var xor = function (a, b) {return !a ^ !b;}; var isArray = function (a) { try { return === "[object Array]" || === "[object RuntimeArray]"; } catch (e) { return Array.isArray(a); } }; var recursive_compare = function(a, b) { // Recursively compare two objects. var same = true; same = same && !xor(a instanceof Object || typeof a == 'object', b instanceof Object || typeof b == 'object'); same = same && !xor(isArray(a), isArray(b)); if (same) { if (a instanceof Object) { var key; for (key in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(key) && !recursive_compare(a[key], b[key])) { same = false; break; } } for (key in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(key) && !recursive_compare(a[key], b[key])) { same = false; break; } } } else { return a === b; } } return same; }; // Test the widget framework. casper.notebook_test(function () { var index; index = this.append_cell( ['from IPython.html import widgets', 'from IPython.display import display, clear_output', 'print("Success")'].join('\n')); this.execute_cell_then(index); this.then(function () { // Test multi-set, single touch code. First create a custom widget. this.thenEvaluate(function() { var MultiSetView = IPython.DOMWidgetView.extend({ render: function(){ this.model.set('a', 1); this.model.set('b', 2); this.model.set('c', 3); this.touch(); }, }); IPython.WidgetManager.register_widget_view('MultiSetView', MultiSetView); }, {}); }); // Try creating the multiset widget, verify that sets the values correctly. var multiset = {}; multiset.index = this.append_cell([ 'from IPython.utils.traitlets import Unicode, CInt', 'class MultiSetWidget(widgets.Widget):', ' _view_name = Unicode("MultiSetView", sync=True)', ' a = CInt(0, sync=True)', ' b = CInt(0, sync=True)', ' c = CInt(0, sync=True)', ' d = CInt(-1, sync=True)', // See if it sends a full state. ' def set_state(self, sync_data):', ' widgets.Widget.set_state(self, sync_data)', ' self.d = len(sync_data)', 'multiset = MultiSetWidget()', 'display(multiset)', 'print(multiset.model_id)'].join('\n')); this.execute_cell_then(multiset.index, function(index) { multiset.model_id = this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim(); }); this.wait_for_widget(multiset); index = this.append_cell( 'print("%d%d%d" % (multiset.a, multiset.b, multiset.c))'); this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index) { this.test.assertEquals(this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim(), '123', 'Multiple model.set calls and one view.touch update state in back-end.'); }); index = this.append_cell( 'print("%d" % (multiset.d))'); this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index) { this.test.assertEquals(this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim(), '3', 'Multiple model.set calls sent a partial state.'); }); var textbox = {}; throttle_index = this.append_cell([ 'import time', 'textbox = widgets.Text()', 'display(textbox)', 'textbox._dom_classes = ["my-throttle-textbox"]', 'def handle_change(name, old, new):', ' display(len(new))', ' time.sleep(0.5)', 'textbox.on_trait_change(handle_change, "value")', 'print(textbox.model_id)'].join('\n')); this.execute_cell_then(throttle_index, function(index){ textbox.model_id = this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim(); this.test.assert(this.cell_element_exists(index, '.widget-area .widget-subarea'), 'Widget subarea exists.'); this.test.assert(this.cell_element_exists(index, '.my-throttle-textbox'), 'Textbox exists.'); // Send 20 characters this.sendKeys('.my-throttle-textbox input', '12345678901234567890'); }); this.wait_for_widget(textbox); this.then(function () { var outputs = this.evaluate(function(i) { return IPython.notebook.get_cell(i).output_area.outputs; }, {i : throttle_index}); // Only 4 outputs should have printed, but because of timing, sometimes // 5 outputs will print. All we need to do is verify num outputs <= 5 // because that is much less than 20. this.test.assert(outputs.length <= 5, 'Messages throttled.'); // We also need to verify that the last state sent was correct. var last_state = outputs[outputs.length-1].data['text/plain']; this.test.assertEquals(last_state, "20", "Last state sent when throttling."); }); this.thenEvaluate(function() { define('TestWidget', ['widgets/js/widget', 'base/js/utils', 'underscore'], function(widget, utils, _) { var floatArray = { deserialize: function (value, model) { if (value===null) {return null;} // DataView -> float64 typed array return new Float64Array(value.buffer); }, // serialization automatically handled since the // attribute is an ArrayBuffer view }; var floatList = { deserialize: function (value, model) { // list of floats -> list of strings return {return x.toString()}); }, serialize: function(value, model) { // list of strings -> list of floats return {return parseFloat(x);}) } }; var TestWidgetModel = widget.WidgetModel.extend({}, { serializers: _.extend({ array_list: floatList, array_binary: floatArray }, widget.WidgetModel.serializers) }); var TestWidgetView = widget.DOMWidgetView.extend({ render: function () { this.listenTo(this.model, 'msg:custom', this.handle_msg); }, handle_msg: function(content, buffers) { this.msg = [content, buffers]; } }); return {TestWidgetModel: TestWidgetModel, TestWidgetView: TestWidgetView}; }); }); var testwidget = {}; this.append_cell_execute_then([ 'from IPython.html import widgets', 'from IPython.utils.traitlets import Unicode, Instance, List', 'from IPython.display import display', 'from array import array', 'def _array_to_memoryview(x):', ' if x is None: return None', ' try:', ' y = memoryview(x)', ' except TypeError:', ' # in python 2, arrays do not support the new buffer protocol', ' y = memoryview(buffer(x))', ' return y', 'def _memoryview_to_array(x):', ' if x is None: return None', ' return array("d", x.tobytes())', 'arrays_binary = {', ' "from_json": _memoryview_to_array,', ' "to_json": _array_to_memoryview', '}', '', 'def _array_to_list(x):', ' return list(x)', 'def _list_to_array(x):', ' return array("d",x)', 'arrays_list = {', ' "from_json": _list_to_array,', ' "to_json": _array_to_list', '}', '', 'class TestWidget(widgets.DOMWidget):', ' _model_module = Unicode("TestWidget", sync=True)', ' _model_name = Unicode("TestWidgetModel", sync=True)', ' _view_module = Unicode("TestWidget", sync=True)', ' _view_name = Unicode("TestWidgetView", sync=True)', ' array_binary = Instance(array, allow_none=True, sync=True, **arrays_binary)', ' array_list = Instance(array, args=("d", [3.0]), allow_none=False, sync=True, **arrays_list)', ' msg = {}', ' def __init__(self, **kwargs):', ' super(widgets.DOMWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)', ' self.on_msg(self._msg)', ' def _msg(self, _, content, buffers):', ' self.msg = [content, buffers]', 'x=TestWidget()', 'display(x)', 'print(x.model_id)'].join('\n'), function(index){ testwidget.index = index; testwidget.model_id = this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim(); }); this.wait_for_widget(testwidget); this.append_cell_execute_then('x.array_list = array("d", [1.5, 2.0, 3.1])'); this.wait_for_widget(testwidget); this.then(function() { var result = this.evaluate(function(index) { var v = IPython.notebook.get_cell(index).widget_views[0]; var result = v.model.get('array_list'); var z = result.slice(); z[0]+="1234"; z[1]+="5678"; v.model.set('array_list', z); v.touch(); return result; }, testwidget.index); this.test.assertEquals(result, ["1.5", "2", "3.1"], "JSON custom serializer kernel -> js"); }); this.assert_output_equals('print(x.array_list.tolist() == [1.51234, 25678.0, 3.1])', 'True', 'JSON custom serializer js -> kernel'); if (this.slimerjs) { this.append_cell_execute_then("x.array_binary=array('d', [1.5,2.5,5])", function() { this.evaluate(function(index) { var v = IPython.notebook.get_cell(index).widget_views[0]; var z = v.model.get('array_binary'); z[0]*=3; z[1]*=3; z[2]*=3; // we set to null so that we recognize the change // when we set data back to z v.model.set('array_binary', null); v.model.set('array_binary', z); v.touch(); }, textwidget.index); }); this.wait_for_widget(testwidget); this.assert_output_equals('x.array_binary.tolist() == [4.5, 7.5, 15.0]', 'True\n', 'Binary custom serializer js -> kernel') this.append_cell_execute_then('x.send("some content", [memoryview(b"binarycontent"), memoryview("morecontent")])'); this.wait_for_widget(testwidget); this.then(function() { var result = this.evaluate(function(index) { var v = IPython.notebook.get_cell(index).widget_views[0]; var d = new TextDecoder('utf-8'); return {text: v.msg[0], binary0: d.decode(v.msg[1][0]), binary1: d.decode(v.msg[1][1])}; }, testwidget.index); this.test.assertEquals(result, {text: 'some content', binary0: 'binarycontent', binary1: 'morecontent'}, "Binary widget messages kernel -> js"); }); this.then(function() { this.evaluate(function(index) { var v = IPython.notebook.get_cell(index).widget_views[0]; v.send('content back', [new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4]), new Float64Array([2.1828, 3.14159])]) }, testwidget.index); }); this.wait_for_widget(testwidget); this.assert_output_equals([ 'all([x.msg[0] == "content back",', ' x.msg[1][0].tolist() == [1,2,3,4],', ' array("d", x.msg[1][1].tobytes()).tolist() == [2.1828, 3.14159]])'].join('\n'), 'True', 'Binary buffers message js -> kernel'); } else { console.log("skipping binary websocket tests on phantomjs"); } });