#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*- ''' Provides IPython WX console widgets. @author: Laurent Dufrechou laurent.dufrechou _at_ gmail.com This WX widget is based on the original work of Eitan Isaacson that provided the console for the GTK toolkit. Original work from: @author: Eitan Isaacson @organization: IBM Corporation @copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation @license: BSD All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the BSD which accompanies this distribution, and is available at U{http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php} ''' __version__ = 0.9 __author__ = "Laurent Dufrechou" __email__ = "laurent.dufrechou _at_ gmail.com" __license__ = "BSD" import wx import wx.stc as stc import re from StringIO import StringIO import sys import codecs import locale for enc in (locale.getpreferredencoding(), sys.getfilesystemencoding(), sys.getdefaultencoding()): try: codecs.lookup(enc) ENCODING = enc break except LookupError: pass else: ENCODING = 'utf-8' from ipshell_nonblocking import NonBlockingIPShell class WxNonBlockingIPShell(NonBlockingIPShell): ''' An NonBlockingIPShell Thread that is WX dependent. ''' def __init__(self, parent, argv=[],user_ns={},user_global_ns=None, cin=None, cout=None, cerr=None, ask_exit_handler=None): NonBlockingIPShell.__init__(self, argv, user_ns, user_global_ns, cin, cout, cerr, ask_exit_handler) self.parent = parent self.ask_exit_callback = ask_exit_handler self._IP.exit = self._askExit def addGUIShortcut(self, text, func): wx.CallAfter(self.parent.add_button_handler, button_info={ 'text':text, 'func':self.parent.doExecuteLine(func)}) def _askExit(self): wx.CallAfter(self.ask_exit_callback, ()) def _afterExecute(self): wx.CallAfter(self.parent.evtStateExecuteDone, ()) class WxConsoleView(stc.StyledTextCtrl): ''' Specialized styled text control view for console-like workflow. We use here a scintilla frontend thus it can be reused in any GUI that supports scintilla with less work. @cvar ANSI_COLORS_BLACK: Mapping of terminal colors to X11 names. (with Black background) @type ANSI_COLORS_BLACK: dictionary @cvar ANSI_COLORS_WHITE: Mapping of terminal colors to X11 names. (with White background) @type ANSI_COLORS_WHITE: dictionary @ivar color_pat: Regex of terminal color pattern @type color_pat: _sre.SRE_Pattern ''' ANSI_STYLES_BLACK = {'0;30': [0, 'WHITE'], '0;31': [1, 'RED'], '0;32': [2, 'GREEN'], '0;33': [3, 'BROWN'], '0;34': [4, 'BLUE'], '0;35': [5, 'PURPLE'], '0;36': [6, 'CYAN'], '0;37': [7, 'LIGHT GREY'], '1;30': [8, 'DARK GREY'], '1;31': [9, 'RED'], '1;32': [10, 'SEA GREEN'], '1;33': [11, 'YELLOW'], '1;34': [12, 'LIGHT BLUE'], '1;35': [13, 'MEDIUM VIOLET RED'], '1;36': [14, 'LIGHT STEEL BLUE'], '1;37': [15, 'YELLOW']} ANSI_STYLES_WHITE = {'0;30': [0, 'BLACK'], '0;31': [1, 'RED'], '0;32': [2, 'GREEN'], '0;33': [3, 'BROWN'], '0;34': [4, 'BLUE'], '0;35': [5, 'PURPLE'], '0;36': [6, 'CYAN'], '0;37': [7, 'LIGHT GREY'], '1;30': [8, 'DARK GREY'], '1;31': [9, 'RED'], '1;32': [10, 'SEA GREEN'], '1;33': [11, 'YELLOW'], '1;34': [12, 'LIGHT BLUE'], '1;35': [13, 'MEDIUM VIOLET RED'], '1;36': [14, 'LIGHT STEEL BLUE'], '1;37': [15, 'YELLOW']} def __init__(self, parent, prompt, intro="", background_color="BLACK", pos=wx.DefaultPosition, ID = -1, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, autocomplete_mode = 'IPYTHON'): ''' Initialize console view. @param parent: Parent widget @param prompt: User specified prompt @type intro: string @param intro: User specified startup introduction string @type intro: string @param background_color: Can be BLACK or WHITE @type background_color: string @param other: init param of styledTextControl (can be used as-is) @param autocomplete_mode: Can be 'IPYTHON' or 'STC' 'IPYTHON' show autocompletion the ipython way 'STC" show it scintilla text control way ''' stc.StyledTextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, pos, size, style) ####### Scintilla configuration ################################### # Ctrl + B or Ctrl + N can be used to zoomin/zoomout the text inside # the widget self.CmdKeyAssign(ord('B'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL, stc.STC_CMD_ZOOMIN) self.CmdKeyAssign(ord('N'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL, stc.STC_CMD_ZOOMOUT) #We draw a line at position 80 self.SetEdgeMode(stc.STC_EDGE_LINE) self.SetEdgeColumn(80) self.SetEdgeColour(wx.LIGHT_GREY) #self.SetViewWhiteSpace(True) #self.SetViewEOL(True) self.SetEOLMode(stc.STC_EOL_CRLF) #self.SetWrapMode(stc.STC_WRAP_CHAR) #self.SetWrapMode(stc.STC_WRAP_WORD) self.SetBufferedDraw(True) #self.SetUseAntiAliasing(True) self.SetLayoutCache(stc.STC_CACHE_PAGE) self.SetUndoCollection(False) self.SetUseTabs(True) self.SetIndent(4) self.SetTabWidth(4) self.EnsureCaretVisible() self.SetMargins(3, 3) #text is moved away from border with 3px # Suppressing Scintilla margins self.SetMarginWidth(0, 0) self.SetMarginWidth(1, 0) self.SetMarginWidth(2, 0) self.background_color = background_color self.buildStyles() self.indent = 0 self.prompt_count = 0 self.color_pat = re.compile('\x01?\x1b\[(.*?)m\x02?') self.write(intro) self.setPrompt(prompt) self.showPrompt() self.autocomplete_mode = autocomplete_mode self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self._onKeypress) def buildStyles(self): #we define platform specific fonts if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': faces = { 'times': 'Times New Roman', 'mono' : 'Courier New', 'helv' : 'Arial', 'other': 'Comic Sans MS', 'size' : 10, 'size2': 8, } elif wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__': faces = { 'times': 'Times New Roman', 'mono' : 'Monaco', 'helv' : 'Arial', 'other': 'Comic Sans MS', 'size' : 10, 'size2': 8, } else: faces = { 'times': 'Times', 'mono' : 'Courier', 'helv' : 'Helvetica', 'other': 'new century schoolbook', 'size' : 10, 'size2': 8, } # make some styles if self.background_color != "BLACK": self.background_color = "WHITE" self.SetCaretForeground("BLACK") self.ANSI_STYLES = self.ANSI_STYLES_WHITE else: self.SetCaretForeground("WHITE") self.ANSI_STYLES = self.ANSI_STYLES_BLACK self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, "fore:%s,back:%s,size:%d,face:%s" % (self.ANSI_STYLES['0;30'][1], self.background_color, faces['size'], faces['mono'])) self.StyleClearAll() self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_BRACELIGHT, "fore:#FF0000,back:#0000FF,bold") self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_BRACEBAD, "fore:#000000,back:#FF0000,bold") for style in self.ANSI_STYLES.values(): self.StyleSetSpec(style[0], "bold,fore:%s" % style[1]) ####################################################################### def setBackgroundColor(self, color): self.background_color = color self.buildStyles() def getBackgroundColor(self, color): return self.background_color def asyncWrite(self, text): ''' Write given text to buffer in an asynchroneous way. It is used from another thread to be able to acces the GUI. @param text: Text to append @type text: string ''' try: wx.MutexGuiEnter() #be sure not to be interrutpted before the MutexGuiLeave! self.write(text) except KeyboardInterrupt: wx.MutexGuiLeave() raise KeyboardInterrupt wx.MutexGuiLeave() def write(self, text): ''' Write given text to buffer. @param text: Text to append. @type text: string ''' segments = self.color_pat.split(text) segment = segments.pop(0) self.StartStyling(self.getCurrentLineEnd(), 0xFF) self.AppendText(segment) if segments: ansi_tags = self.color_pat.findall(text) for tag in ansi_tags: i = segments.index(tag) self.StartStyling(self.getCurrentLineEnd(), 0xFF) self.AppendText(segments[i+1]) if tag != '0': self.SetStyling(len(segments[i+1]), self.ANSI_STYLES[tag][0]) segments.pop(i) self.moveCursor(self.getCurrentLineEnd()) def getPromptLen(self): ''' Return the length of current prompt ''' return len(str(self.prompt_count)) + 7 def setPrompt(self, prompt): self.prompt = prompt def setIndentation(self, indentation): self.indent = indentation def setPromptCount(self, count): self.prompt_count = count def showPrompt(self): ''' Prints prompt at start of line. @param prompt: Prompt to print. @type prompt: string ''' self.write(self.prompt) #now we update the position of end of prompt self.current_start = self.getCurrentLineEnd() autoindent = self.indent*' ' autoindent = autoindent.replace(' ','\t') self.write(autoindent) def changeLine(self, text): ''' Replace currently entered command line with given text. @param text: Text to use as replacement. @type text: string ''' self.SetSelection(self.getCurrentPromptStart(), self.getCurrentLineEnd()) self.ReplaceSelection(text) self.moveCursor(self.getCurrentLineEnd()) def getCurrentPromptStart(self): return self.current_start def getCurrentLineStart(self): return self.GotoLine(self.LineFromPosition(self.GetCurrentPos())) def getCurrentLineEnd(self): return self.GetLength() def getCurrentLine(self): ''' Get text in current command line. @return: Text of current command line. @rtype: string ''' return self.GetTextRange(self.getCurrentPromptStart(), self.getCurrentLineEnd()) def moveCursorOnNewValidKey(self): #If cursor is at wrong position put it at last line... if self.GetCurrentPos() < self.getCurrentPromptStart(): self.GotoPos(self.getCurrentPromptStart()) def removeFromTo(self, from_pos, to_pos): if from_pos < to_pos: self.SetSelection(from_pos, to_pos) self.DeleteBack() def removeCurrentLine(self): self.LineDelete() def moveCursor(self, position): self.GotoPos(position) def getCursorPos(self): return self.GetCurrentPos() def selectFromTo(self, from_pos, to_pos): self.SetSelectionStart(from_pos) self.SetSelectionEnd(to_pos) def writeHistory(self, history): self.removeFromTo(self.getCurrentPromptStart(), self.getCurrentLineEnd()) self.changeLine(history) def setCompletionMethod(self, completion): if completion in ['IPYTHON', 'STC']: self.autocomplete_mode = completion else: raise AttributeError def getCompletionMethod(self, completion): return self.autocomplete_mode def writeCompletion(self, possibilities): if self.autocomplete_mode == 'IPYTHON': max_len = len(max(possibilities, key=len)) max_symbol = ' '*max_len #now we check how much symbol we can put on a line... test_buffer = max_symbol + ' '*4 allowed_symbols = 80/len(test_buffer) if allowed_symbols == 0: allowed_symbols = 1 pos = 1 buf = '' for symbol in possibilities: #buf += symbol+'\n'#*spaces) if pos < allowed_symbols: spaces = max_len - len(symbol) + 4 buf += symbol+' '*spaces pos += 1 else: buf += symbol+'\n' pos = 1 self.write(buf) else: possibilities.sort() # Python sorts are case sensitive self.AutoCompSetIgnoreCase(False) self.AutoCompSetAutoHide(False) #let compute the length ot last word splitter = [' ', '(', '[', '{'] last_word = self.getCurrentLine() for breaker in splitter: last_word = last_word.split(breaker)[-1] self.AutoCompShow(len(last_word), " ".join(possibilities)) def _onKeypress(self, event, skip=True): ''' Key press callback used for correcting behavior for console-like interfaces. For example 'home' should go to prompt, not to begining of line. @param widget: Widget that key press accored in. @type widget: gtk.Widget @param event: Event object @type event: gtk.gdk.Event @return: Return True if event as been catched. @rtype: boolean ''' if not self.AutoCompActive(): if event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_HOME: if event.Modifiers == wx.MOD_NONE: self.moveCursorOnNewValidKey() self.moveCursor(self.getCurrentPromptStart()) return True elif event.Modifiers == wx.MOD_SHIFT: self.moveCursorOnNewValidKey() self.selectFromTo(self.getCurrentPromptStart(), self.getCursorPos()) return True else: return False elif event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_LEFT: if event.Modifiers == wx.MOD_NONE: self.moveCursorOnNewValidKey() self.moveCursor(self.getCursorPos()-1) if self.getCursorPos() < self.getCurrentPromptStart(): self.moveCursor(self.getCurrentPromptStart()) return True elif event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_BACK: self.moveCursorOnNewValidKey() if self.getCursorPos() > self.getCurrentPromptStart(): event.Skip() return True if skip: if event.GetKeyCode() not in [wx.WXK_PAGEUP, wx.WXK_PAGEDOWN]\ and event.Modifiers == wx.MOD_NONE: self.moveCursorOnNewValidKey() event.Skip() return True return False else: event.Skip() def OnUpdateUI(self, evt): # check for matching braces braceAtCaret = -1 braceOpposite = -1 charBefore = None caretPos = self.GetCurrentPos() if caretPos > 0: charBefore = self.GetCharAt(caretPos - 1) styleBefore = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos - 1) # check before if charBefore and chr(charBefore) in "[]{}()" and styleBefore == stc.STC_P_OPERATOR: braceAtCaret = caretPos - 1 # check after if braceAtCaret < 0: charAfter = self.GetCharAt(caretPos) styleAfter = self.GetStyleAt(caretPos) if charAfter and chr(charAfter) in "[]{}()" and styleAfter == stc.STC_P_OPERATOR: braceAtCaret = caretPos if braceAtCaret >= 0: braceOpposite = self.BraceMatch(braceAtCaret) if braceAtCaret != -1 and braceOpposite == -1: self.BraceBadLight(braceAtCaret) else: self.BraceHighlight(braceAtCaret, braceOpposite) #pt = self.PointFromPosition(braceOpposite) #self.Refresh(True, wxRect(pt.x, pt.y, 5,5)) #print pt #self.Refresh(False) class IPShellWidget(wx.Panel): ''' This is wx.Panel that embbed the IPython Thread and the wx.StyledTextControl If you want to port this to any other GUI toolkit, just replace the WxConsoleView by YOURGUIConsoleView and make YOURGUIIPythonView derivate from whatever container you want. I've choosed to derivate from a wx.Panel because it seems to be more useful Any idea to make it more 'generic' welcomed. ''' def __init__(self, parent, intro=None, background_color="BLACK", add_button_handler=None, wx_ip_shell=None, user_ns={},user_global_ns=None, ): ''' Initialize. Instanciate an IPython thread. Instanciate a WxConsoleView. Redirect I/O to console. ''' wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent,wx.ID_ANY) self.parent = parent ### IPython non blocking shell instanciation ### self.cout = StringIO() self.add_button_handler = add_button_handler if wx_ip_shell is not None: self.IP = wx_ip_shell else: self.IP = WxNonBlockingIPShell(self, cout = self.cout, cerr = self.cout, ask_exit_handler = self.askExitCallback) ### IPython wx console view instanciation ### #If user didn't defined an intro text, we create one for him #If you really wnat an empty intro just call wxIPythonViewPanel #with intro='' if intro is None: welcome_text = "Welcome to WxIPython Shell.\n\n" welcome_text+= self.IP.getBanner() welcome_text+= "!command -> Execute command in shell\n" welcome_text+= "TAB -> Autocompletion\n" else: welcome_text = intro self.text_ctrl = WxConsoleView(self, self.IP.getPrompt(), intro=welcome_text, background_color=background_color) option_text = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Options:") self.completion_option = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, "Scintilla Completion") self.completion_option.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip( "Selects the completion type:\nEither Ipython default style or Scintilla one")) #self.completion_option.SetValue(False) self.background_option = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, "White Background") self.background_option.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip( "Selects the back ground color: BLACK or WHITE")) #self.background_option.SetValue(False) self.threading_option = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, "Execute in thread") self.threading_option.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip( "Use threading: infinite loop don't freeze the GUI and commands can be breaked\nNo threading: maximum compatibility")) #self.threading_option.SetValue(False) self.options={'completion':{'value':'IPYTHON', 'checkbox':self.completion_option,'STC':True,'IPYTHON':False, 'setfunc':self.text_ctrl.setCompletionMethod}, 'background_color':{'value':'BLACK', 'checkbox':self.background_option,'WHITE':True,'BLACK':False, 'setfunc':self.text_ctrl.setBackgroundColor}, 'threading':{'value':'True', 'checkbox':self.threading_option,'True':True,'False':False, 'setfunc':self.IP.setThreading}, } #self.cout.write dEfault option is asynchroneous because default sate is threading ON self.cout.write = self.text_ctrl.asyncWrite #we reloard options self.reloadOptions(self.options) self.text_ctrl.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.keyPress) self.completion_option.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.evtCheckOptionCompletion) self.background_option.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.evtCheckOptionBackgroundColor) self.threading_option.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.evtCheckOptionThreading) ### making the layout of the panel ### sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(self.text_ctrl, 1, wx.EXPAND) option_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(option_sizer, 0) option_sizer.AddMany([(10, 20), (option_text, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (5, 5), (self.completion_option, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (8, 8), (self.background_option, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL), (8, 8), (self.threading_option, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) ]) self.SetAutoLayout(True) sizer.Fit(self) sizer.SetSizeHints(self) self.SetSizer(sizer) #and we focus on the widget :) self.SetFocus() #widget state management (for key handling different cases) self.setCurrentState('IDLE') self.pager_state = 'DONE' self.raw_input_current_line = 0 def askExitCallback(self, event): self.askExitHandler(event) #---------------------- IPython Thread Management ------------------------ def stateDoExecuteLine(self): lines=self.text_ctrl.getCurrentLine() self.text_ctrl.write('\n') lines_to_execute = lines.replace('\t',' '*4) lines_to_execute = lines_to_execute.replace('\r','') self.IP.doExecute(lines_to_execute.encode(ENCODING)) self.updateHistoryTracker(lines) self.setCurrentState('WAIT_END_OF_EXECUTION') def evtStateExecuteDone(self,evt): self.doc = self.IP.getDocText() self.help = self.IP.getHelpText() if self.doc: self.pager_lines = self.doc[7:].split('\n') self.pager_state = 'INIT' self.setCurrentState('SHOW_DOC') self.pager(self.doc) elif self.help: self.pager_lines = self.help.split('\n') self.pager_state = 'INIT' self.setCurrentState('SHOW_DOC') self.pager(self.help) else: self.stateShowPrompt() def stateShowPrompt(self): self.setCurrentState('SHOW_PROMPT') self.text_ctrl.setPrompt(self.IP.getPrompt()) self.text_ctrl.setIndentation(self.IP.getIndentation()) self.text_ctrl.setPromptCount(self.IP.getPromptCount()) self.text_ctrl.showPrompt() self.IP.initHistoryIndex() self.setCurrentState('IDLE') def setCurrentState(self, state): self.cur_state = state self.updateStatusTracker(self.cur_state) def pager(self,text): if self.pager_state == 'INIT': #print >>sys.__stdout__,"PAGER state:",self.pager_state self.pager_nb_lines = len(self.pager_lines) self.pager_index = 0 self.pager_do_remove = False self.text_ctrl.write('\n') self.pager_state = 'PROCESS_LINES' if self.pager_state == 'PROCESS_LINES': #print >>sys.__stdout__,"PAGER state:",self.pager_state if self.pager_do_remove == True: self.text_ctrl.removeCurrentLine() self.pager_do_remove = False if self.pager_nb_lines > 10: #print >>sys.__stdout__,"PAGER processing 10 lines" if self.pager_index > 0: self.text_ctrl.write(">\x01\x1b[1;36m\x02"+self.pager_lines[self.pager_index]+'\n') else: self.text_ctrl.write("\x01\x1b[1;36m\x02 "+self.pager_lines[self.pager_index]+'\n') for line in self.pager_lines[self.pager_index+1:self.pager_index+9]: self.text_ctrl.write("\x01\x1b[1;36m\x02 "+line+'\n') self.pager_index += 10 self.pager_nb_lines -= 10 self.text_ctrl.write("--- Push Enter to continue or 'Q' to quit---") self.pager_do_remove = True self.pager_state = 'WAITING' return else: #print >>sys.__stdout__,"PAGER processing last lines" if self.pager_nb_lines > 0: if self.pager_index > 0: self.text_ctrl.write(">\x01\x1b[1;36m\x02"+self.pager_lines[self.pager_index]+'\n') else: self.text_ctrl.write("\x01\x1b[1;36m\x02 "+self.pager_lines[self.pager_index]+'\n') self.pager_index += 1 self.pager_nb_lines -= 1 if self.pager_nb_lines > 0: for line in self.pager_lines[self.pager_index:]: self.text_ctrl.write("\x01\x1b[1;36m\x02 "+line+'\n') self.pager_nb_lines = 0 self.pager_state = 'DONE' self.stateShowPrompt() #------------------------ Key Handler ------------------------------------ def keyPress(self, event): ''' Key press callback with plenty of shell goodness, like history, autocompletions, etc. ''' if event.GetKeyCode() == ord('C'): if event.Modifiers == wx.MOD_CONTROL or event.Modifiers == wx.MOD_ALT: if self.cur_state == 'WAIT_END_OF_EXECUTION': #we raise an exception inside the IPython thread container self.IP.ce.raise_exc(KeyboardInterrupt) return #let this before 'wx.WXK_RETURN' because we have to put 'IDLE' #mode if AutoComp has been set as inactive if self.cur_state == 'COMPLETING': if not self.text_ctrl.AutoCompActive(): self.cur_state = 'IDLE' else: event.Skip() if event.KeyCode == wx.WXK_RETURN: if self.cur_state == 'IDLE': #we change the state ot the state machine self.setCurrentState('DO_EXECUTE_LINE') self.stateDoExecuteLine() return if self.pager_state == 'WAITING': self.pager_state = 'PROCESS_LINES' self.pager(self.doc) return if self.cur_state == 'WAITING_USER_INPUT': line=self.text_ctrl.getCurrentLine() self.text_ctrl.write('\n') self.setCurrentState('WAIT_END_OF_EXECUTION') return if event.GetKeyCode() in [ord('q'),ord('Q')]: if self.pager_state == 'WAITING': self.pager_state = 'DONE' self.text_ctrl.write('\n') self.stateShowPrompt() return if self.cur_state == 'WAITING_USER_INPUT': event.Skip() if self.cur_state == 'IDLE': if event.KeyCode == wx.WXK_UP: history = self.IP.historyBack() self.text_ctrl.writeHistory(history) return if event.KeyCode == wx.WXK_DOWN: history = self.IP.historyForward() self.text_ctrl.writeHistory(history) return if event.KeyCode == wx.WXK_TAB: #if line empty we disable tab completion if not self.text_ctrl.getCurrentLine().strip(): self.text_ctrl.write('\t') return completed, possibilities = self.IP.complete(self.text_ctrl.getCurrentLine()) if len(possibilities) > 1: if self.text_ctrl.autocomplete_mode == 'IPYTHON': cur_slice = self.text_ctrl.getCurrentLine() self.text_ctrl.write('\n') self.text_ctrl.writeCompletion(possibilities) self.text_ctrl.write('\n') self.text_ctrl.showPrompt() self.text_ctrl.write(cur_slice) self.text_ctrl.changeLine(completed or cur_slice) else: self.cur_state = 'COMPLETING' self.text_ctrl.writeCompletion(possibilities) else: self.text_ctrl.changeLine(completed or cur_slice) return event.Skip() #------------------------ Option Section --------------------------------- def evtCheckOptionCompletion(self, event): if event.IsChecked(): self.options['completion']['value']='STC' else: self.options['completion']['value']='IPYTHON' self.text_ctrl.setCompletionMethod(self.options['completion']['value']) self.updateOptionTracker('completion', self.options['completion']['value']) self.text_ctrl.SetFocus() def evtCheckOptionBackgroundColor(self, event): if event.IsChecked(): self.options['background_color']['value']='WHITE' else: self.options['background_color']['value']='BLACK' self.text_ctrl.setBackgroundColor(self.options['background_color']['value']) self.updateOptionTracker('background_color', self.options['background_color']['value']) self.text_ctrl.SetFocus() def evtCheckOptionThreading(self, event): if event.IsChecked(): self.options['threading']['value']='True' self.IP.setThreading(True) self.cout.write = self.text_ctrl.asyncWrite else: self.options['threading']['value']='False' self.IP.setThreading(False) self.cout.write = self.text_ctrl.write self.updateOptionTracker('threading', self.options['threading']['value']) self.text_ctrl.SetFocus() def getOptions(self): return self.options def reloadOptions(self,options): self.options = options for key in self.options.keys(): value = self.options[key]['value'] self.options[key]['checkbox'].SetValue(self.options[key][value]) self.options[key]['setfunc'](value) if self.options['threading']['value']=='True': self.IP.setThreading(True) self.cout.write = self.text_ctrl.asyncWrite else: self.IP.setThreading(False) self.cout.write = self.text_ctrl.write #------------------------ Hook Section ----------------------------------- def updateOptionTracker(self,name,value): ''' Default history tracker (does nothing) ''' pass def setOptionTrackerHook(self,func): ''' Define a new history tracker ''' self.updateOptionTracker = func def updateHistoryTracker(self,command_line): ''' Default history tracker (does nothing) ''' pass def setHistoryTrackerHook(self,func): ''' Define a new history tracker ''' self.updateHistoryTracker = func def updateStatusTracker(self,status): ''' Default status tracker (does nothing) ''' pass def setStatusTrackerHook(self,func): ''' Define a new status tracker ''' self.updateStatusTracker = func def askExitHandler(self, event): ''' Default exit handler ''' self.text_ctrl.write('\nExit callback has not been set.') def setAskExitHandler(self, func): ''' Define an exit handler ''' self.askExitHandler = func if __name__ == '__main__': # Some simple code to test the shell widget. class MainWindow(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, id, title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size=(300,250)) self._sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.shell = IPShellWidget(self) self._sizer.Add(self.shell, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(self._sizer) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.Show(True) app = wx.PySimpleApp() frame = MainWindow(None, wx.ID_ANY, 'Ipython') frame.SetSize((780, 460)) shell = frame.shell app.MainLoop()