// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. define([ 'base/js/namespace', 'jquery', 'notebook/js/toolbar', 'notebook/js/celltoolbar', ], function(IPython, $, toolbar, celltoolbar) { "use strict"; var MainToolBar = function (selector, options) { // Constructor // // Parameters: // selector: string // options: dictionary // Dictionary of keyword arguments. // events: $(Events) instance // notebook: Notebook instance toolbar.ToolBar.apply(this, arguments); this.events = options.events; this.notebook = options.notebook; this.construct(); this.add_celltype_list(); this.add_celltoolbar_list(); this.bind_events(); }; MainToolBar.prototype = Object.create(toolbar.ToolBar.prototype); MainToolBar.prototype.construct = function () { var that = this; this.add_buttons_group([ { id : 'save_b', label : 'Save and Checkpoint', icon : 'fa-save', callback : function () { that.notebook.save_checkpoint(); } } ]); this.add_buttons_group([ { id : 'insert_below_b', label : 'Insert Cell Below', icon : 'fa-plus', callback : function () { that.notebook.insert_cell_below('code'); that.notebook.select_next(); that.notebook.focus_cell(); } } ],'insert_above_below'); this.add_buttons_group([ { id : 'cut_b', label : 'Cut Cell', icon : 'fa-cut', callback : function () { that.notebook.cut_cell(); } }, { id : 'copy_b', label : 'Copy Cell', icon : 'fa-copy', callback : function () { that.notebook.copy_cell(); } }, { id : 'paste_b', label : 'Paste Cell Below', icon : 'fa-paste', callback : function () { that.notebook.paste_cell_below(); } } ],'cut_copy_paste'); this.add_buttons_group([ { id : 'move_up_b', label : 'Move Cell Up', icon : 'fa-arrow-up', callback : function () { that.notebook.move_cell_up(); } }, { id : 'move_down_b', label : 'Move Cell Down', icon : 'fa-arrow-down', callback : function () { that.notebook.move_cell_down(); } } ],'move_up_down'); this.add_buttons_group([ { id : 'run_b', label : 'Run Cell', icon : 'fa-play', callback : function () { // emulate default shift-enter behavior that.notebook.execute_cell_and_select_below(); } }, { id : 'interrupt_b', label : 'Interrupt', icon : 'fa-stop', callback : function () { that.notebook.kernel.interrupt(); } }, { id : 'repeat_b', label : 'Restart Kernel', icon : 'fa-repeat', callback : function () { that.notebook.restart_kernel(); } } ],'run_int'); }; MainToolBar.prototype.add_celltype_list = function () { this.element .append($('<select/>') .attr('id','cell_type') .addClass('form-control select-xs') .append($('<option/>').attr('value','code').text('Code')) .append($('<option/>').attr('value','markdown').text('Markdown')) .append($('<option/>').attr('value','raw').text('Raw NBConvert')) .append($('<option/>').attr('value','heading').text('Heading')) ); }; MainToolBar.prototype.add_celltoolbar_list = function () { var label = $('<span/>').addClass("navbar-text").text('Cell Toolbar:'); var select = $('<select/>') .attr('id', 'ctb_select') .addClass('form-control select-xs') .append($('<option/>').attr('value', '').text('None')); this.element.append(label).append(select); var that = this; select.change(function() { var val = $(this).val(); if (val ==='') { celltoolbar.CellToolbar.global_hide(); delete that.notebook.metadata.celltoolbar; } else { celltoolbar.CellToolbar.global_show(); celltoolbar.CellToolbar.activate_preset(val, that.events); that.notebook.metadata.celltoolbar = val; } }); // Setup the currently registered presets. var presets = celltoolbar.CellToolbar.list_presets(); for (var i=0; i<presets.length; i++) { var name = presets[i]; select.append($('<option/>').attr('value', name).text(name)); } // Setup future preset registrations. this.events.on('preset_added.CellToolbar', function (event, data) { var name = data.name; select.append($('<option/>').attr('value', name).text(name)); }); // Update select value when a preset is activated. this.events.on('preset_activated.CellToolbar', function (event, data) { if (select.val() !== data.name) select.val(data.name); }); }; MainToolBar.prototype.bind_events = function () { var that = this; this.element.find('#cell_type').change(function () { var cell_type = $(this).val(); switch (cell_type) { case 'code': that.notebook.to_code(); break; case 'markdown': that.notebook.to_markdown(); break; case 'raw': that.notebook.to_raw(); break; case 'heading': that.notebook._warn_heading(); that.notebook.to_heading(); that.element.find('#cell_type').val("markdown"); break; default: console.log("unrecognized cell type:", cell_type); } }); this.events.on('selected_cell_type_changed.Notebook', function (event, data) { if (data.cell_type === 'heading') { that.element.find('#cell_type').val(data.cell_type+data.level); } else { that.element.find('#cell_type').val(data.cell_type); } }); }; // Backwards compatability. IPython.MainToolBar = MainToolBar; return {'MainToolBar': MainToolBar}; });