""" A minimal application using the Qt console-style IPython frontend. This is not a complete console app, as subprocess will not be able to receive input, there is no real readline support, among other limitations. Authors: * Evan Patterson * Min RK * Erik Tollerud * Fernando Perez """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # stdlib imports import json import os import signal import sys # System library imports from IPython.external.qt import QtGui,QtCore from pygments.styles import get_all_styles # Local imports from IPython.config.application import boolean_flag from IPython.core.application import BaseIPythonApplication from IPython.core.profiledir import ProfileDir from IPython.lib.kernel import tunnel_to_kernel, find_connection_file from IPython.frontend.qt.console.frontend_widget import FrontendWidget from IPython.frontend.qt.console.ipython_widget import IPythonWidget from IPython.frontend.qt.console.rich_ipython_widget import RichIPythonWidget from IPython.frontend.qt.console import styles from IPython.frontend.qt.kernelmanager import QtKernelManager from IPython.utils.path import filefind from IPython.utils.py3compat import str_to_bytes from IPython.utils.traitlets import ( Dict, List, Unicode, Int, CaselessStrEnum, CBool, Any ) from IPython.zmq.ipkernel import ( flags as ipkernel_flags, aliases as ipkernel_aliases, IPKernelApp ) from IPython.zmq.session import Session, default_secure from IPython.zmq.zmqshell import ZMQInteractiveShell import application_rc #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Network Constants #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from IPython.utils.localinterfaces import LOCALHOST, LOCAL_IPS #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _examples = """ ipython qtconsole # start the qtconsole ipython qtconsole --pylab=inline # start with pylab in inline plotting mode """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class MainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'object' interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, app, frontend, existing=False, may_close=True, confirm_exit=True): """ Create a MainWindow for the specified FrontendWidget. The app is passed as an argument to allow for different closing behavior depending on whether we are the Kernel's parent. If existing is True, then this Console does not own the Kernel. If may_close is True, then this Console is permitted to close the kernel """ # ** current atributes, for window: # _existing, (kernel) passed by constructor. # _may_close (the kernel) passed by constructor # _confirm_exit # # ** for the frontend # _keep_kernel_on_exit (may be set by %exit) super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self._app = app #self._frontend = frontend #self._existing = existing #if existing: # self._may_close = may_close #else: # self._may_close = True #self._frontend.exit_requested.connect(self.close) #self._confirm_exit = confirm_exit self.tabWidget = QtGui.QTabWidget(self) self.tabWidget.setDocumentMode(True) self.tabWidget.setTabsClosable(True) #self.tabWidget.addTab(frontend,"QtConsole1") self.tabWidget.tabCloseRequested[int].connect(self.closetab) self.setCentralWidget(self.tabWidget) self.updateTabBarVisibility() def updateTabBarVisibility(self): """ update visibility of the tabBar depending of the number of tab 0 or 1 tab, tabBar hiddent 2+ tabs, tabbarHidden need to be called explicitely, or be connected to tabInserted/tabRemoved """ if self.tabWidget.count() <= 1: self.tabWidget.tabBar().setVisible(False) else: self.tabWidget.tabBar().setVisible(True) @property def activeFrontend(self): return self.tabWidget.currentWidget() def closetab(self,tab,force=None): """ Called when a user try to close a tab It takes the number of the tab to be closed as argument, (does not for now, but should) take care of whether or not shuting down the kernel attached to the frontend """ print "trying to closing tab",tab closing_widget=self.tabWidget.widget(tab) keepkernel = None #Use the prompt by default if hasattr(closing_widget,'_keep_kernel_on_exit'): #set by exit magic keepkernel = closing_widget._keep_kernel_on_exit kernel_manager = closing_widget.kernel_manager if keepkernel is None and not closing_widget._confirm_exit: # don't prompt, just terminate the kernel if we own it # or leave it alone if we don't keepkernel = not closing_widget._existing if keepkernel is None: #show prompt if kernel_manager and kernel_manager.channels_running: title = self.window().windowTitle() cancel = QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel okay = QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok if closing_widget._may_close: msg = "You are closing this Console window." info = "Would you like to quit the Kernel and all attached Consoles as well?" justthis = QtGui.QPushButton("&No, just this Console", self) justthis.setShortcut('N') closeall = QtGui.QPushButton("&Yes, quit everything", self) closeall.setShortcut('Y') box = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Question, title, msg) box.setInformativeText(info) box.addButton(cancel) box.addButton(justthis, QtGui.QMessageBox.NoRole) box.addButton(closeall, QtGui.QMessageBox.YesRole) box.setDefaultButton(closeall) box.setEscapeButton(cancel) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(':/icon/IPythonConsole.png') scaledpixmap = pixmap.scaledToWidth(64,mode=QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation) box.setIconPixmap(scaledpixmap) reply = box.exec_() if reply == 1: # close All kernel_manager.shutdown_kernel() closing_widget.pasteMagic("exit") self.tabWidget.removeTab(tab) #kernel_manager.stop_channels() #event.accept() elif reply == 0: # close Console if not closing_widget._existing: # Have kernel: don't quit, just close the window self._app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False) self.deleteLater() #event.accept() #else: #event.ignore() else: reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, title, "Are you sure you want to close this Console?"+ "\nThe Kernel and other Consoles will remain active.", okay|cancel, defaultButton=okay ) if reply == okay: self.tabWidget.removeTab(tab) else: event.ignore() elif keepkernel: #close console but leave kernel running (no prompt) if kernel_manager and kernel_manager.channels_running: if not currentWidget._existing: # I have the kernel: don't quit, just close the window self._app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False) #event.accept() else: #close console and kernel (no prompt) if kernel_manager and kernel_manager.channels_running: kernel_manager.shutdown_kernel() #event.accept() #try: # if closing_widget._local_kernel and not keepkernel: # kernel_manager = self.tabWidget.widget(tab).kernel_manager.shutdown_kernel() # else: # print "not owning the kernel/asked not to shut it down" #except: # print "can't ask the kernel to shutdown" #if self.tabWidget.count() == 1: #self.close() #self.tabWidget.removeTab(tab) self.updateTabBarVisibility() def addTabWithFrontend(self,frontend,name=None): """ insert a tab with a given frontend in the tab bar, and give it a name """ if not name: name=str('no Name '+str(self.tabWidget.count())) self.tabWidget.addTab(frontend,name) self.updateTabBarVisibility() frontend.exit_requested.connect(self.irequest) def irequest(self,obj): print "I request to exit",obj print "which is tab:",self.tabWidget.indexOf(obj) self.closetab(self.tabWidget.indexOf(obj)) # MenuBar is always present on Mac Os, so let's populate it with possible # action, don't do it on other platform as some user might not want the # menu bar, or give them an option to remove it def initMenuBar(self): #create menu in the order they should appear in the menu bar self.fileMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("File") self.editMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("Edit") self.fontMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("Font") self.windowMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("Window") self.magicMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("Magic") # please keep the Help menu in Mac Os even if empty. It will # automatically contain a search field to search inside menus and # please keep it spelled in English, as long as Qt Doesn't support # a QAction.MenuRole like HelpMenuRole otherwise it will loose # this search field fonctionnality self.helpMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu("Help") # sould wrap every line of the following block into a try/except, # as we are not sure of instanciating a _frontend which support all # theses actions, but there might be a better way try: self.print_action = QtGui.QAction("Print", self, shortcut="Ctrl+P", triggered=self.print_action_active_frontend) self.fileMenu.addAction(self.print_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (print), skipping" try: self.export_action=QtGui.QAction("Export", self, shortcut="Ctrl+S", triggered=self.export_action_active_frontend ) self.fileMenu.addAction(self.export_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (Export), skipping" try: self.select_all_action = QtGui.QAction("Select All", self, shortcut="Ctrl+A", triggered=self.select_all_active_frontend ) self.fileMenu.addAction(self.select_all_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (select all), skipping" try: self.undo_action = QtGui.QAction("Undo", self, shortcut="Ctrl+Z", statusTip="Undo last action if possible", triggered=self.undo_active_frontend ) self.editMenu.addAction(self.undo_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (undo), skipping" try: self.redo_action = QtGui.QAction("Redo", self, shortcut="Ctrl+Shift+Z", statusTip="Redo last action if possible", triggered=self.redo_active_frontend) self.editMenu.addAction(self.redo_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (redo), skipping" try: self.increase_font_size = QtGui.QAction("Increase Font Size", self, shortcut="Ctrl++", triggered=self.increase_font_size_active_frontend ) self.fontMenu.addAction(self.increase_font_size) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (increase font size), skipping" try: self.decrease_font_size = QtGui.QAction("Decrease Font Size", self, shortcut="Ctrl+-", triggered=self.decrease_font_size_active_frontend ) self.fontMenu.addAction(self.decrease_font_size) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (decrease font size), skipping" try: self.reset_font_size = QtGui.QAction("Reset Font Size", self, shortcut="Ctrl+0", triggered=self.reset_font_size_active_frontend ) self.fontMenu.addAction(self.reset_font_size) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (reset font size), skipping" try: self.reset_action = QtGui.QAction("Reset", self, statusTip="Clear all varible from workspace", triggered=self.reset_magic_active_frontend) self.magicMenu.addAction(self.reset_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (reset), skipping" try: self.history_action = QtGui.QAction("History", self, statusTip="show command history", triggered=self.history_magic_active_frontend) self.magicMenu.addAction(self.history_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (history), skipping" try: self.save_action = QtGui.QAction("Export History ", self, statusTip="Export History as Python File", triggered=self.save_magic_active_frontend) self.magicMenu.addAction(self.save_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (save), skipping" try: self.clear_action = QtGui.QAction("Clear", self, statusTip="Clear the console", triggered=self.clear_magic_active_frontend) self.magicMenu.addAction(self.clear_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action, skipping" try: self.who_action = QtGui.QAction("Who", self, statusTip="List interactive variable", triggered=self.who_magic_active_frontend) self.magicMenu.addAction(self.who_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (who), skipping" try: self.who_ls_action = QtGui.QAction("Who ls", self, statusTip="Return a list of interactive variable", triggered=self.who_ls_magic_active_frontend) self.magicMenu.addAction(self.who_ls_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (who_ls), skipping" try: self.whos_action = QtGui.QAction("Whos", self, statusTip="List interactive variable with detail", triggered=self.whos_magic_active_frontend) self.magicMenu.addAction(self.whos_action) except AttributeError: print "trying to add unexisting action (whos), skipping" def undo_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.undo() def redo_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.redo() def reset_magic_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.reset_magic() def history_magic_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.history_magic() def save_magic_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.save_magic() def clear_magic_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.clear_magic() def who_magic_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.who_magic() def who_ls_magic_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.who_ls_magic() def whos_magic_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.whos_magic() def print_action_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.print_action.trigger() def export_action_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.export_action.trigger() def select_all_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.select_all_action.trigger() def increase_font_size_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.increase_font_size.trigger() def decrease_font_size_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.decrease_font_size.trigger() def reset_font_size_active_frontend(self): self.activeFrontend.reset_font_size.trigger() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # QWidget interface #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def closeEvent(self, event): """ Close the window and the kernel (if necessary). This will prompt the user if they are finished with the kernel, and if so, closes the kernel cleanly. Alternatively, if the exit magic is used, it closes without prompt. """ # Should change the logic # put this code iin a per tab bases, with each atributes specified on the tab. # otherwise, we should ask the user: # ==================================== # close all the tabs and kernel ? # Yes | No | Cancel | Keep the kernel runing | Ask for each # ==================================== # We might also add an action "close all `non local kernel` console" # Closing widget is based on the tab index, so we have to build the # list of widget before actually looping throught it. By Sending the %exit magic # you are sure to avoid question about restarting the kernel. Otherwise you'll have to # close the 'non local kernel' tabs before #allWidget = [ self.tabWidget.widget(n) for n in range(self.tabWidget.count())] #for w in allWidget: # w.exit_magic() #return #keepkernel = None #Use the prompt by default #if hasattr(self._frontend,'_keep_kernel_on_exit'): #set by exit magic # keepkernel = self._frontend._keep_kernel_on_exit #kernel_manager = self._frontend.kernel_manager #if keepkernel is None and not self._confirm_exit: # # don't prompt, just terminate the kernel if we own it # # or leave it alone if we don't # keepkernel = not self._existing return if keepkernel is None: #show prompt if kernel_manager and kernel_manager.channels_running: title = self.window().windowTitle() cancel = QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel okay = QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok if self._may_close: msg = "You are closing this Console window." info = "Would you like to quit the Kernel and all attached Consoles as well?" justthis = QtGui.QPushButton("&No, just this Console", self) justthis.setShortcut('N') closeall = QtGui.QPushButton("&Yes, quit everything", self) closeall.setShortcut('Y') box = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Question, title, msg) box.setInformativeText(info) box.addButton(cancel) box.addButton(justthis, QtGui.QMessageBox.NoRole) box.addButton(closeall, QtGui.QMessageBox.YesRole) box.setDefaultButton(closeall) box.setEscapeButton(cancel) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(':/icon/IPythonConsole.png') scaledpixmap = pixmap.scaledToWidth(64,mode=QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation) box.setIconPixmap(scaledpixmap) reply = box.exec_() if reply == 1: # close All kernel_manager.shutdown_kernel() #kernel_manager.stop_channels() event.accept() elif reply == 0: # close Console if not self._existing: # Have kernel: don't quit, just close the window self._app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False) self.deleteLater() event.accept() else: event.ignore() else: reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, title, "Are you sure you want to close this Console?"+ "\nThe Kernel and other Consoles will remain active.", okay|cancel, defaultButton=okay ) if reply == okay: event.accept() else: event.ignore() elif keepkernel: #close console but leave kernel running (no prompt) if kernel_manager and kernel_manager.channels_running: if not self._existing: # I have the kernel: don't quit, just close the window self._app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False) event.accept() else: #close console and kernel (no prompt) if kernel_manager and kernel_manager.channels_running: kernel_manager.shutdown_kernel() event.accept() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Aliases and Flags #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- flags = dict(ipkernel_flags) qt_flags = { 'existing' : ({'IPythonQtConsoleApp' : {'existing' : 'kernel*.json'}}, "Connect to an existing kernel. If no argument specified, guess most recent"), 'pure' : ({'IPythonQtConsoleApp' : {'pure' : True}}, "Use a pure Python kernel instead of an IPython kernel."), 'plain' : ({'ConsoleWidget' : {'kind' : 'plain'}}, "Disable rich text support."), } qt_flags.update(boolean_flag( 'gui-completion', 'ConsoleWidget.gui_completion', "use a GUI widget for tab completion", "use plaintext output for completion" )) qt_flags.update(boolean_flag( 'confirm-exit', 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.confirm_exit', """Set to display confirmation dialog on exit. You can always use 'exit' or 'quit', to force a direct exit without any confirmation. """, """Don't prompt the user when exiting. This will terminate the kernel if it is owned by the frontend, and leave it alive if it is external. """ )) flags.update(qt_flags) aliases = dict(ipkernel_aliases) qt_aliases = dict( hb = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.hb_port', shell = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.shell_port', iopub = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.iopub_port', stdin = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.stdin_port', ip = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.ip', existing = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.existing', f = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.connection_file', style = 'IPythonWidget.syntax_style', stylesheet = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.stylesheet', colors = 'ZMQInteractiveShell.colors', editor = 'IPythonWidget.editor', paging = 'ConsoleWidget.paging', ssh = 'IPythonQtConsoleApp.sshserver', ) aliases.update(qt_aliases) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IPythonQtConsole #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IPythonQtConsoleApp(BaseIPythonApplication): name = 'ipython-qtconsole' default_config_file_name='ipython_config.py' description = """ The IPython QtConsole. This launches a Console-style application using Qt. It is not a full console, in that launched terminal subprocesses will not be able to accept input. The QtConsole supports various extra features beyond the Terminal IPython shell, such as inline plotting with matplotlib, via: ipython qtconsole --pylab=inline as well as saving your session as HTML, and printing the output. """ examples = _examples classes = [IPKernelApp, IPythonWidget, ZMQInteractiveShell, ProfileDir, Session] flags = Dict(flags) aliases = Dict(aliases) kernel_argv = List(Unicode) # create requested profiles by default, if they don't exist: auto_create = CBool(True) # connection info: ip = Unicode(LOCALHOST, config=True, help="""Set the kernel\'s IP address [default localhost]. If the IP address is something other than localhost, then Consoles on other machines will be able to connect to the Kernel, so be careful!""" ) sshserver = Unicode('', config=True, help="""The SSH server to use to connect to the kernel.""") sshkey = Unicode('', config=True, help="""Path to the ssh key to use for logging in to the ssh server.""") hb_port = Int(0, config=True, help="set the heartbeat port [default: random]") shell_port = Int(0, config=True, help="set the shell (XREP) port [default: random]") iopub_port = Int(0, config=True, help="set the iopub (PUB) port [default: random]") stdin_port = Int(0, config=True, help="set the stdin (XREQ) port [default: random]") connection_file = Unicode('', config=True, help="""JSON file in which to store connection info [default: kernel-<pid>.json] This file will contain the IP, ports, and authentication key needed to connect clients to this kernel. By default, this file will be created in the security-dir of the current profile, but can be specified by absolute path. """) def _connection_file_default(self): return 'kernel-%i.json' % os.getpid() existing = Unicode('', config=True, help="""Connect to an already running kernel""") stylesheet = Unicode('', config=True, help="path to a custom CSS stylesheet") pure = CBool(False, config=True, help="Use a pure Python kernel instead of an IPython kernel.") plain = CBool(False, config=True, help="Use a plaintext widget instead of rich text (plain can't print/save).") def _pure_changed(self, name, old, new): kind = 'plain' if self.plain else 'rich' self.config.ConsoleWidget.kind = kind if self.pure: self.widget_factory = FrontendWidget elif self.plain: self.widget_factory = IPythonWidget else: self.widget_factory = RichIPythonWidget _plain_changed = _pure_changed confirm_exit = CBool(True, config=True, help=""" Set to display confirmation dialog on exit. You can always use 'exit' or 'quit', to force a direct exit without any confirmation.""", ) # the factory for creating a widget widget_factory = Any(RichIPythonWidget) def parse_command_line(self, argv=None): super(IPythonQtConsoleApp, self).parse_command_line(argv) if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] self.kernel_argv = list(argv) # copy # kernel should inherit default config file from frontend self.kernel_argv.append("--KernelApp.parent_appname='%s'"%self.name) # Scrub frontend-specific flags for a in argv: if a.startswith('-') and a.lstrip('-') in qt_flags: self.kernel_argv.remove(a) swallow_next = False for a in argv: if swallow_next: self.kernel_argv.remove(a) swallow_next = False continue if a.startswith('-'): split = a.lstrip('-').split('=') alias = split[0] if alias in qt_aliases: self.kernel_argv.remove(a) if len(split) == 1: # alias passed with arg via space swallow_next = True def init_connection_file(self): """find the connection file, and load the info if found. The current working directory and the current profile's security directory will be searched for the file if it is not given by absolute path. When attempting to connect to an existing kernel and the `--existing` argument does not match an existing file, it will be interpreted as a fileglob, and the matching file in the current profile's security dir with the latest access time will be used. """ if self.existing: try: cf = find_connection_file(self.existing) except Exception: self.log.critical("Could not find existing kernel connection file %s", self.existing) self.exit(1) self.log.info("Connecting to existing kernel: %s" % cf) self.connection_file = cf # should load_connection_file only be used for existing? # as it is now, this allows reusing ports if an existing # file is requested try: self.load_connection_file() except Exception: self.log.error("Failed to load connection file: %r", self.connection_file, exc_info=True) self.exit(1) def load_connection_file(self): """load ip/port/hmac config from JSON connection file""" # this is identical to KernelApp.load_connection_file # perhaps it can be centralized somewhere? try: fname = filefind(self.connection_file, ['.', self.profile_dir.security_dir]) except IOError: self.log.debug("Connection File not found: %s", self.connection_file) return self.log.debug(u"Loading connection file %s", fname) with open(fname) as f: s = f.read() cfg = json.loads(s) if self.ip == LOCALHOST and 'ip' in cfg: # not overridden by config or cl_args self.ip = cfg['ip'] for channel in ('hb', 'shell', 'iopub', 'stdin'): name = channel + '_port' if getattr(self, name) == 0 and name in cfg: # not overridden by config or cl_args setattr(self, name, cfg[name]) if 'key' in cfg: self.config.Session.key = str_to_bytes(cfg['key']) def init_ssh(self): """set up ssh tunnels, if needed.""" if not self.sshserver and not self.sshkey: return if self.sshkey and not self.sshserver: # specifying just the key implies that we are connecting directly self.sshserver = self.ip self.ip = LOCALHOST # build connection dict for tunnels: info = dict(ip=self.ip, shell_port=self.shell_port, iopub_port=self.iopub_port, stdin_port=self.stdin_port, hb_port=self.hb_port ) self.log.info("Forwarding connections to %s via %s"%(self.ip, self.sshserver)) # tunnels return a new set of ports, which will be on localhost: self.ip = LOCALHOST try: newports = tunnel_to_kernel(info, self.sshserver, self.sshkey) except: # even catch KeyboardInterrupt self.log.error("Could not setup tunnels", exc_info=True) self.exit(1) self.shell_port, self.iopub_port, self.stdin_port, self.hb_port = newports cf = self.connection_file base,ext = os.path.splitext(cf) base = os.path.basename(base) self.connection_file = os.path.basename(base)+'-ssh'+ext self.log.critical("To connect another client via this tunnel, use:") self.log.critical("--existing %s" % self.connection_file) def init_kernel_manager(self): # Don't let Qt or ZMQ swallow KeyboardInterupts. signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) sec = self.profile_dir.security_dir try: cf = filefind(self.connection_file, ['.', sec]) except IOError: # file might not exist if self.connection_file == os.path.basename(self.connection_file): # just shortname, put it in security dir cf = os.path.join(sec, self.connection_file) else: cf = self.connection_file # Create a KernelManager and start a kernel. self.kernel_manager = QtKernelManager( ip=self.ip, shell_port=self.shell_port, iopub_port=self.iopub_port, stdin_port=self.stdin_port, hb_port=self.hb_port, connection_file=cf, config=self.config, ) # start the kernel if not self.existing: kwargs = dict(ipython=not self.pure) kwargs['extra_arguments'] = self.kernel_argv self.kernel_manager.start_kernel(**kwargs) elif self.sshserver: # ssh, write new connection file self.kernel_manager.write_connection_file() self.kernel_manager.start_channels() def createTabWithNewFrontend(self): kernel_manager = QtKernelManager( shell_address=(self.ip, self.shell_port), sub_address=(self.ip, self.iopub_port), stdin_address=(self.ip, self.stdin_port), hb_address=(self.ip, self.hb_port), config=self.config ) # start the kernel if not self.existing: kwargs = dict(ip=self.ip, ipython=not self.pure) kwargs['extra_arguments'] = self.kernel_argv kernel_manager.start_kernel(**kwargs) kernel_manager.start_channels() local_kernel = (not self.existing) or self.ip in LOCAL_IPS widget = self.widget_factory(config=self.config, local_kernel=local_kernel) widget.kernel_manager = kernel_manager widget._confirm_exit=True; widget._may_close=True; self.window.addTabWithFrontend(widget) def createTabAttachedToCurrentTabKernel(self): currentWidget=self.window.tabWidget.currentWidget() currentWidgetIndex=self.window.tabWidget.indexOf(currentWidget) ckm=currentWidget.kernel_manager; cwname=self.window.tabWidget.tabText(currentWidgetIndex); kernel_manager = QtKernelManager( shell_address=ckm.shell_address, sub_address=ckm.sub_address, stdin_address=ckm.stdin_address, hb_address=ckm.hb_address, config=self.config ) kernel_manager.start_channels() local_kernel = (not self.existing) or self.ip in LOCAL_IPS widget = self.widget_factory(config=self.config, local_kernel=False) widget._confirm_exit=True; widget._may_close=False; widget.kernel_manager = kernel_manager self.window.addTabWithFrontend(widget,name=str('('+cwname+') slave')) def init_qt_elements(self): # Create the widget. self.app = QtGui.QApplication([]) pixmap=QtGui.QPixmap(':/icon/IPythonConsole.png') icon=QtGui.QIcon(pixmap) QtGui.QApplication.setWindowIcon(icon) local_kernel = (not self.existing) or self.ip in LOCAL_IPS self.widget = self.widget_factory(config=self.config, local_kernel=local_kernel) self.widget.kernel_manager = self.kernel_manager self.window = MainWindow(self.app, self.widget, self.existing, may_close=local_kernel, confirm_exit=self.confirm_exit) self.window.addTabWithFrontend(self.widget) self.window.initMenuBar() self.window.setWindowTitle('Python' if self.pure else 'IPython') def init_colors(self): """Configure the coloring of the widget""" # Note: This will be dramatically simplified when colors # are removed from the backend. if self.pure: # only IPythonWidget supports styling return # parse the colors arg down to current known labels try: colors = self.config.ZMQInteractiveShell.colors except AttributeError: colors = None try: style = self.config.IPythonWidget.colors except AttributeError: style = None # find the value for colors: if colors: colors=colors.lower() if colors in ('lightbg', 'light'): colors='lightbg' elif colors in ('dark', 'linux'): colors='linux' else: colors='nocolor' elif style: if style=='bw': colors='nocolor' elif styles.dark_style(style): colors='linux' else: colors='lightbg' else: colors=None # Configure the style. widget = self.widget if style: widget.style_sheet = styles.sheet_from_template(style, colors) widget.syntax_style = style widget._syntax_style_changed() widget._style_sheet_changed() elif colors: # use a default style widget.set_default_style(colors=colors) else: # this is redundant for now, but allows the widget's # defaults to change widget.set_default_style() if self.stylesheet: # we got an expicit stylesheet if os.path.isfile(self.stylesheet): with open(self.stylesheet) as f: sheet = f.read() widget.style_sheet = sheet widget._style_sheet_changed() else: raise IOError("Stylesheet %r not found."%self.stylesheet) def initialize(self, argv=None): super(IPythonQtConsoleApp, self).initialize(argv) self.init_connection_file() default_secure(self.config) self.init_ssh() self.init_kernel_manager() self.init_qt_elements() self.init_colors() self.init_window_shortcut() def init_window_shortcut(self): self.fullScreenAct = QtGui.QAction("Full Screen", self.window, shortcut="Ctrl+Meta+Space", statusTip="Toggle between Fullscreen and Normal Size", triggered=self.toggleFullScreen) self.tabAndNewKernelAct =QtGui.QAction("Tab with New kernel", self.window, shortcut="Ctrl+T", triggered=self.createTabWithNewFrontend) self.window.windowMenu.addAction(self.tabAndNewKernelAct) self.tabSameKernalAct =QtGui.QAction("Tab with Same kernel", self.window, shortcut="Ctrl+Shift+T", triggered=self.createTabAttachedToCurrentTabKernel) self.window.windowMenu.addAction(self.tabSameKernalAct) self.window.windowMenu.addSeparator() # creating shortcut in menubar only for Mac OS as I don't # know the shortcut or if the windows manager assign it in # other platform. if sys.platform == 'darwin': self.minimizeAct = QtGui.QAction("Minimize", self.window, shortcut="Ctrl+m", statusTip="Minimize the window/Restore Normal Size", triggered=self.toggleMinimized) self.maximizeAct = QtGui.QAction("Maximize", self.window, shortcut="Ctrl+Shift+M", statusTip="Maximize the window/Restore Normal Size", triggered=self.toggleMaximized) self.onlineHelpAct = QtGui.QAction("Open Online Help", self.window, triggered=self._open_online_help) self.windowMenu = self.window.windowMenu self.windowMenu.addAction(self.minimizeAct) self.windowMenu.addAction(self.maximizeAct) self.windowMenu.addSeparator() self.windowMenu.addAction(self.fullScreenAct) self.window.helpMenu.addAction(self.onlineHelpAct) else: # if we don't put it in a menu, we add it to the window so # that it can still be triggerd by shortcut self.window.addAction(self.fullScreenAct) def toggleMinimized(self): if not self.window.isMinimized(): self.window.showMinimized() else: self.window.showNormal() def _open_online_help(self): QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl( QtCore.QUrl("http://ipython.org/documentation.html", QtCore.QUrl.TolerantMode) ) def toggleMaximized(self): if not self.window.isMaximized(): self.window.showMaximized() else: self.window.showNormal() # Min/Max imizing while in full screen give a bug # when going out of full screen, at least on OSX def toggleFullScreen(self): if not self.window.isFullScreen(): self.window.showFullScreen() if sys.platform == 'darwin': self.maximizeAct.setEnabled(False) self.minimizeAct.setEnabled(False) else: self.window.showNormal() if sys.platform == 'darwin': self.maximizeAct.setEnabled(True) self.minimizeAct.setEnabled(True) def start(self): # draw the window self.window.show() # Start the application main loop. self.app.exec_() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main entry point #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(): app = IPythonQtConsoleApp() app.initialize() app.start() if __name__ == '__main__': main()