Exporter that exports Basic HTML.

# Copyright (c) 2013, the IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.

# Imports

from IPython.utils.traitlets import Unicode, List

from IPython.nbconvert import preprocessors
from IPython.config import Config

from .templateexporter import TemplateExporter

# Classes

class HTMLExporter(TemplateExporter):
    Exports a basic HTML document.  This exporter assists with the export of
    HTML.  Inherit from it if you are writing your own HTML template and need
    custom preprocessors/filters.  If you don't need custom preprocessors/
    filters, just change the 'template_file' config option.  
    file_extension = Unicode(
        'html', config=True, 
        help="Extension of the file that should be written to disk"

    default_template = Unicode('full', config=True, help="""Flavor of the data 
        format to use.  I.E. 'full' or 'basic'""")

    def default_config(self):
        c = Config({
            'HighlightMagicsPreprocessor': {
        return c