%=============================================================================== % Cell style %=============================================================================== % Default to the simple output style ((* if not cell_style is defined *)) ((* set cell_style = 'simple_style.tplx' *)) ((* endif *)) % Inherit from the specified cell style. ((* extends cell_style *)) %=============================================================================== % Latex Book %=============================================================================== ((* block predoc *)) ((( super() ))) ((* block tableofcontents *))\tableofcontents((* endblock tableofcontents *)) ((* endblock predoc *)) ((* block docclass *)) \documentclass{book} ((* endblock docclass *)) ((* block h1 -*))\part((* endblock h1 -*)) ((* block h2 -*))\chapter((* endblock h2 -*)) ((* block h3 -*))\section((* endblock h3 -*)) ((* block h4 -*))\subsection((* endblock h4 -*)) ((* block h5 -*))\subsubsection((* endblock h5 -*)) ((* block h6 -*))\paragraph((* endblock h6 -*))