// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. define([ "underscore", "backbone", "jquery", "base/js/utils", "base/js/namespace", "services/kernels/comm" ], function (_, Backbone, $, utils, IPython, comm) { "use strict"; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // WidgetManager class //-------------------------------------------------------------------- var WidgetManager = function (comm_manager, notebook) { /** * Public constructor */ WidgetManager._managers.push(this); // Attach a comm manager to the this.keyboard_manager = notebook.keyboard_manager; this.notebook = notebook; this.comm_manager = comm_manager; this.comm_target_name = 'ipython.widget'; this._models = {}; /* Dictionary of model ids and model instance promises */ // Register with the comm manager. this.comm_manager.register_target(this.comm_target_name, $.proxy(this._handle_comm_open, this)); // Load the initial state of the widget manager if a load callback was // registered. if (WidgetManager._load_callback) { this.set_state(WidgetManager._load_callback.call(this)); } // Setup state saving code. var that = this; this.notebook.events.on('before_save.Notebook', function() { var save_callback = WidgetManager._save_callback; var options = WidgetManager._get_state_options; if (save_callback) { that.get_state(options).then(function(state) { save_callback.call(that, state); }).catch(utils.reject('Could not call widget save state callback.', true)); } }); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class level //-------------------------------------------------------------------- WidgetManager._model_types = {}; /* Dictionary of model type names (target_name) and model types. */ WidgetManager._view_types = {}; /* Dictionary of view names and view types. */ WidgetManager._managers = []; /* List of widget managers */ WidgetManager._load_callback = null; WidgetManager._save_callback = null; WidgetManager.register_widget_model = function (model_name, model_type) { // Registers a widget model by name. WidgetManager._model_types[model_name] = model_type; }; WidgetManager.register_widget_view = function (view_name, view_type) { // Registers a widget view by name. WidgetManager._view_types[view_name] = view_type; }; WidgetManager.set_state_callbacks = function (load_callback, save_callback, options) { // Registers callbacks for widget state persistence. WidgetManager._load_callback = load_callback; WidgetManager._save_callback = save_callback; WidgetManager._get_state_options = options; // Use the load callback to immediately load widget states. WidgetManager._managers.forEach(function(manager) { if (load_callback) { manager.set_state(load_callback.call(manager)); } }); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Instance level //-------------------------------------------------------------------- WidgetManager.prototype.display_view = function(msg, model) { /** * Displays a view for a particular model. */ var that = this; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var cell = that.get_msg_cell(msg.parent_header.msg_id); if (cell === null) { reject(new Error("Could not determine where the display" + " message was from. Widget will not be displayed")); } else { return that.display_view_in_cell(cell, model) .catch(function(error) { reject(new utils.WrappedError('View could not be displayed.', error)); }); } }); }; WidgetManager.prototype.display_view_in_cell = function(cell, model) { // Displays a view in a cell. var that = this; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (cell.display_widget_view) { cell.display_widget_view(that.create_view(model, {cell: cell})) .then(function(view) { that._handle_display_view(view); view.trigger('displayed'); resolve(view); }, function(error) { reject(new utils.WrappedError('Could not create or display view', error)); }); } else { reject(new Error('Cell does not have a `display_widget_view` method')); } }); }; WidgetManager.prototype._handle_display_view = function (view) { /** * Have the IPython keyboard manager disable its event * handling so the widget can capture keyboard input. * Note, this is only done on the outer most widgets. */ if (this.keyboard_manager) { this.keyboard_manager.register_events(view.$el); if (view.additional_elements) { for (var i = 0; i < view.additional_elements.length; i++) { this.keyboard_manager.register_events(view.additional_elements[i]); } } } }; WidgetManager.prototype.create_view = function(model, options) { /** * Creates a promise for a view of a given model * * Make sure the view creation is not out of order with * any state updates. */ model.state_change = model.state_change.then(function() { return utils.load_class(model.get('_view_name'), model.get('_view_module'), WidgetManager._view_types).then(function(ViewType) { // If a view is passed into the method, use that view's cell as // the cell for the view that is created. options = options || {}; if (options.parent !== undefined) { options.cell = options.parent.options.cell; } // Create and render the view... var parameters = {model: model, options: options}; var view = new ViewType(parameters); view.listenTo(model, 'destroy', view.remove); return Promise.resolve(view.render()).then(function() {return view;}); }).catch(utils.reject("Couldn't create a view for model id '" + String(model.id) + "'", true)); }); model.views[utils.uuid()] = model.state_change; return model.state_change; }; WidgetManager.prototype.get_msg_cell = function (msg_id) { var cell = null; // First, check to see if the msg was triggered by cell execution. if (this.notebook) { cell = this.notebook.get_msg_cell(msg_id); } if (cell !== null) { return cell; } // Second, check to see if a get_cell callback was defined // for the message. get_cell callbacks are registered for // widget messages, so this block is actually checking to see if the // message was triggered by a widget. var kernel = this.comm_manager.kernel; if (kernel) { var callbacks = kernel.get_callbacks_for_msg(msg_id); if (callbacks && callbacks.iopub && callbacks.iopub.get_cell !== undefined) { return callbacks.iopub.get_cell(); } } // Not triggered by a cell or widget (no get_cell callback // exists). return null; }; WidgetManager.prototype.callbacks = function (view) { /** * callback handlers specific a view */ var callbacks = {}; if (view && view.options.cell) { // Try to get output handlers var cell = view.options.cell; var handle_output = null; var handle_clear_output = null; if (cell.output_area) { handle_output = $.proxy(cell.output_area.handle_output, cell.output_area); handle_clear_output = $.proxy(cell.output_area.handle_clear_output, cell.output_area); } // Create callback dictionary using what is known var that = this; callbacks = { iopub : { output : handle_output, clear_output : handle_clear_output, // Special function only registered by widget messages. // Allows us to get the cell for a message so we know // where to add widgets if the code requires it. get_cell : function () { return cell; }, }, }; } return callbacks; }; WidgetManager.prototype.get_model = function (model_id) { /** * Get a promise for a model by model id. */ return this._models[model_id]; }; WidgetManager.prototype._handle_comm_open = function (comm, msg) { /** * Handle when a comm is opened. */ return this.create_model({ model_name: msg.content.data.model_name, model_module: msg.content.data.model_module, comm: comm}).catch(utils.reject("Couldn't create a model.", true)); }; WidgetManager.prototype.create_model = function (options) { /** * Create and return a promise for a new widget model * * Minimally, one must provide the model_name and widget_class * parameters to create a model from Javascript. * * Example * -------- * JS: * IPython.notebook.kernel.widget_manager.create_model({ * model_name: 'WidgetModel', * widget_class: 'IPython.html.widgets.widget_int.IntSlider'}) * .then(function(model) { console.log('Create success!', model); }, * $.proxy(console.error, console)); * * Parameters * ---------- * options: dictionary * Dictionary of options with the following contents: * model_name: string * Target name of the widget model to create. * model_module: (optional) string * Module name of the widget model to create. * widget_class: (optional) string * Target name of the widget in the back-end. * comm: (optional) Comm * * Create a comm if it wasn't provided. */ var comm = options.comm; if (!comm) { comm = this.comm_manager.new_comm('ipython.widget', {'widget_class': options.widget_class}); } var that = this; var model_id = comm.comm_id; var model_promise = utils.load_class(options.model_name, options.model_module, WidgetManager._model_types) .then(function(ModelType) { var widget_model = new ModelType(that, model_id, comm); widget_model.once('comm:close', function () { delete that._models[model_id]; }); widget_model.name = options.model_name; widget_model.module = options.model_module; return widget_model; }, function(error) { delete that._models[model_id]; var wrapped_error = new utils.WrappedError("Couldn't create model", error); return Promise.reject(wrapped_error); }); this._models[model_id] = model_promise; return model_promise; }; WidgetManager.prototype.get_state = function(options) { // Asynchronously get the state of the widget manager. // // This includes all of the widget models and the cells that they are // displayed in. // // Parameters // ---------- // options: dictionary // Dictionary of options with the following contents: // only_displayed: (optional) boolean=false // Only return models with one or more displayed views. // not_alive: (optional) boolean=false // Include models that have comms with severed connections. // // Returns // ------- // Promise for a state dictionary var that = this; return utils.resolve_promises_dict(this._models).then(function(models) { var state = {}; for (var model_id in models) { if (models.hasOwnProperty(model_id)) { var model = models[model_id]; // If the model has one or more views defined for it, // consider it displayed. var displayed_flag = !(options && options.only_displayed) || Object.keys(model.views).length > 0; var alive_flag = (options && options.not_alive) || model.comm_alive; if (displayed_flag && alive_flag) { state[model_id] = { model_name: model.name, model_module: model.module, state: model.get_state(), views: [], }; // Get the views that are displayed *now*. for (var id in model.views) { if (model.views.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var view = model.views[id]; var cell = view.options.cell; // Only store the cell reference if this view is a top level // child of the cell. if (cell.widget_views.indexOf(view) != -1) { var cell_index = that.notebook.find_cell_index(cell); state[model_id].views.push(cell_index); } } } } } } return state; }); }; WidgetManager.prototype.set_state = function(state) { // Set the notebook's state. // // Reconstructs all of the widget models and attempts to redisplay the // widgets in the appropriate cells by cell index. // Get the kernel when it's available. var that = this; return this._get_connected_kernel().then(function(kernel) { // Recreate all the widget models for the given state and // display the views. that.all_views = []; var model_ids = Object.keys(state); for (var i = 0; i < model_ids.length; i++) { var model_id = model_ids[i]; // Recreate a comm using the widget's model id (model_id == comm_id). var new_comm = new comm.Comm(kernel.widget_manager.comm_target_name, model_id); kernel.comm_manager.register_comm(new_comm); // Create the model using the recreated comm. When the model is // created we don't know yet if the comm is valid so set_comm_alive // false. Once we receive the first state push from the back-end // we know the comm is alive. var views = kernel.widget_manager.create_model({ comm: new_comm, model_name: state[model_id].model_name, model_module: state[model_id].model_module}) .then(function(model) { model.set_comm_alive(false); var view_promise = Promise.resolve().then(function() { return model.set_state(state[model.id].state); }).then(function() { model.request_state().then(function() { model.set_comm_alive(true); }); // Display the views of the model. var views = []; var model_views = state[model.id].views; for (var j=0; j