""" Utilities for processing ANSI escape codes and special ASCII characters. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard library imports from collections import namedtuple import re # System library imports from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants and datatypes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # An action for erase requests (ED and EL commands). EraseAction = namedtuple('EraseAction', ['action', 'area', 'erase_to']) # An action for cursor move requests (CUU, CUD, CUF, CUB, CNL, CPL, CHA, CUP, # and HVP commands). # FIXME: Not implemented in AnsiCodeProcessor. MoveAction = namedtuple('MoveAction', ['action', 'dir', 'unit', 'count']) # An action for scroll requests (SU and ST) and form feeds. ScrollAction = namedtuple('ScrollAction', ['action', 'dir', 'unit', 'count']) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class AnsiCodeProcessor(object): """ Translates special ASCII characters and ANSI escape codes into readable attributes. """ # Whether to increase intensity or set boldness for SGR code 1. # (Different terminals handle this in different ways.) bold_text_enabled = False # Protected class variables. _ansi_commands = 'ABCDEFGHJKSTfmnsu' _ansi_pattern = re.compile('\x01?\x1b\[(.*?)([%s])\x02?' % _ansi_commands) _special_pattern = re.compile('([\f])') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AnsiCodeProcessor interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): self.actions = [] self.reset_sgr() def reset_sgr(self): """ Reset graphics attributs to their default values. """ self.intensity = 0 self.italic = False self.bold = False self.underline = False self.foreground_color = None self.background_color = None def split_string(self, string): """ Yields substrings for which the same escape code applies. """ self.actions = [] start = 0 for match in self._ansi_pattern.finditer(string): raw = string[start:match.start()] substring = self._special_pattern.sub(self._replace_special, raw) if substring or self.actions: yield substring start = match.end() self.actions = [] try: params = [] for param in match.group(1).split(';'): if param: params.append(int(param)) except ValueError: # Silently discard badly formed escape codes. pass else: self.set_csi_code(match.group(2), params) raw = string[start:] substring = self._special_pattern.sub(self._replace_special, raw) if substring or self.actions: yield substring def set_csi_code(self, command, params=[]): """ Set attributes based on CSI (Control Sequence Introducer) code. Parameters ---------- command : str The code identifier, i.e. the final character in the sequence. params : sequence of integers, optional The parameter codes for the command. """ if command == 'm': # SGR - Select Graphic Rendition if params: for code in params: self.set_sgr_code(code) else: self.set_sgr_code(0) elif (command == 'J' or # ED - Erase Data command == 'K'): # EL - Erase in Line code = params[0] if params else 0 if 0 <= code <= 2: area = 'screen' if command == 'J' else 'line' if code == 0: erase_to = 'end' elif code == 1: erase_to = 'start' elif code == 2: erase_to = 'all' self.actions.append(EraseAction('erase', area, erase_to)) elif (command == 'S' or # SU - Scroll Up command == 'T'): # SD - Scroll Down dir = 'up' if command == 'S' else 'down' count = params[0] if params else 1 self.actions.append(ScrollAction('scroll', dir, 'line', count)) def set_sgr_code(self, code): """ Set attributes based on SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) code. """ if code == 0: self.reset_sgr() elif code == 1: if self.bold_text_enabled: self.bold = True else: self.intensity = 1 elif code == 2: self.intensity = 0 elif code == 3: self.italic = True elif code == 4: self.underline = True elif code == 22: self.intensity = 0 self.bold = False elif code == 23: self.italic = False elif code == 24: self.underline = False elif code >= 30 and code <= 37: self.foreground_color = code - 30 elif code == 39: self.foreground_color = None elif code >= 40 and code <= 47: self.background_color = code - 40 elif code == 49: self.background_color = None #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Protected interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _replace_special(self, match): special = match.group(1) if special == '\f': self.actions.append(ScrollAction('scroll', 'down', 'page', 1)) return '' class QtAnsiCodeProcessor(AnsiCodeProcessor): """ Translates ANSI escape codes into QTextCharFormats. """ # A map from color codes to RGB colors. default_map = (# Normal, Bright/Light ANSI color code ('black', 'grey'), # 0: black ('darkred', 'red'), # 1: red ('darkgreen', 'lime'), # 2: green ('brown', 'yellow'), # 3: yellow ('darkblue', 'deepskyblue'), # 4: blue ('darkviolet', 'magenta'), # 5: magenta ('steelblue', 'cyan'), # 6: cyan ('grey', 'white')) # 7: white def __init__(self): super(QtAnsiCodeProcessor, self).__init__() self.color_map = self.default_map def get_format(self): """ Returns a QTextCharFormat that encodes the current style attributes. """ format = QtGui.QTextCharFormat() # Set foreground color if self.foreground_color is not None: color = self.color_map[self.foreground_color][self.intensity] format.setForeground(QtGui.QColor(color)) # Set background color if self.background_color is not None: color = self.color_map[self.background_color][self.intensity] format.setBackground(QtGui.QColor(color)) # Set font weight/style options if self.bold: format.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold) else: format.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Normal) format.setFontItalic(self.italic) format.setFontUnderline(self.underline) return format def set_background_color(self, color): """ Given a background color (a QColor), attempt to set a color map that will be aesthetically pleasing. """ if color.value() < 127: # Colors appropriate for a terminal with a dark background. self.color_map = self.default_map else: # Colors appropriate for a terminal with a light background. For # now, only use non-bright colors... self.color_map = [ (pair[0], pair[0]) for pair in self.default_map ] # ...and replace white with black. self.color_map[7] = ('black', 'black')