// Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. // Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. define([ 'jquery', 'base/js/utils', 'codemirror/lib/codemirror', 'codemirror/mode/meta', 'codemirror/addon/search/search' ], function($, utils, CodeMirror ) { var Editor = function(selector, options) { this.selector = selector; this.contents = options.contents; this.events = options.events; this.base_url = options.base_url; this.file_path = options.file_path; this.codemirror = CodeMirror($(this.selector)[0]); this.save_enabled = false; }; Editor.prototype.load = function() { var that = this; var cm = this.codemirror; this.contents.get(this.file_path, {type: 'file', format: 'text'}) .then(function(model) { cm.setValue(model.content); // Find and load the highlighting mode var modeinfo = CodeMirror.findModeByMIME(model.mimetype); if (modeinfo) { utils.requireCodeMirrorMode(modeinfo.mode, function() { cm.setOption('mode', modeinfo.mode); }); } that.save_enabled = true; }, function(error) { cm.setValue("Error! " + error.message + "\nSaving disabled."); that.save_enabled = false; } ); }; Editor.prototype.save = function() { if (!this.save_enabled) { console.log("Not saving, save disabled"); return; } var model = { path: this.file_path, type: 'file', format: 'text', content: this.codemirror.getValue(), }; var that = this; this.contents.save(this.file_path, model, { success: function() { that.events.trigger("save_succeeded.TextEditor"); } }); }; return {Editor: Editor}; });