//============================================================================ // Notebook //============================================================================ var Notebook = function (selector) { this.element = $(selector); this.element.scroll(); this.element.data("notebook", this); this.next_prompt_number = 1; this.kernel = null; this.msg_cell_map = {}; this.filename = null; this.notebook_load_re = /%notebook load/ this.notebook_save_re = /%notebook save/ this.notebook_filename_re = /(\w)+.ipynb/ this.bind_events(); this.start_kernel(); }; Notebook.prototype.bind_events = function () { var that = this; $(document).keydown(function (event) { // console.log(event); if (event.which === 38) { var cell = that.selected_cell(); if (cell.at_top()) { event.preventDefault(); that.select_prev(); }; } else if (event.which === 40) { var cell = that.selected_cell(); if (cell.at_bottom()) { event.preventDefault(); that.select_next(); }; } else if (event.which === 13 && event.shiftKey) { // The focus is not quite working here. var cell = that.selected_cell(); var cell_index = that.find_cell_index(cell); // TODO: the logic here needs to be moved into appropriate // methods of Notebook. if (cell instanceof CodeCell) { event.preventDefault(); cell.clear_output(); var code = cell.get_code(); if (that.notebook_load_re.test(code)) { var code_parts = code.split(' '); if (code_parts.length === 3) { that.load_notebook(code_parts[2]); }; } else if (that.notebook_save_re.test(code)) { var code_parts = code.split(' '); if (code_parts.length === 3) { that.save_notebook(code_parts[2]); } else { that.save_notebook() }; } else { var msg_id = that.kernel.execute(cell.get_code()); that.msg_cell_map[msg_id] = cell.cell_id; }; } else if (cell instanceof TextCell) { event.preventDefault(); cell.render(); } if (cell_index === (that.ncells()-1)) { that.insert_code_cell_after(); } else { that.select(cell_index+1); }; }; }); }; // Cell indexing, retrieval, etc. Notebook.prototype.cell_elements = function () { return this.element.children("div.cell"); } Notebook.prototype.ncells = function (cell) { return this.cell_elements().length; } // TODO: we are often calling cells as cells()[i], which we should optimize // to cells(i) or a new method. Notebook.prototype.cells = function () { return this.cell_elements().toArray().map(function (e) { return $(e).data("cell"); }); } Notebook.prototype.find_cell_index = function (cell) { var result = null; this.cell_elements().filter(function (index) { if ($(this).data("cell") === cell) { result = index; }; }); return result; }; Notebook.prototype.index_or_selected = function (index) { return index || this.selected_index() || 0; } Notebook.prototype.select = function (index) { if (index !== undefined && index >= 0 && index < this.ncells()) { if (this.selected_index() !== null) { this.selected_cell().unselect(); }; this.cells()[index].select(); }; return this; }; Notebook.prototype.select_next = function () { var index = this.selected_index(); if (index !== null && index >= 0 && (index+1) < this.ncells()) { this.select(index+1); }; return this; }; Notebook.prototype.select_prev = function () { var index = this.selected_index(); if (index !== null && index >= 0 && (index-1) < this.ncells()) { this.select(index-1); }; return this; }; Notebook.prototype.selected_index = function () { var result = null; this.cell_elements().filter(function (index) { if ($(this).data("cell").selected === true) { result = index; }; }); return result; }; Notebook.prototype.cell_for_msg = function (msg_id) { var cell_id = this.msg_cell_map[msg_id]; var result = null; this.cell_elements().filter(function (index) { cell = $(this).data("cell"); if (cell.cell_id === cell_id) { result = cell; }; }); return result; }; Notebook.prototype.selected_cell = function () { return this.cell_elements().eq(this.selected_index()).data("cell"); } // Cell insertion, deletion and moving. Notebook.prototype.delete_cell = function (index) { var i = index || this.selected_index(); if (i !== null && i >= 0 && i < this.ncells()) { this.cell_elements().eq(i).remove(); if (i === (this.ncells())) { this.select(i-1); } else { this.select(i); }; }; return this; }; Notebook.prototype.append_cell = function (cell) { this.element.append(cell.element); return this; }; Notebook.prototype.insert_cell_after = function (cell, index) { var ncells = this.ncells(); if (ncells === 0) { this.append_cell(cell); return this; }; if (index >= 0 && index < ncells) { this.cell_elements().eq(index).after(cell.element); }; return this }; Notebook.prototype.insert_cell_before = function (cell, index) { var ncells = this.ncells(); if (ncells === 0) { this.append_cell(cell); return this; }; if (index >= 0 && index < ncells) { this.cell_elements().eq(index).before(cell.element); }; return this; }; Notebook.prototype.move_cell_up = function (index) { var i = index || this.selected_index(); if (i !== null && i < this.ncells() && i > 0) { var pivot = this.cell_elements().eq(i-1); var tomove = this.cell_elements().eq(i); if (pivot !== null && tomove !== null) { tomove.detach(); pivot.before(tomove); this.select(i-1); }; }; return this; } Notebook.prototype.move_cell_down = function (index) { var i = index || this.selected_index(); if (i !== null && i < (this.ncells()-1) && i >= 0) { var pivot = this.cell_elements().eq(i+1) var tomove = this.cell_elements().eq(i) if (pivot !== null && tomove !== null) { tomove.detach(); pivot.after(tomove); this.select(i+1); }; }; return this; } Notebook.prototype.sort_cells = function () { var ncells = this.ncells(); var sindex = this.selected_index(); var swapped; do { swapped = false for (var i=1; i current.input_prompt_number) { this.move_cell_up(i); swapped = true; }; }; } while (swapped); this.select(sindex); return this; }; Notebook.prototype.insert_code_cell_before = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = new CodeCell(this); cell.set_input_prompt(this.next_prompt_number); this.next_prompt_number = this.next_prompt_number + 1; this.insert_cell_before(cell, i); this.select(this.find_cell_index(cell)); return this; } Notebook.prototype.insert_code_cell_after = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = new CodeCell(this); cell.set_input_prompt(this.next_prompt_number); this.next_prompt_number = this.next_prompt_number + 1; this.insert_cell_after(cell, i); this.select(this.find_cell_index(cell)); return this; } Notebook.prototype.insert_text_cell_before = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = new TextCell(this); cell.config_mathjax(); this.insert_cell_before(cell, i); this.select(this.find_cell_index(cell)); return this; } Notebook.prototype.insert_text_cell_after = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = new TextCell(this); cell.config_mathjax(); this.insert_cell_after(cell, i); this.select(this.find_cell_index(cell)); return this; } Notebook.prototype.text_to_code = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var source_element = this.cell_elements().eq(i); var source_cell = source_element.data("cell"); if (source_cell instanceof TextCell) { this.insert_code_cell_after(i); var target_cell = this.cells()[i+1]; target_cell.set_code(source_cell.get_text()); source_element.remove(); }; }; Notebook.prototype.code_to_text = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var source_element = this.cell_elements().eq(i); var source_cell = source_element.data("cell"); if (source_cell instanceof CodeCell) { this.insert_text_cell_after(i); var target_cell = this.cells()[i+1]; var text = source_cell.get_code(); if (text === "") {text = target_cell.placeholder;}; target_cell.set_text(text); source_element.remove(); target_cell.edit(); }; }; // Cell collapsing Notebook.prototype.collapse = function (index) { var i = this.index_or_selected(index); this.cells()[i].collapse(); }; Notebook.prototype.expand = function (index) { var i = this.index_or_selected(index); this.cells()[i].expand(); }; // Kernel related things Notebook.prototype.start_kernel = function () { this.kernel = new Kernel(); this.kernel.start_kernel(this._kernel_started, this); }; Notebook.prototype._kernel_started = function () { console.log("Kernel started: ", this.kernel.kernel_id); var that = this; this.kernel.shell_channel.onmessage = function (e) { reply = $.parseJSON(e.data); // console.log(reply); var msg_type = reply.header.msg_type; var cell = that.cell_for_msg(reply.parent_header.msg_id); if (msg_type === "execute_reply") { cell.set_input_prompt(reply.content.execution_count); }; }; this.kernel.iopub_channel.onmessage = function (e) { reply = $.parseJSON(e.data); var content = reply.content; console.log(reply); var msg_type = reply.header.msg_type; var cell = that.cell_for_msg(reply.parent_header.msg_id); if (msg_type === "stream") { cell.expand(); cell.append_stream(content.data + "\n"); } else if (msg_type === "display_data") { cell.expand(); cell.append_display_data(content.data); } else if (msg_type === "pyout") { cell.expand(); cell.append_pyout(content.data, content.execution_count) } else if (msg_type === "pyerr") { cell.expand(); cell.append_pyerr(content.ename, content.evalue, content.traceback); } else if (msg_type === "status") { if (content.execution_state === "busy") { that.kernel.status_busy(); } else if (content.execution_state === "idle") { that.kernel.status_idle(); }; } }; }; // Persistance and loading Notebook.prototype.fromJSON = function (data) { var ncells = this.ncells(); for (var i=0; i'); bad_filename.html( "The filename you entered (" + filename + ") is not valid. Notebook filenames must have the following form: foo.ipynb" ); bad_filename.dialog({title: 'Invalid filename', modal: true}); return false; }; }; Notebook.prototype.save_notebook = function (filename) { this.filename = filename || this.filename || ''; if (this.filename === '') { var no_filename = $('
'); no_filename.html( "This notebook has no filename, please specify a filename of the form: foo.ipynb" ); no_filename.dialog({title: 'Missing filename', modal: true}); return; } if (!this.test_filename(this.filename)) {return;} var thedata = this.toJSON(); var settings = { processData : false, cache : false, type : "PUT", data : JSON.stringify(thedata), success : function (data, status, xhr) {console.log(data);} }; $.ajax("/notebooks/" + this.filename, settings); }; Notebook.prototype.load_notebook = function (filename) { if (!this.test_filename(filename)) {return;} var that = this; // We do the call with settings so we can set cache to false. var settings = { processData : false, cache : false, type : "GET", dataType : "json", success : function (data, status, xhr) { that.fromJSON(data); that.filename = filename; that.kernel.restart(); } }; $.ajax("/notebooks/" + filename, settings); }