#!/usr/bin/env python """The IPython Controller Hub with 0MQ This is the master object that handles connections from engines and clients, and monitors traffic through the various queues. """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2010 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function import sys import time from datetime import datetime import zmq from zmq.eventloop import ioloop from zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import ZMQStream # internal: from IPython.utils.importstring import import_item from IPython.utils.traitlets import HasTraits, Instance, Int, CStr, Str, Dict, Set, List, Bool from .entry_point import select_random_ports from .factory import RegistrationFactory, LoggingFactory from . import error from .heartmonitor import HeartMonitor from .util import validate_url_container, ISO8601 try: from pymongo.binary import Binary except ImportError: MongoDB=None else: from mongodb import MongoDB #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _passer(*args, **kwargs): return def _printer(*args, **kwargs): print (args) print (kwargs) def init_record(msg): """Initialize a TaskRecord based on a request.""" header = msg['header'] return { 'msg_id' : header['msg_id'], 'header' : header, 'content': msg['content'], 'buffers': msg['buffers'], 'submitted': datetime.strptime(header['date'], ISO8601), 'client_uuid' : None, 'engine_uuid' : None, 'started': None, 'completed': None, 'resubmitted': None, 'result_header' : None, 'result_content' : None, 'result_buffers' : None, 'queue' : None, 'pyin' : None, 'pyout': None, 'pyerr': None, 'stdout': '', 'stderr': '', } class EngineConnector(HasTraits): """A simple object for accessing the various zmq connections of an object. Attributes are: id (int): engine ID uuid (str): uuid (unused?) queue (str): identity of queue's XREQ socket registration (str): identity of registration XREQ socket heartbeat (str): identity of heartbeat XREQ socket """ id=Int(0) queue=Str() control=Str() registration=Str() heartbeat=Str() pending=Set() class HubFactory(RegistrationFactory): """The Configurable for setting up a Hub.""" # name of a scheduler scheme scheme = Str('leastload', config=True) # port-pairs for monitoredqueues: hb = Instance(list, config=True) def _hb_default(self): return select_random_ports(2) mux = Instance(list, config=True) def _mux_default(self): return select_random_ports(2) task = Instance(list, config=True) def _task_default(self): return select_random_ports(2) control = Instance(list, config=True) def _control_default(self): return select_random_ports(2) iopub = Instance(list, config=True) def _iopub_default(self): return select_random_ports(2) # single ports: mon_port = Instance(int, config=True) def _mon_port_default(self): return select_random_ports(1)[0] query_port = Instance(int, config=True) def _query_port_default(self): return select_random_ports(1)[0] notifier_port = Instance(int, config=True) def _notifier_port_default(self): return select_random_ports(1)[0] ping = Int(1000, config=True) # ping frequency engine_ip = CStr('', config=True) engine_transport = CStr('tcp', config=True) client_ip = CStr('', config=True) client_transport = CStr('tcp', config=True) monitor_ip = CStr('', config=True) monitor_transport = CStr('tcp', config=True) monitor_url = CStr('') db_class = CStr('IPython.zmq.parallel.dictdb.DictDB', config=True) # not configurable db = Instance('IPython.zmq.parallel.dictdb.BaseDB') heartmonitor = Instance('IPython.zmq.parallel.heartmonitor.HeartMonitor') subconstructors = List() _constructed = Bool(False) def _ip_changed(self, name, old, new): self.engine_ip = new self.client_ip = new self.monitor_ip = new self._update_monitor_url() def _update_monitor_url(self): self.monitor_url = "%s://%s:%i"%(self.monitor_transport, self.monitor_ip, self.mon_port) def _transport_changed(self, name, old, new): self.engine_transport = new self.client_transport = new self.monitor_transport = new self._update_monitor_url() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(HubFactory, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._update_monitor_url() # self.on_trait_change(self._sync_ips, 'ip') # self.on_trait_change(self._sync_transports, 'transport') self.subconstructors.append(self.construct_hub) def construct(self): assert not self._constructed, "already constructed!" for subc in self.subconstructors: subc() self._constructed = True def start(self): assert self._constructed, "must be constructed by self.construct() first!" self.heartmonitor.start() self.log.info("Heartmonitor started") def construct_hub(self): """construct""" client_iface = "%s://%s:"%(self.client_transport, self.client_ip) + "%i" engine_iface = "%s://%s:"%(self.engine_transport, self.engine_ip) + "%i" ctx = self.context loop = self.loop # Registrar socket reg = ZMQStream(ctx.socket(zmq.XREP), loop) reg.bind(client_iface % self.regport) self.log.info("Hub listening on %s for registration."%(client_iface%self.regport)) if self.client_ip != self.engine_ip: reg.bind(engine_iface % self.regport) self.log.info("Hub listening on %s for registration."%(engine_iface%self.regport)) ### Engine connections ### # heartbeat hpub = ctx.socket(zmq.PUB) hpub.bind(engine_iface % self.hb[0]) hrep = ctx.socket(zmq.XREP) hrep.bind(engine_iface % self.hb[1]) self.heartmonitor = HeartMonitor(loop=loop, pingstream=ZMQStream(hpub,loop), pongstream=ZMQStream(hrep,loop), period=self.ping, logname=self.log.name) ### Client connections ### # Clientele socket c = ZMQStream(ctx.socket(zmq.XREP), loop) c.bind(client_iface%self.query_port) # Notifier socket n = ZMQStream(ctx.socket(zmq.PUB), loop) n.bind(client_iface%self.notifier_port) ### build and launch the queues ### # monitor socket sub = ctx.socket(zmq.SUB) sub.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "") sub.bind(self.monitor_url) sub.bind('inproc://monitor') sub = ZMQStream(sub, loop) # connect the db self.db = import_item(self.db_class)(self.session.session) time.sleep(.25) # build connection dicts self.engine_info = { 'control' : engine_iface%self.control[1], 'mux': engine_iface%self.mux[1], 'heartbeat': (engine_iface%self.hb[0], engine_iface%self.hb[1]), 'task' : engine_iface%self.task[1], 'iopub' : engine_iface%self.iopub[1], # 'monitor' : engine_iface%self.mon_port, } self.client_info = { 'control' : client_iface%self.control[0], 'query': client_iface%self.query_port, 'mux': client_iface%self.mux[0], 'task' : (self.scheme, client_iface%self.task[0]), 'iopub' : client_iface%self.iopub[0], 'notification': client_iface%self.notifier_port } self.log.debug("hub::Hub engine addrs: %s"%self.engine_info) self.log.debug("hub::Hub client addrs: %s"%self.client_info) self.hub = Hub(loop=loop, session=self.session, monitor=sub, heartmonitor=self.heartmonitor, registrar=reg, clientele=c, notifier=n, db=self.db, engine_info=self.engine_info, client_info=self.client_info, logname=self.log.name) class Hub(LoggingFactory): """The IPython Controller Hub with 0MQ connections Parameters ========== loop: zmq IOLoop instance session: StreamSession object context: zmq context for creating new connections (?) queue: ZMQStream for monitoring the command queue (SUB) registrar: ZMQStream for engine registration requests (XREP) heartbeat: HeartMonitor object checking the pulse of the engines clientele: ZMQStream for client connections (XREP) not used for jobs, only query/control commands notifier: ZMQStream for broadcasting engine registration changes (PUB) db: connection to db for out of memory logging of commands NotImplemented engine_info: dict of zmq connection information for engines to connect to the queues. client_info: dict of zmq connection information for engines to connect to the queues. """ # internal data structures: ids=Set() # engine IDs keytable=Dict() by_ident=Dict() engines=Dict() clients=Dict() hearts=Dict() pending=Set() queues=Dict() # pending msg_ids keyed by engine_id tasks=Dict() # pending msg_ids submitted as tasks, keyed by client_id completed=Dict() # completed msg_ids keyed by engine_id all_completed=Set() # completed msg_ids keyed by engine_id # mia=None incoming_registrations=Dict() registration_timeout=Int() _idcounter=Int(0) # objects from constructor: loop=Instance(ioloop.IOLoop) registrar=Instance(ZMQStream) clientele=Instance(ZMQStream) monitor=Instance(ZMQStream) heartmonitor=Instance(HeartMonitor) notifier=Instance(ZMQStream) db=Instance(object) client_info=Dict() engine_info=Dict() def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ # universal: loop: IOLoop for creating future connections session: streamsession for sending serialized data # engine: queue: ZMQStream for monitoring queue messages registrar: ZMQStream for engine registration heartbeat: HeartMonitor object for tracking engines # client: clientele: ZMQStream for client connections # extra: db: ZMQStream for db connection (NotImplemented) engine_info: zmq address/protocol dict for engine connections client_info: zmq address/protocol dict for client connections """ super(Hub, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.registration_timeout = max(5000, 2*self.heartmonitor.period) # validate connection dicts: for k,v in self.client_info.iteritems(): if k == 'task': validate_url_container(v[1]) else: validate_url_container(v) # validate_url_container(self.client_info) validate_url_container(self.engine_info) # register our callbacks self.registrar.on_recv(self.dispatch_register_request) self.clientele.on_recv(self.dispatch_client_msg) self.monitor.on_recv(self.dispatch_monitor_traffic) self.heartmonitor.add_heart_failure_handler(self.handle_heart_failure) self.heartmonitor.add_new_heart_handler(self.handle_new_heart) self.monitor_handlers = { 'in' : self.save_queue_request, 'out': self.save_queue_result, 'intask': self.save_task_request, 'outtask': self.save_task_result, 'tracktask': self.save_task_destination, 'incontrol': _passer, 'outcontrol': _passer, 'iopub': self.save_iopub_message, } self.client_handlers = {'queue_request': self.queue_status, 'result_request': self.get_results, 'purge_request': self.purge_results, 'load_request': self.check_load, 'resubmit_request': self.resubmit_task, 'shutdown_request': self.shutdown_request, } self.registrar_handlers = {'registration_request' : self.register_engine, 'unregistration_request' : self.unregister_engine, 'connection_request': self.connection_request, } self.log.info("hub::created hub") @property def _next_id(self): """gemerate a new ID. No longer reuse old ids, just count from 0.""" newid = self._idcounter self._idcounter += 1 return newid # newid = 0 # incoming = [id[0] for id in self.incoming_registrations.itervalues()] # # print newid, self.ids, self.incoming_registrations # while newid in self.ids or newid in incoming: # newid += 1 # return newid #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # message validation #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _validate_targets(self, targets): """turn any valid targets argument into a list of integer ids""" if targets is None: # default to all targets = self.ids if isinstance(targets, (int,str,unicode)): # only one target specified targets = [targets] _targets = [] for t in targets: # map raw identities to ids if isinstance(t, (str,unicode)): t = self.by_ident.get(t, t) _targets.append(t) targets = _targets bad_targets = [ t for t in targets if t not in self.ids ] if bad_targets: raise IndexError("No Such Engine: %r"%bad_targets) if not targets: raise IndexError("No Engines Registered") return targets def _validate_client_msg(self, msg): """validates and unpacks headers of a message. Returns False if invalid, (ident, header, parent, content)""" client_id = msg[0] try: msg = self.session.unpack_message(msg[1:], content=True) except: self.log.error("client::Invalid Message %s"%msg, exc_info=True) return False msg_type = msg.get('msg_type', None) if msg_type is None: return False header = msg.get('header') # session doesn't handle split content for now: return client_id, msg #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dispatch methods (1 per stream) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispatch_register_request(self, msg): """""" self.log.debug("registration::dispatch_register_request(%s)"%msg) idents,msg = self.session.feed_identities(msg) if not idents: self.log.error("Bad Queue Message: %s"%msg, exc_info=True) return try: msg = self.session.unpack_message(msg,content=True) except: self.log.error("registration::got bad registration message: %s"%msg, exc_info=True) return msg_type = msg['msg_type'] content = msg['content'] handler = self.registrar_handlers.get(msg_type, None) if handler is None: self.log.error("registration::got bad registration message: %s"%msg) else: handler(idents, msg) def dispatch_monitor_traffic(self, msg): """all ME and Task queue messages come through here, as well as IOPub traffic.""" self.log.debug("monitor traffic: %s"%msg[:2]) switch = msg[0] idents, msg = self.session.feed_identities(msg[1:]) if not idents: self.log.error("Bad Monitor Message: %s"%msg) return handler = self.monitor_handlers.get(switch, None) if handler is not None: handler(idents, msg) else: self.log.error("Invalid monitor topic: %s"%switch) def dispatch_client_msg(self, msg): """Route messages from clients""" idents, msg = self.session.feed_identities(msg) if not idents: self.log.error("Bad Client Message: %s"%msg) return client_id = idents[0] try: msg = self.session.unpack_message(msg, content=True) except: content = error.wrap_exception() self.log.error("Bad Client Message: %s"%msg, exc_info=True) self.session.send(self.clientele, "hub_error", ident=client_id, content=content) return # print client_id, header, parent, content #switch on message type: msg_type = msg['msg_type'] self.log.info("client:: client %s requested %s"%(client_id, msg_type)) handler = self.client_handlers.get(msg_type, None) try: assert handler is not None, "Bad Message Type: %s"%msg_type except: content = error.wrap_exception() self.log.error("Bad Message Type: %s"%msg_type, exc_info=True) self.session.send(self.clientele, "hub_error", ident=client_id, content=content) return else: handler(client_id, msg) def dispatch_db(self, msg): """""" raise NotImplementedError #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # handler methods (1 per event) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------- Heartbeat -------------------------------------- def handle_new_heart(self, heart): """handler to attach to heartbeater. Called when a new heart starts to beat. Triggers completion of registration.""" self.log.debug("heartbeat::handle_new_heart(%r)"%heart) if heart not in self.incoming_registrations: self.log.info("heartbeat::ignoring new heart: %r"%heart) else: self.finish_registration(heart) def handle_heart_failure(self, heart): """handler to attach to heartbeater. called when a previously registered heart fails to respond to beat request. triggers unregistration""" self.log.debug("heartbeat::handle_heart_failure(%r)"%heart) eid = self.hearts.get(heart, None) queue = self.engines[eid].queue if eid is None: self.log.info("heartbeat::ignoring heart failure %r"%heart) else: self.unregister_engine(heart, dict(content=dict(id=eid, queue=queue))) #----------------------- MUX Queue Traffic ------------------------------ def save_queue_request(self, idents, msg): if len(idents) < 2: self.log.error("invalid identity prefix: %s"%idents) return queue_id, client_id = idents[:2] try: msg = self.session.unpack_message(msg, content=False) except: self.log.error("queue::client %r sent invalid message to %r: %s"%(client_id, queue_id, msg), exc_info=True) return eid = self.by_ident.get(queue_id, None) if eid is None: self.log.error("queue::target %r not registered"%queue_id) self.log.debug("queue:: valid are: %s"%(self.by_ident.keys())) return header = msg['header'] msg_id = header['msg_id'] record = init_record(msg) record['engine_uuid'] = queue_id record['client_uuid'] = client_id record['queue'] = 'mux' if MongoDB is not None and isinstance(self.db, MongoDB): record['buffers'] = map(Binary, record['buffers']) self.pending.add(msg_id) self.queues[eid].append(msg_id) self.db.add_record(msg_id, record) def save_queue_result(self, idents, msg): if len(idents) < 2: self.log.error("invalid identity prefix: %s"%idents) return client_id, queue_id = idents[:2] try: msg = self.session.unpack_message(msg, content=False) except: self.log.error("queue::engine %r sent invalid message to %r: %s"%( queue_id,client_id, msg), exc_info=True) return eid = self.by_ident.get(queue_id, None) if eid is None: self.log.error("queue::unknown engine %r is sending a reply: "%queue_id) self.log.debug("queue:: %s"%msg[2:]) return parent = msg['parent_header'] if not parent: return msg_id = parent['msg_id'] if msg_id in self.pending: self.pending.remove(msg_id) self.all_completed.add(msg_id) self.queues[eid].remove(msg_id) self.completed[eid].append(msg_id) rheader = msg['header'] completed = datetime.strptime(rheader['date'], ISO8601) started = rheader.get('started', None) if started is not None: started = datetime.strptime(started, ISO8601) result = { 'result_header' : rheader, 'result_content': msg['content'], 'started' : started, 'completed' : completed } if MongoDB is not None and isinstance(self.db, MongoDB): result['result_buffers'] = map(Binary, msg['buffers']) else: result['result_buffers'] = msg['buffers'] self.db.update_record(msg_id, result) else: self.log.debug("queue:: unknown msg finished %s"%msg_id) #--------------------- Task Queue Traffic ------------------------------ def save_task_request(self, idents, msg): """Save the submission of a task.""" client_id = idents[0] try: msg = self.session.unpack_message(msg, content=False) except: self.log.error("task::client %r sent invalid task message: %s"%( client_id, msg), exc_info=True) return record = init_record(msg) if MongoDB is not None and isinstance(self.db, MongoDB): record['buffers'] = map(Binary, record['buffers']) record['client_uuid'] = client_id record['queue'] = 'task' header = msg['header'] msg_id = header['msg_id'] self.pending.add(msg_id) self.db.add_record(msg_id, record) def save_task_result(self, idents, msg): """save the result of a completed task.""" client_id = idents[0] try: msg = self.session.unpack_message(msg, content=False) except: self.log.error("task::invalid task result message send to %r: %s"%( client_id, msg), exc_info=True) raise return parent = msg['parent_header'] if not parent: # print msg self.log.warn("Task %r had no parent!"%msg) return msg_id = parent['msg_id'] header = msg['header'] engine_uuid = header.get('engine', None) eid = self.by_ident.get(engine_uuid, None) if msg_id in self.pending: self.pending.remove(msg_id) self.all_completed.add(msg_id) if eid is not None: self.completed[eid].append(msg_id) if msg_id in self.tasks[eid]: self.tasks[eid].remove(msg_id) completed = datetime.strptime(header['date'], ISO8601) started = header.get('started', None) if started is not None: started = datetime.strptime(started, ISO8601) result = { 'result_header' : header, 'result_content': msg['content'], 'started' : started, 'completed' : completed, 'engine_uuid': engine_uuid } if MongoDB is not None and isinstance(self.db, MongoDB): result['result_buffers'] = map(Binary, msg['buffers']) else: result['result_buffers'] = msg['buffers'] self.db.update_record(msg_id, result) else: self.log.debug("task::unknown task %s finished"%msg_id) def save_task_destination(self, idents, msg): try: msg = self.session.unpack_message(msg, content=True) except: self.log.error("task::invalid task tracking message", exc_info=True) return content = msg['content'] # print (content) msg_id = content['msg_id'] engine_uuid = content['engine_id'] eid = self.by_ident[engine_uuid] self.log.info("task::task %s arrived on %s"%(msg_id, eid)) # if msg_id in self.mia: # self.mia.remove(msg_id) # else: # self.log.debug("task::task %s not listed as MIA?!"%(msg_id)) self.tasks[eid].append(msg_id) # self.pending[msg_id][1].update(received=datetime.now(),engine=(eid,engine_uuid)) self.db.update_record(msg_id, dict(engine_uuid=engine_uuid)) def mia_task_request(self, idents, msg): raise NotImplementedError client_id = idents[0] # content = dict(mia=self.mia,status='ok') # self.session.send('mia_reply', content=content, idents=client_id) #--------------------- IOPub Traffic ------------------------------ def save_iopub_message(self, topics, msg): """save an iopub message into the db""" # print (topics) try: msg = self.session.unpack_message(msg, content=True) except: self.log.error("iopub::invalid IOPub message", exc_info=True) return parent = msg['parent_header'] if not parent: self.log.error("iopub::invalid IOPub message: %s"%msg) return msg_id = parent['msg_id'] msg_type = msg['msg_type'] content = msg['content'] # ensure msg_id is in db try: rec = self.db.get_record(msg_id) except: self.log.error("iopub::IOPub message has invalid parent", exc_info=True) return # stream d = {} if msg_type == 'stream': name = content['name'] s = rec[name] or '' d[name] = s + content['data'] elif msg_type == 'pyerr': d['pyerr'] = content else: d[msg_type] = content['data'] self.db.update_record(msg_id, d) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Registration requests #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def connection_request(self, client_id, msg): """Reply with connection addresses for clients.""" self.log.info("client::client %s connected"%client_id) content = dict(status='ok') content.update(self.client_info) jsonable = {} for k,v in self.keytable.iteritems(): jsonable[str(k)] = v content['engines'] = jsonable self.session.send(self.registrar, 'connection_reply', content, parent=msg, ident=client_id) def register_engine(self, reg, msg): """Register a new engine.""" content = msg['content'] try: queue = content['queue'] except KeyError: self.log.error("registration::queue not specified", exc_info=True) return heart = content.get('heartbeat', None) """register a new engine, and create the socket(s) necessary""" eid = self._next_id # print (eid, queue, reg, heart) self.log.debug("registration::register_engine(%i, %r, %r, %r)"%(eid, queue, reg, heart)) content = dict(id=eid,status='ok') content.update(self.engine_info) # check if requesting available IDs: if queue in self.by_ident: try: raise KeyError("queue_id %r in use"%queue) except: content = error.wrap_exception() self.log.error("queue_id %r in use"%queue, exc_info=True) elif heart in self.hearts: # need to check unique hearts? try: raise KeyError("heart_id %r in use"%heart) except: self.log.error("heart_id %r in use"%heart, exc_info=True) content = error.wrap_exception() else: for h, pack in self.incoming_registrations.iteritems(): if heart == h: try: raise KeyError("heart_id %r in use"%heart) except: self.log.error("heart_id %r in use"%heart, exc_info=True) content = error.wrap_exception() break elif queue == pack[1]: try: raise KeyError("queue_id %r in use"%queue) except: self.log.error("queue_id %r in use"%queue, exc_info=True) content = error.wrap_exception() break msg = self.session.send(self.registrar, "registration_reply", content=content, ident=reg) if content['status'] == 'ok': if heart in self.heartmonitor.hearts: # already beating self.incoming_registrations[heart] = (eid,queue,reg[0],None) self.finish_registration(heart) else: purge = lambda : self._purge_stalled_registration(heart) dc = ioloop.DelayedCallback(purge, self.registration_timeout, self.loop) dc.start() self.incoming_registrations[heart] = (eid,queue,reg[0],dc) else: self.log.error("registration::registration %i failed: %s"%(eid, content['evalue'])) return eid def unregister_engine(self, ident, msg): """Unregister an engine that explicitly requested to leave.""" try: eid = msg['content']['id'] except: self.log.error("registration::bad engine id for unregistration: %s"%ident, exc_info=True) return self.log.info("registration::unregister_engine(%s)"%eid) content=dict(id=eid, queue=self.engines[eid].queue) self.ids.remove(eid) self.keytable.pop(eid) ec = self.engines.pop(eid) self.hearts.pop(ec.heartbeat) self.by_ident.pop(ec.queue) self.completed.pop(eid) for msg_id in self.queues.pop(eid): msg = self.pending.remove(msg_id) ############## TODO: HANDLE IT ################ if self.notifier: self.session.send(self.notifier, "unregistration_notification", content=content) def finish_registration(self, heart): """Second half of engine registration, called after our HeartMonitor has received a beat from the Engine's Heart.""" try: (eid,queue,reg,purge) = self.incoming_registrations.pop(heart) except KeyError: self.log.error("registration::tried to finish nonexistant registration", exc_info=True) return self.log.info("registration::finished registering engine %i:%r"%(eid,queue)) if purge is not None: purge.stop() control = queue self.ids.add(eid) self.keytable[eid] = queue self.engines[eid] = EngineConnector(id=eid, queue=queue, registration=reg, control=control, heartbeat=heart) self.by_ident[queue] = eid self.queues[eid] = list() self.tasks[eid] = list() self.completed[eid] = list() self.hearts[heart] = eid content = dict(id=eid, queue=self.engines[eid].queue) if self.notifier: self.session.send(self.notifier, "registration_notification", content=content) self.log.info("engine::Engine Connected: %i"%eid) def _purge_stalled_registration(self, heart): if heart in self.incoming_registrations: eid = self.incoming_registrations.pop(heart)[0] self.log.info("registration::purging stalled registration: %i"%eid) else: pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Client Requests #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def shutdown_request(self, client_id, msg): """handle shutdown request.""" # s = self.context.socket(zmq.XREQ) # s.connect(self.client_connections['mux']) # time.sleep(0.1) # for eid,ec in self.engines.iteritems(): # self.session.send(s, 'shutdown_request', content=dict(restart=False), ident=ec.queue) # time.sleep(1) self.session.send(self.clientele, 'shutdown_reply', content={'status': 'ok'}, ident=client_id) dc = ioloop.DelayedCallback(lambda : self._shutdown(), 1000, self.loop) dc.start() def _shutdown(self): self.log.info("hub::hub shutting down.") time.sleep(0.1) sys.exit(0) def check_load(self, client_id, msg): content = msg['content'] try: targets = content['targets'] targets = self._validate_targets(targets) except: content = error.wrap_exception() self.session.send(self.clientele, "hub_error", content=content, ident=client_id) return content = dict(status='ok') # loads = {} for t in targets: content[bytes(t)] = len(self.queues[t])+len(self.tasks[t]) self.session.send(self.clientele, "load_reply", content=content, ident=client_id) def queue_status(self, client_id, msg): """Return the Queue status of one or more targets. if verbose: return the msg_ids else: return len of each type. keys: queue (pending MUX jobs) tasks (pending Task jobs) completed (finished jobs from both queues)""" content = msg['content'] targets = content['targets'] try: targets = self._validate_targets(targets) except: content = error.wrap_exception() self.session.send(self.clientele, "hub_error", content=content, ident=client_id) return verbose = content.get('verbose', False) content = dict(status='ok') for t in targets: queue = self.queues[t] completed = self.completed[t] tasks = self.tasks[t] if not verbose: queue = len(queue) completed = len(completed) tasks = len(tasks) content[bytes(t)] = {'queue': queue, 'completed': completed , 'tasks': tasks} # pending self.session.send(self.clientele, "queue_reply", content=content, ident=client_id) def purge_results(self, client_id, msg): """Purge results from memory. This method is more valuable before we move to a DB based message storage mechanism.""" content = msg['content'] msg_ids = content.get('msg_ids', []) reply = dict(status='ok') if msg_ids == 'all': self.db.drop_matching_records(dict(completed={'$ne':None})) else: for msg_id in msg_ids: if msg_id in self.all_completed: self.db.drop_record(msg_id) else: if msg_id in self.pending: try: raise IndexError("msg pending: %r"%msg_id) except: reply = error.wrap_exception() else: try: raise IndexError("No such msg: %r"%msg_id) except: reply = error.wrap_exception() break eids = content.get('engine_ids', []) for eid in eids: if eid not in self.engines: try: raise IndexError("No such engine: %i"%eid) except: reply = error.wrap_exception() break msg_ids = self.completed.pop(eid) uid = self.engines[eid].queue self.db.drop_matching_records(dict(engine_uuid=uid, completed={'$ne':None})) self.session.send(self.clientele, 'purge_reply', content=reply, ident=client_id) def resubmit_task(self, client_id, msg, buffers): """Resubmit a task.""" raise NotImplementedError def get_results(self, client_id, msg): """Get the result of 1 or more messages.""" content = msg['content'] msg_ids = sorted(set(content['msg_ids'])) statusonly = content.get('status_only', False) pending = [] completed = [] content = dict(status='ok') content['pending'] = pending content['completed'] = completed buffers = [] if not statusonly: content['results'] = {} records = self.db.find_records(dict(msg_id={'$in':msg_ids})) for msg_id in msg_ids: if msg_id in self.pending: pending.append(msg_id) elif msg_id in self.all_completed: completed.append(msg_id) if not statusonly: rec = records[msg_id] io_dict = {} for key in 'pyin pyout pyerr stdout stderr'.split(): io_dict[key] = rec[key] content[msg_id] = { 'result_content': rec['result_content'], 'header': rec['header'], 'result_header' : rec['result_header'], 'io' : io_dict, } buffers.extend(map(str, rec['result_buffers'])) else: try: raise KeyError('No such message: '+msg_id) except: content = error.wrap_exception() break self.session.send(self.clientele, "result_reply", content=content, parent=msg, ident=client_id, buffers=buffers)