""" Test for async helpers. Should only trigger on python 3.5+ or will have syntax errors. """ from itertools import chain, repeat from textwrap import dedent, indent from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from unittest import TestCase import pytest from IPython.core.async_helpers import _should_be_async from IPython.testing.decorators import skip_without if TYPE_CHECKING: from IPython import get_ipython ip = get_ipython() def iprc(x): return ip.run_cell(dedent(x)).raise_error() def iprc_nr(x): return ip.run_cell(dedent(x)) class AsyncTest(TestCase): def test_should_be_async(self): self.assertFalse(_should_be_async("False")) self.assertTrue(_should_be_async("await bar()")) self.assertTrue(_should_be_async("x = await bar()")) self.assertFalse( _should_be_async( dedent( """ async def awaitable(): pass """ ) ) ) def _get_top_level_cases(self): # These are test cases that should be valid in a function # but invalid outside of a function. test_cases = [] test_cases.append(('basic', "{val}")) # Note, in all conditional cases, I use True instead of # False so that the peephole optimizer won't optimize away # the return, so CPython will see this as a syntax error: # # while True: # break # return # # But not this: # # while False: # return # # See https://bugs.python.org/issue1875 test_cases.append(('if', dedent(""" if True: {val} """))) test_cases.append(('while', dedent(""" while True: {val} break """))) test_cases.append(('try', dedent(""" try: {val} except: pass """))) test_cases.append(('except', dedent(""" try: pass except: {val} """))) test_cases.append(('finally', dedent(""" try: pass except: pass finally: {val} """))) test_cases.append(('for', dedent(""" for _ in range(4): {val} """))) test_cases.append(('nested', dedent(""" if True: while True: {val} break """))) test_cases.append(('deep-nested', dedent(""" if True: while True: break for x in range(3): if True: while True: for x in range(3): {val} """))) return test_cases def _get_ry_syntax_errors(self): # This is a mix of tests that should be a syntax error if # return or yield whether or not they are in a function test_cases = [] test_cases.append(('class', dedent(""" class V: {val} """))) test_cases.append(('nested-class', dedent(""" class V: class C: {val} """))) return test_cases def test_top_level_return_error(self): tl_err_test_cases = self._get_top_level_cases() tl_err_test_cases.extend(self._get_ry_syntax_errors()) vals = ('return', 'yield', 'yield from (_ for _ in range(3))', dedent(''' def f(): pass return '''), ) for test_name, test_case in tl_err_test_cases: # This example should work if 'pass' is used as the value with self.subTest((test_name, 'pass')): iprc(test_case.format(val='pass')) # It should fail with all the values for val in vals: with self.subTest((test_name, val)): msg = "Syntax error not raised for %s, %s" % (test_name, val) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, msg=msg): iprc(test_case.format(val=val)) def test_in_func_no_error(self): # Test that the implementation of top-level return/yield # detection isn't *too* aggressive, and works inside a function func_contexts = [] func_contexts.append(('func', False, dedent(""" def f():"""))) func_contexts.append(('method', False, dedent(""" class MyClass: def __init__(self): """))) func_contexts.append(('async-func', True, dedent(""" async def f():"""))) func_contexts.append(('async-method', True, dedent(""" class MyClass: async def f(self):"""))) func_contexts.append(('closure', False, dedent(""" def f(): def g(): """))) def nest_case(context, case): # Detect indentation lines = context.strip().splitlines() prefix_len = 0 for c in lines[-1]: if c != ' ': break prefix_len += 1 indented_case = indent(case, ' ' * (prefix_len + 4)) return context + '\n' + indented_case # Gather and run the tests # yield is allowed in async functions, starting in Python 3.6, # and yield from is not allowed in any version vals = ('return', 'yield', 'yield from (_ for _ in range(3))') success_tests = zip(self._get_top_level_cases(), repeat(False)) failure_tests = zip(self._get_ry_syntax_errors(), repeat(True)) tests = chain(success_tests, failure_tests) for context_name, async_func, context in func_contexts: for (test_name, test_case), should_fail in tests: nested_case = nest_case(context, test_case) for val in vals: test_id = (context_name, test_name, val) cell = nested_case.format(val=val) with self.subTest(test_id): if should_fail: msg = ("SyntaxError not raised for %s" % str(test_id)) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, msg=msg): iprc(cell) print(cell) else: iprc(cell) def test_nonlocal(self): # fails if outer scope is not a function scope or if var not defined with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): iprc("nonlocal x") iprc(""" x = 1 def f(): nonlocal x x = 10000 yield x """) iprc(""" def f(): def g(): nonlocal x x = 10000 yield x """) # works if outer scope is a function scope and var exists iprc(""" def f(): x = 20 def g(): nonlocal x x = 10000 yield x """) def test_execute(self): iprc(""" import asyncio await asyncio.sleep(0.001) """ ) def test_autoawait(self): iprc("%autoawait False") iprc("%autoawait True") iprc(""" from asyncio import sleep await sleep(0.1) """ ) def test_memory_error(self): """ The pgen parser in 3.8 or before use to raise MemoryError on too many nested parens anymore""" iprc("(" * 200 + ")" * 200) @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="fail on curio 1.6 and before on Python 3.12") @pytest.mark.skip( reason="skip_without(curio) fails on 3.12 for now even with other skip so must uncond skip" ) # @skip_without("curio") def test_autoawait_curio(self): iprc("%autoawait curio") @skip_without('trio') def test_autoawait_trio(self): iprc("%autoawait trio") @skip_without('trio') def test_autoawait_trio_wrong_sleep(self): iprc("%autoawait trio") res = iprc_nr(""" import asyncio await asyncio.sleep(0) """) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): res.raise_error() @skip_without('trio') def test_autoawait_asyncio_wrong_sleep(self): iprc("%autoawait asyncio") res = iprc_nr(""" import trio await trio.sleep(0) """) with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): res.raise_error() def tearDown(self): ip.loop_runner = "asyncio"