# coding: utf-8 """Test installation of notebook extensions""" # Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import glob import os import re import tarfile import zipfile from io import BytesIO from os.path import basename, join as pjoin from unittest import TestCase import IPython.testing.tools as tt import IPython.testing.decorators as dec from IPython.utils import py3compat from IPython.utils.tempdir import TemporaryDirectory from IPython.html import nbextensions from IPython.html.nbextensions import install_nbextension, check_nbextension def touch(file, mtime=None): """ensure a file exists, and set its modification time returns the modification time of the file """ open(file, 'a').close() # set explicit mtime if mtime: atime = os.stat(file).st_atime os.utime(file, (atime, mtime)) return os.stat(file).st_mtime class TestInstallNBExtension(TestCase): def tempdir(self): td = TemporaryDirectory() self.tempdirs.append(td) return py3compat.cast_unicode(td.name) def setUp(self): self.tempdirs = [] src = self.src = self.tempdir() self.files = files = [ pjoin(u'ƒile'), pjoin(u'∂ir', u'ƒile1'), pjoin(u'∂ir', u'∂ir2', u'ƒile2'), ] for file in files: fullpath = os.path.join(self.src, file) parent = os.path.dirname(fullpath) if not os.path.exists(parent): os.makedirs(parent) touch(fullpath) self.ipdir = self.tempdir() self.save_get_ipython_dir = nbextensions.get_ipython_dir nbextensions.get_ipython_dir = lambda : self.ipdir self.save_system_dir = nbextensions.SYSTEM_NBEXTENSIONS_INSTALL_DIR nbextensions.SYSTEM_NBEXTENSIONS_INSTALL_DIR = self.system_nbext = self.tempdir() def tearDown(self): nbextensions.get_ipython_dir = self.save_get_ipython_dir nbextensions.SYSTEM_NBEXTENSIONS_INSTALL_DIR = self.save_system_dir for td in self.tempdirs: td.cleanup() def assert_dir_exists(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): do_exist = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(path)) self.fail(u"%s should exist (found %s)" % (path, do_exist)) def assert_not_dir_exists(self, path): if os.path.exists(path): self.fail(u"%s should not exist" % path) def assert_installed(self, relative_path, user=False): if user: nbext = pjoin(self.ipdir, u'nbextensions') else: nbext = self.system_nbext self.assert_dir_exists( pjoin(nbext, relative_path) ) def assert_not_installed(self, relative_path, user=False): if user: nbext = pjoin(self.ipdir, u'nbextensions') else: nbext = self.system_nbext self.assert_not_dir_exists( pjoin(nbext, relative_path) ) def test_create_ipython_dir(self): """install_nbextension when ipython_dir doesn't exist""" with TemporaryDirectory() as td: self.ipdir = ipdir = pjoin(td, u'ipython') install_nbextension(self.src, user=True) self.assert_dir_exists(ipdir) for file in self.files: self.assert_installed( pjoin(basename(self.src), file), ipdir ) def test_create_nbextensions_user(self): with TemporaryDirectory() as td: self.ipdir = ipdir = pjoin(td, u'ipython') install_nbextension(self.src, user=True) self.assert_installed( pjoin(basename(self.src), u'ƒile'), user=True ) def test_create_nbextensions_system(self): with TemporaryDirectory() as td: nbextensions.SYSTEM_NBEXTENSIONS_INSTALL_DIR = self.system_nbext = pjoin(td, u'nbextensions') install_nbextension(self.src, user=False) self.assert_installed( pjoin(basename(self.src), u'ƒile'), user=False ) def test_single_file(self): file = self.files[0] install_nbextension(pjoin(self.src, file)) self.assert_installed(file) def test_single_dir(self): d = u'∂ir' install_nbextension(pjoin(self.src, d)) self.assert_installed(self.files[-1]) def test_install_nbextension(self): install_nbextension(glob.glob(pjoin(self.src, '*'))) for file in self.files: self.assert_installed(file) def test_overwrite_file(self): with TemporaryDirectory() as d: fname = u'ƒ.js' src = pjoin(d, fname) with open(src, 'w') as f: f.write('first') mtime = touch(src) dest = pjoin(self.system_nbext, fname) install_nbextension(src) with open(src, 'w') as f: f.write('overwrite') mtime = touch(src, mtime - 100) install_nbextension(src, overwrite=True) with open(dest) as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'overwrite') def test_overwrite_dir(self): with TemporaryDirectory() as src: base = basename(src) fname = u'ƒ.js' touch(pjoin(src, fname)) install_nbextension(src) self.assert_installed(pjoin(base, fname)) os.remove(pjoin(src, fname)) fname2 = u'∂.js' touch(pjoin(src, fname2)) install_nbextension(src, overwrite=True) self.assert_installed(pjoin(base, fname2)) self.assert_not_installed(pjoin(base, fname)) def test_update_file(self): with TemporaryDirectory() as d: fname = u'ƒ.js' src = pjoin(d, fname) with open(src, 'w') as f: f.write('first') mtime = touch(src) install_nbextension(src) self.assert_installed(fname) dest = pjoin(self.system_nbext, fname) old_mtime = os.stat(dest).st_mtime with open(src, 'w') as f: f.write('overwrite') touch(src, mtime + 10) install_nbextension(src) with open(dest) as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), 'overwrite') def test_skip_old_file(self): with TemporaryDirectory() as d: fname = u'ƒ.js' src = pjoin(d, fname) mtime = touch(src) install_nbextension(src) self.assert_installed(fname) dest = pjoin(self.system_nbext, fname) old_mtime = os.stat(dest).st_mtime mtime = touch(src, mtime - 100) install_nbextension(src) new_mtime = os.stat(dest).st_mtime self.assertEqual(new_mtime, old_mtime) def test_quiet(self): with tt.AssertNotPrints(re.compile(r'.+')): install_nbextension(self.src, verbose=0) def test_install_zip(self): path = pjoin(self.src, "myjsext.zip") with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'w') as f: f.writestr("a.js", b"b();") f.writestr("foo/a.js", b"foo();") install_nbextension(path) self.assert_installed("a.js") self.assert_installed(pjoin("foo", "a.js")) def test_install_tar(self): def _add_file(f, fname, buf): info = tarfile.TarInfo(fname) info.size = len(buf) f.addfile(info, BytesIO(buf)) for i,ext in enumerate((".tar.gz", ".tgz", ".tar.bz2")): path = pjoin(self.src, "myjsext" + ext) with tarfile.open(path, 'w') as f: _add_file(f, "b%i.js" % i, b"b();") _add_file(f, "foo/b%i.js" % i, b"foo();") install_nbextension(path) self.assert_installed("b%i.js" % i) self.assert_installed(pjoin("foo", "b%i.js" % i)) def test_install_url(self): def fake_urlretrieve(url, dest): touch(dest) save_urlretrieve = nbextensions.urlretrieve nbextensions.urlretrieve = fake_urlretrieve try: install_nbextension("http://example.com/path/to/foo.js") self.assert_installed("foo.js") install_nbextension("https://example.com/path/to/another/bar.js") self.assert_installed("bar.js") finally: nbextensions.urlretrieve = save_urlretrieve def test_check_nbextension(self): with TemporaryDirectory() as d: f = u'ƒ.js' src = pjoin(d, f) touch(src) install_nbextension(src, user=True) nbext = pjoin(self.ipdir, u'nbextensions') assert check_nbextension(f, nbext) assert check_nbextension([f], nbext) assert not check_nbextension([f, pjoin('dne', f)], nbext) @dec.skip_win32 def test_install_symlink(self): with TemporaryDirectory() as d: f = u'ƒ.js' src = pjoin(d, f) touch(src) install_nbextension(src, symlink=True) dest = pjoin(self.system_nbext, f) assert os.path.islink(dest) link = os.readlink(dest) self.assertEqual(link, src) def test_install_symlink_bad(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): install_nbextension("http://example.com/foo.js", symlink=True) with TemporaryDirectory() as d: zf = u'ƒ.zip' zsrc = pjoin(d, zf) with zipfile.ZipFile(zsrc, 'w') as z: z.writestr("a.js", b"b();") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): install_nbextension(zsrc, symlink=True)