.. _development-workflow: ==================== Development workflow ==================== You already have your own forked copy of the ipython_ repository, by following :ref:`forking`, :ref:`set-up-fork`, and you have configured git_ by following :ref:`configure-git`. Workflow summary ================ * Keep your ``master`` branch clean of edits that have not been merged to the main ipython_ development repo. Your ``master`` then will follow the main ipython_ repository. * Start a new *feature branch* for each set of edits that you do. * If you can avoid it, try not to merge other branches into your feature branch while you are working. * Ask for review! This way of working really helps to keep work well organized, and in keeping history as clear as possible. See - for example - `linux git workflow`_. Making a new feature branch =========================== :: git branch my-new-feature git checkout my-new-feature Generally, you will want to keep this also on your public github_ fork of ipython_. To do this, you `git push`_ this new branch up to your github_ repo. Generally (if you followed the instructions in these pages, and by default), git will have a link to your github_ repo, called ``origin``. You push up to your own repo on github_ with:: git push origin my-new-feature From now on git_ will know that ``my-new-feature`` is related to the ``my-new-feature`` branch in the github_ repo. The editing workflow ==================== Overview -------- :: # hack hack git add my_new_file git commit -am 'NF - some message' git push In more detail -------------- #. Make some changes #. See which files have changed with ``git status`` (see `git status`_). You'll see a listing like this one:: # On branch ny-new-feature # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) # # modified: README # # Untracked files: # (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) # # INSTALL no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") #. Check what the actual changes are with ``git diff`` (`git diff`_). #. Add any new files to version control ``git add new_file_name`` (see `git add`_). #. To commit all modified files into the local copy of your repo,, do ``git commit -am 'A commit message'``. Note the ``-am`` options to ``commit``. The ``m`` flag just signals that you're going to type a message on the command line. The ``a`` flag - you can just take on faith - or see `why the -a flag?`_. See also the `git commit`_ manual page. #. To push the changes up to your forked repo on github_, do a ``git push`` (see `git push`). Asking for code review ====================== #. Go to your repo URL - e.g. ``http://github.com/your-user-name/ipython``. #. Click on the *Branch list* button: .. image:: branch_list.png #. Click on the *Compare* button for your feature branch - here ``my-new-feature``: .. image:: branch_list_compare.png #. If asked, select the *base* and *comparison* branch names you want to compare. Usually these will be ``master`` and ``my-new-feature`` (where that is your feature branch name). #. At this point you should get a nice summary of the changes. Copy the URL for this, and post it to the `ipython mailing list`_, asking for review. The URL will look something like: ``http://github.com/your-user-name/ipython/compare/master...my-new-feature``. There's an example at http://github.com/matthew-brett/nipy/compare/master...find-install-data See: http://github.com/blog/612-introducing-github-compare-view for more detail. The generated comparison, is between your feature branch ``my-new-feature``, and the place in ``master`` from which you branched ``my-new-feature``. In other words, you can keep updating ``master`` without interfering with the output from the comparison. More detail? Note the three dots in the URL above (``master...my-new-feature``) and see :ref:`dot2-dot3`. Asking for your changes to be merged with the main repo ======================================================= When you are ready to ask for the merge of your code: #. Go to the URL of your forked repo, say ``http://github.com/your-user-name/ipython.git``. #. Click on the 'Pull request' button: .. image:: pull_button.png Enter a message; we suggest you select only ``ipython`` as the recipient. The message will go to the `ipython mailing list`_. Please feel free to add others from the list as you like. Merging from trunk ================== This updates your code from the upstream `ipython github`_ repo. Overview -------- :: # go to your master branch git checkout master # pull changes from github git fetch upstream # merge from upstream git merge upstream master In detail --------- We suggest that you do this only for your ``master`` branch, and leave your 'feature' branches unmerged, to keep their history as clean as possible. This makes code review easier:: git checkout master Make sure you have done :ref:`linking-to-upstream`. Merge the upstream code into your current development by first pulling the upstream repo to a copy on your local machine:: git fetch upstream then merging into your current branch:: git merge upstream/master Deleting a branch on github_ ============================ :: git checkout master # delete branch locally git branch -D my-unwanted-branch # delete branch on github git push origin :my-unwanted-branch (Note the colon ``:`` before ``test-branch``. See also: http://github.com/guides/remove-a-remote-branch Several people sharing a single repository ========================================== If you want to work on some stuff with other people, where you are all committing into the same repository, or even the same branch, then just share it via github_. First fork ipython into your account, as from :ref:`forking`. Then, go to your forked repository github page, say ``http://github.com/your-user-name/ipython`` Click on the 'Admin' button, and add anyone else to the repo as a collaborator: .. image:: pull_button.png Now all those people can do:: git clone git@githhub.com:your-user-name/ipython.git Remember that links starting with ``git@`` use the ssh protocol and are read-write; links starting with ``git://`` are read-only. Your collaborators can then commit directly into that repo with the usual:: git commit -am 'ENH - much better code' git push origin master # pushes directly into your repo Exploring your repository ========================= To see a graphical representation of the repository branches and commits:: gitk --all To see a linear list of commits for this branch:: git log You can also look at the `network graph visualizer`_ for your github_ repo. .. include:: git_links.txt