# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Tools for handling LaTeX. Authors: * Brian Granger """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2010, IPython Development Team. # # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. # # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from StringIO import StringIO from base64 import encodestring #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tools #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def latex_to_png(s, encode=False): """Render a LaTeX string to PNG using matplotlib.mathtext. Parameters ---------- s : str The raw string containing valid inline LaTeX. encode : bool, optional Should the PNG data bebase64 encoded to make it JSON'able. """ from matplotlib import mathtext mt = mathtext.MathTextParser('bitmap') f = StringIO() mt.to_png(f, s, fontsize=12) bin_data = f.getvalue() if encode: bin_data = encodestring(bin_data) return bin_data _data_uri_template_png = """<img src="data:image/png;base64,%s" alt=%s />""" def latex_to_html(s, alt='image'): """Render LaTeX to HTML with embedded PNG data using data URIs. Parameters ---------- s : str The raw string containing valid inline LateX. alt : str The alt text to use for the HTML. """ base64_data = latex_to_png(s, encode=True) return _data_uri_template_png % (base64_data, alt) # From matplotlib, thanks to mdboom. Once this is in matplotlib releases, we # will remove. def math_to_image(s, filename_or_obj, prop=None, dpi=None, format=None): """ Given a math expression, renders it in a closely-clipped bounding box to an image file. *s* A math expression. The math portion should be enclosed in dollar signs. *filename_or_obj* A filepath or writable file-like object to write the image data to. *prop* If provided, a FontProperties() object describing the size and style of the text. *dpi* Override the output dpi, otherwise use the default associated with the output format. *format* The output format, eg. 'svg', 'pdf', 'ps' or 'png'. If not provided, will be deduced from the filename. """ from matplotlib import figure # backend_agg supports all of the core output formats from matplotlib.backends import backend_agg from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties from matplotlib.mathtext import MathTextParser if prop is None: prop = FontProperties() parser = MathTextParser('path') width, height, depth, _, _ = parser.parse(s, dpi=72, prop=prop) fig = figure.Figure(figsize=(width / 72.0, height / 72.0)) fig.text(0, depth/height, s, fontproperties=prop) backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg(fig) fig.savefig(filename_or_obj, dpi=dpi, format=format) return depth