon magnetic moment """ # ratio of muon magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio uuuB = -4.84197085E-3 # ratio of muon magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio uuuN = -8.89059770 # muon magnetic moment anomaly |uu|/(e /2mu) - 1 a_u = 1.16591602E-3 # muon g-factor -2(1 + au) g_u = -2.0023318320 # muon-proton magnetic moment ratio uuup = -3.18334539 # Tau, tau- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_tau = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(3.16788E-27 , 'kg') m_tau.__doc__ = """tau mass """ mu_tau = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.90774 , 'amu') mu_tau.__doc__ = """tau mass (tau relative atomic mass times amu) """ mtauc2_J = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.84715E-10 , 'J') mtauc2_J.__doc__ = """tau mass energy equivalent """ mtauc2_MeV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1777.05 , 'MeV') mtauc2_MeV.__doc__ = """tau mass energy equivalent in MeV """ # tau-electron mass ratio mtaume = 3477.60 # tau-muon mass ratio mtaumu = 16.8188 # tau-proton mass ratio mtaump = 1.89396 # tau-neutron mass ratio mtaumn = 1.89135 Molar_tau = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.90774E-3 , 'kg/mol') Molar_tau.__doc__ = """tau molar mass """ lambda_C_tau = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(0.69770E-15 , 'm') lambda_C_tau.__doc__ = """tau Compton wavelength """ # Proton, p #------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_p = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.67262158E-27 , 'kg') m_p.__doc__ = """proton mass """ mu_p = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.00727646688 , 'amu') mu_p.__doc__ = """proton mass (proton relative atomic mass times amu) """ mpc2_J = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.50327731E-10 , 'J') mpc2_J.__doc__ = """energy equivalent """ mpc2_MeV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(938.271998 , 'MeV') mpc2_MeV.__doc__ = """energy equivalent in MeV """ # proton-electron mass ratio mpme = 1836.1526675 # proton-muon mass ratio mpmu = 8.88024408 # proton-tau mass ratio mpmtau = 0.527994 # proton-neutron mass ratio mpmn = 0.99862347855 emp = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(9.57883408E7 , 'C/kg') emp.__doc__ = """proton charge to mass quotient """ Molar_p = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.00727646688E-3 , 'kg/mol') Molar_p.__doc__ = """proton molar mass """ lambda_C_p = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.321409847E-15 , 'm') lambda_C_p.__doc__ = """proton Compton wavelength h/mpc """ up = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.410606633E-26 , 'J/T') up.__doc__ = """proton magnetic moment """ # proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio upuB = 1.521032203E-3 # proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio upuN = 2.792847337 # proton g-factor 2up/uN g_p = 5.585694675 # proton-neutron magnetic moment ratio upun = -1.45989805 usp = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.410570399E-26 , 'J/T') usp.__doc__ = """shielded proton magnetic moment (H2O, sphere, 25 C)""" # shielded proton magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio uspuB = 1.520993132E-3 # shielded proton magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio uspuN = 2.792775597 # proton magnetic shielding correction 1 - u p/up (H2O, sphere, 25 C) spc = 25.687E-6 gamma_p = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.67522212E8 , '1/(s*T)') gamma_p.__doc__ = """proton gyromagnetic ratio """ gamma_sp = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.67515341E8 , '1/(s*T)') gamma_sp.__doc__ = """shielded proton gyromagnetic ratio (H2O, sphere, 25 C)""" # Neutron, n #------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_n = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.67492716E-27 , 'kg') m_n.__doc__ = """neutron mass """ mu_n = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.00866491578 , 'amu') mu_n.__doc__ = """neutron mass (neutron relative atomic mass times amu) """ mnc2_J = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.50534946E-10 , 'J') mnc2_J.__doc__ = """neutron mass energy equivalent """ mnc2_MeV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(939.565330 , 'MeV') mnc2_MeV.__doc__ = """neutron mass energy equivalent in MeV """ # neutron-electron mass ratio mnme = 1838.6836550 # neutron-muon mass ratio mnmu = 8.89248478 # neutron-tau mass ratio mnm = 0.528722 # neutron-proton mass ratio mnmp = 1.00137841887 Molar_n = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.00866491578E-3 , 'kg/mol') Molar_n.__doc__ = """neutron molar mass """ lambda_C_n = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.319590898E-15 , 'm') lambda_C_n.__doc__ = """neutron Compton wavelength""" un = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(-0.96623640E-26 , 'J/T') un.__doc__ = """neutron magnetic moment """ # neutron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio unuB = -1.04187563E-3 # neutron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio unuN = -1.91304272 # neutron g-factor g_n = -3.82608545 # neutron-electron magnetic moment ratio unue = 1.04066882E-3 # neutron-proton magnetic moment ratio unup = -0.68497934 # neutron to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio (H2O, sphere, 25 C) unusp = -0.68499694 gamma_n = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.83247188E8 , '1/(s*T)') gamma_n.__doc__ = """neutron gyromagnetic ratio """ # Deuteron, d #------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_d = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(3.34358309E-27 , 'kg') m_d.__doc__ = """deuteron mass """ mu_d = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.01355321271 , 'amu') mu_d.__doc__ = """deuteron mass (deuteron relative atomic mass times amu) """ mdc2_J = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(3.00506262E-10 , 'J') mdc2_J.__doc__ = """deuteron mass energy equivalent """ mdc2_eV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1875.612762 , 'MeV') mdc2_eV.__doc__ = """deuteron mass energy equivalent in MeV """ # deuteron-electron mass ratio mdme = 3670.4829550 # deuteron-proton mass ratio mdmp = 1.99900750083 Molar_d = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.01355321271E-3 , 'kg/mol') Molar_d.__doc__ = """deuteron molar mass """ ud = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(0.433073457E-26 , 'J/T') ud.__doc__ = """deuteron magnetic moment """ # deuteron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio uduB = 0.4669754556E-3 # deuteron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio uduN = 0.8574382284 # deuteron-electron magnetic moment ratio udue = -4.664345537E-4 # deuteron-proton magnetic moment ratio udup = 0.3070122083 # deuteron-neutron magnetic moment ratio udun = -0.44820652 # Helion, h #------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_h = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(5.00641174E-27 , 'kg') m_h.__doc__ = """helion mass """ mu_h = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(3.01493223469 , 'amu') mu_h.__doc__ = """helion mass (helion relative atomic mass times amu) """ mhc2_J = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(4.49953848E-10 , 'J') mhc2_J.__doc__ = """helion mass energy equivalent """ mhc2_MeV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2808.39132 , 'MeV') mhc2_MeV.__doc__ = """helion mass energy equivalent in MeV """ # helion-electron mass ratio mhme = 5495.885238 # helion-proton mass ratio mhmp = 2.99315265850 Molar_h = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(3.01493223469E-3 , 'kg/mol') Molar_h.__doc__ = """helion molar mass """ ush = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(-1.074552967E-26 , 'J/T') ush.__doc__ = """shielded helion magnetic moment (gas, sphere, 25 C)""" # shielded helion magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio ushuB = -1.158671474E-3 # shielded helion magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio ushuN = -2.127497718 # shielded helion to proton magnetic moment ratio (gas, sphere, 25 C) ushup = -0.761766563 # shielded helion to shielded proton magnetic moment ratio (gas/H2O, spheres, 25 C) ushusp = -0.7617861313 gamma_h = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.037894764E8 , '1/(s*T)') gamma_h.__doc__ = """shielded helion gyromagnetic (gas, sphere, 25 C) """ # Alpha particle, #------------------------------------------------------------------------- m_alpha = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(6.64465598E-27 , 'kg') m_alpha.__doc__ = """alpha particle mass """ mu_alpha = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(4.0015061747 , 'amu') mu_alpha.__doc__ = """alpha particle mass (alpha particle relative atomic mass times amu) """ malphac2_J = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(5.97191897E-10 , 'J') malphac2_J.__doc__ = """alpha particle mass energy equivalent """ malphac2_MeV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(3727.37904 , 'MeV') malphac2_MeV.__doc__ = """alpha particle mass energy equivalent in MeV """ # alpha particle to electron mass ratio malphame = 7294.299508 # alpha particle to proton mass ratio malphamp = 3.9725996846 Molar_alpha = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(4.0015061747E-3 , 'kg/mol') Molar_alpha.__doc__ = """alpha particle molar mass""" # PHYSICO-CHEMICAL #------------------------------------------------------------------------- N_A = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(6.02214199E23 , '1/mol') N_A.__doc__ = """Avogadro constant """ L = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(6.02214199E23 , '1/mol') m_u = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.66053873E-27 , 'kg') m_u.__doc__ = """atomic mass constant mu = 112m(12C) = 1 u = 10E-3 kg mol-1/NA""" # atomic mass constant mu = 112m(12C) = 1 u = 10E-3 kg mol-1/NA amu = m_u muc2_J = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.49241778E-10 , 'J') muc2_J.__doc__ = """energy equivalent of the atomic mass constant""" muc2_MeV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(931.494013 , 'MeV') muc2_MeV.__doc__ = """energy equivalent of the atomic mass constant in MeV """ F = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(96485.3415 , 'C/mol') F.__doc__ = """Faraday constant""" N_Ah = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(3.990312689E-10 , 'J*s/mol') N_Ah.__doc__ = """molar Planck constant """ R = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(8.314472 , 'J/(mol*K)') R.__doc__ = """molar gas constant """ k_J = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.3806503E-23 , 'J/K') k_J.__doc__ = """Boltzmann constant """ k_eV = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(8.617342E-5 , 'eV/K') k_eV.__doc__ = """Boltzmann constant in eV """ n_0 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.6867775E25 , '1/m**3') n_0.__doc__ = """Loschmidt constant NA/Vm """ Vm_1 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(22.413996E-3 , 'm**3/mol') Vm_1.__doc__ = """molar volume of ideal gas RT/p T = 273.15 K, p = 101.325 kPa """ Vm_2 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(22.710981E-3 , 'm**3/mol') Vm_2.__doc__ = """molar volume of ideal gas RT/p T = 273.15 K, p = 100 kPa """ # Sackur-Tetrode constant (absolute entropy constant) 52 + ln_(2 mukT1/h2)3/2kT1/p0 # T1 = 1 K, p0 = 100 kPa S_0R_1 = -1.1517048 # T1 = 1 K, p0 = 101.325 kPa S_0R_2 = -1.1648678 sigma = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(5.670400E-8 , 'W/(m**2*K**4)') sigma.__doc__ = """Stefan-Boltzmann constant """ c_1 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(3.74177107E-16 , 'W*m**2') c_1.__doc__ = """first radiation constant""" c_1L = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.191042722E-16 , 'W*m**2/sr') c_1L.__doc__ = """first radiation constant for spectral radiance""" c_2 = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(1.4387752E-2 , 'm*K') c_2.__doc__ = """second radiation constant""" b = PhysicalQuantityInteractive(2.8977686E-3 , 'm*K') b.__doc__ = """Wien displacement law constant b = maxT = c2/4.965 114231... """