# encoding: utf-8 """ A base class for a configurable application. Authors: * Brian Granger * Min RK """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import logging import os import re import sys from copy import deepcopy from collections import defaultdict from IPython.external.decorator import decorator from IPython.config.configurable import SingletonConfigurable from IPython.config.loader import ( KVArgParseConfigLoader, PyFileConfigLoader, Config, ArgumentError, ConfigFileNotFound, ) from IPython.utils.traitlets import ( Unicode, List, Enum, Dict, Instance, TraitError ) from IPython.utils.importstring import import_item from IPython.utils.text import indent, wrap_paragraphs, dedent #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function for re-wrapping a helpstring #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Descriptions for the various sections #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # merge flags&aliases into options option_description = """ Arguments that take values are actually convenience aliases to full Configurables, whose aliases are listed on the help line. For more information on full configurables, see '--help-all'. """.strip() # trim newlines of front and back keyvalue_description = """ Parameters are set from command-line arguments of the form: `--Class.trait=value`. This line is evaluated in Python, so simple expressions are allowed, e.g.:: `--C.a='range(3)'` For setting C.a=[0,1,2]. """.strip() # trim newlines of front and back subcommand_description = """ Subcommands are launched as `{app} cmd [args]`. For information on using subcommand 'cmd', do: `{app} cmd -h`. """.strip().format(app=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) # get running program name #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Application class #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @decorator def catch_config_error(method, app, *args, **kwargs): """Method decorator for catching invalid config (Trait/ArgumentErrors) during init. On a TraitError (generally caused by bad config), this will print the trait's message, and exit the app. For use on init methods, to prevent invoking excepthook on invalid input. """ try: return method(app, *args, **kwargs) except (TraitError, ArgumentError) as e: app.print_description() app.print_help() app.print_examples() app.log.fatal("Bad config encountered during initialization:") app.log.fatal(str(e)) app.log.debug("Config at the time: %s", app.config) app.exit(1) class ApplicationError(Exception): pass class LevelFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Formatter with additional `highlevel` record This field is empty if log level is less than highlevel_limit, otherwise it is formatted with self.highlevel_format. Useful for adding 'WARNING' to warning messages, without adding 'INFO' to info, etc. """ highlevel_limit = logging.WARN highlevel_format = " %(levelname)s |" def format(self, record): if record.levelno >= self.highlevel_limit: record.highlevel = self.highlevel_format % record.__dict__ else: record.highlevel = "" return super(LevelFormatter, self).format(record) class Application(SingletonConfigurable): """A singleton application with full configuration support.""" # The name of the application, will usually match the name of the command # line application name = Unicode(u'application') # The description of the application that is printed at the beginning # of the help. description = Unicode(u'This is an application.') # default section descriptions option_description = Unicode(option_description) keyvalue_description = Unicode(keyvalue_description) subcommand_description = Unicode(subcommand_description) # The usage and example string that goes at the end of the help string. examples = Unicode() # A sequence of Configurable subclasses whose config=True attributes will # be exposed at the command line. classes = List([]) # The version string of this application. version = Unicode(u'0.0') # The log level for the application log_level = Enum((0,10,20,30,40,50,'DEBUG','INFO','WARN','ERROR','CRITICAL'), default_value=logging.WARN, config=True, help="Set the log level by value or name.") def _log_level_changed(self, name, old, new): """Adjust the log level when log_level is set.""" if isinstance(new, basestring): new = getattr(logging, new) self.log_level = new self.log.setLevel(new) log_datefmt = Unicode("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", config=True, help="The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s" ) def _log_datefmt_changed(self, name, old, new): self._log_format_changed() log_format = Unicode("[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s", config=True, help="The Logging format template", ) def _log_format_changed(self, name, old, new): """Change the log formatter when log_format is set.""" _log_handler = self.log.handlers[0] _log_formatter = LevelFormatter(new, datefmt=self.log_datefmt) _log_handler.setFormatter(_log_formatter) log = Instance(logging.Logger) def _log_default(self): """Start logging for this application. The default is to log to stderr using a StreamHandler, if no default handler already exists. The log level starts at logging.WARN, but this can be adjusted by setting the ``log_level`` attribute. """ log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) log.setLevel(self.log_level) log.propagate = False _log = log # copied from Logger.hasHandlers() (new in Python 3.2) while _log: if _log.handlers: return log if not _log.propagate: break else: _log = _log.parent if sys.executable.endswith('pythonw.exe'): # this should really go to a file, but file-logging is only # hooked up in parallel applications _log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(open(os.devnull, 'w')) else: _log_handler = logging.StreamHandler() _log_formatter = LevelFormatter(self.log_format, datefmt=self.log_datefmt) _log_handler.setFormatter(_log_formatter) log.addHandler(_log_handler) return log # the alias map for configurables aliases = Dict({'log-level' : 'Application.log_level'}) # flags for loading Configurables or store_const style flags # flags are loaded from this dict by '--key' flags # this must be a dict of two-tuples, the first element being the Config/dict # and the second being the help string for the flag flags = Dict() def _flags_changed(self, name, old, new): """ensure flags dict is valid""" for key,value in new.iteritems(): assert len(value) == 2, "Bad flag: %r:%s"%(key,value) assert isinstance(value[0], (dict, Config)), "Bad flag: %r:%s"%(key,value) assert isinstance(value[1], basestring), "Bad flag: %r:%s"%(key,value) # subcommands for launching other applications # if this is not empty, this will be a parent Application # this must be a dict of two-tuples, # the first element being the application class/import string # and the second being the help string for the subcommand subcommands = Dict() # parse_command_line will initialize a subapp, if requested subapp = Instance('IPython.config.application.Application', allow_none=True) # extra command-line arguments that don't set config values extra_args = List(Unicode) def __init__(self, **kwargs): SingletonConfigurable.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Ensure my class is in self.classes, so my attributes appear in command line # options and config files. if self.__class__ not in self.classes: self.classes.insert(0, self.__class__) def _config_changed(self, name, old, new): SingletonConfigurable._config_changed(self, name, old, new) self.log.debug('Config changed:') self.log.debug(repr(new)) @catch_config_error def initialize(self, argv=None): """Do the basic steps to configure me. Override in subclasses. """ self.parse_command_line(argv) def start(self): """Start the app mainloop. Override in subclasses. """ if self.subapp is not None: return self.subapp.start() def print_alias_help(self): """Print the alias part of the help.""" if not self.aliases: return lines = [] classdict = {} for cls in self.classes: # include all parents (up to, but excluding Configurable) in available names for c in cls.mro()[:-3]: classdict[c.__name__] = c for alias, longname in self.aliases.iteritems(): classname, traitname = longname.split('.',1) cls = classdict[classname] trait = cls.class_traits(config=True)[traitname] help = cls.class_get_trait_help(trait).splitlines() # reformat first line help[0] = help[0].replace(longname, alias) + ' (%s)'%longname if len(alias) == 1: help[0] = help[0].replace('--%s='%alias, '-%s '%alias) lines.extend(help) # lines.append('') print os.linesep.join(lines) def print_flag_help(self): """Print the flag part of the help.""" if not self.flags: return lines = [] for m, (cfg,help) in self.flags.iteritems(): prefix = '--' if len(m) > 1 else '-' lines.append(prefix+m) lines.append(indent(dedent(help.strip()))) # lines.append('') print os.linesep.join(lines) def print_options(self): if not self.flags and not self.aliases: return lines = ['Options'] lines.append('-'*len(lines[0])) lines.append('') for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.option_description): lines.append(p) lines.append('') print os.linesep.join(lines) self.print_flag_help() self.print_alias_help() print def print_subcommands(self): """Print the subcommand part of the help.""" if not self.subcommands: return lines = ["Subcommands"] lines.append('-'*len(lines[0])) lines.append('') for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.subcommand_description): lines.append(p) lines.append('') for subc, (cls, help) in self.subcommands.iteritems(): lines.append(subc) if help: lines.append(indent(dedent(help.strip()))) lines.append('') print os.linesep.join(lines) def print_help(self, classes=False): """Print the help for each Configurable class in self.classes. If classes=False (the default), only flags and aliases are printed. """ self.print_subcommands() self.print_options() if classes: if self.classes: print "Class parameters" print "----------------" print for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.keyvalue_description): print p print for cls in self.classes: cls.class_print_help() print else: print "To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`" print def print_description(self): """Print the application description.""" for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.description): print p print def print_examples(self): """Print usage and examples. This usage string goes at the end of the command line help string and should contain examples of the application's usage. """ if self.examples: print "Examples" print "--------" print print indent(dedent(self.examples.strip())) print def print_version(self): """Print the version string.""" print self.version def update_config(self, config): """Fire the traits events when the config is updated.""" # Save a copy of the current config. newconfig = deepcopy(self.config) # Merge the new config into the current one. newconfig.merge(config) # Save the combined config as self.config, which triggers the traits # events. self.config = newconfig @catch_config_error def initialize_subcommand(self, subc, argv=None): """Initialize a subcommand with argv.""" subapp,help = self.subcommands.get(subc) if isinstance(subapp, basestring): subapp = import_item(subapp) # clear existing instances self.__class__.clear_instance() # instantiate self.subapp = subapp.instance() # and initialize subapp self.subapp.initialize(argv) def flatten_flags(self): """flatten flags and aliases, so cl-args override as expected. This prevents issues such as an alias pointing to InteractiveShell, but a config file setting the same trait in TerminalInteraciveShell getting inappropriate priority over the command-line arg. Only aliases with exactly one descendent in the class list will be promoted. """ # build a tree of classes in our list that inherit from a particular # it will be a dict by parent classname of classes in our list # that are descendents mro_tree = defaultdict(list) for cls in self.classes: clsname = cls.__name__ for parent in cls.mro()[1:-3]: # exclude cls itself and Configurable,HasTraits,object mro_tree[parent.__name__].append(clsname) # flatten aliases, which have the form: # { 'alias' : 'Class.trait' } aliases = {} for alias, cls_trait in self.aliases.iteritems(): cls,trait = cls_trait.split('.',1) children = mro_tree[cls] if len(children) == 1: # exactly one descendent, promote alias cls = children[0] aliases[alias] = '.'.join([cls,trait]) # flatten flags, which are of the form: # { 'key' : ({'Cls' : {'trait' : value}}, 'help')} flags = {} for key, (flagdict, help) in self.flags.iteritems(): newflag = {} for cls, subdict in flagdict.iteritems(): children = mro_tree[cls] # exactly one descendent, promote flag section if len(children) == 1: cls = children[0] newflag[cls] = subdict flags[key] = (newflag, help) return flags, aliases @catch_config_error def parse_command_line(self, argv=None): """Parse the command line arguments.""" argv = sys.argv[1:] if argv is None else argv if argv and argv[0] == 'help': # turn `ipython help notebook` into `ipython notebook -h` argv = argv[1:] + ['-h'] if self.subcommands and len(argv) > 0: # we have subcommands, and one may have been specified subc, subargv = argv[0], argv[1:] if re.match(r'^\w(\-?\w)*$', subc) and subc in self.subcommands: # it's a subcommand, and *not* a flag or class parameter return self.initialize_subcommand(subc, subargv) # Arguments after a '--' argument are for the script IPython may be # about to run, not IPython iteslf. For arguments parsed here (help and # version), we want to only search the arguments up to the first # occurrence of '--', which we're calling interpreted_argv. try: interpreted_argv = argv[:argv.index('--')] except ValueError: interpreted_argv = argv if any(x in interpreted_argv for x in ('-h', '--help-all', '--help')): self.print_description() self.print_help('--help-all' in interpreted_argv) self.print_examples() self.exit(0) if '--version' in interpreted_argv or '-V' in interpreted_argv: self.print_version() self.exit(0) # flatten flags&aliases, so cl-args get appropriate priority: flags,aliases = self.flatten_flags() loader = KVArgParseConfigLoader(argv=argv, aliases=aliases, flags=flags) config = loader.load_config() self.update_config(config) # store unparsed args in extra_args self.extra_args = loader.extra_args @catch_config_error def load_config_file(self, filename, path=None): """Load a .py based config file by filename and path.""" loader = PyFileConfigLoader(filename, path=path) try: config = loader.load_config() except ConfigFileNotFound: # problem finding the file, raise raise except Exception: # try to get the full filename, but it will be empty in the # unlikely event that the error raised before filefind finished filename = loader.full_filename or filename # problem while running the file self.log.error("Exception while loading config file %s", filename, exc_info=True) else: self.log.debug("Loaded config file: %s", loader.full_filename) self.update_config(config) def generate_config_file(self): """generate default config file from Configurables""" lines = ["# Configuration file for %s."%self.name] lines.append('') lines.append('c = get_config()') lines.append('') for cls in self.classes: lines.append(cls.class_config_section()) return '\n'.join(lines) def exit(self, exit_status=0): self.log.debug("Exiting application: %s" % self.name) sys.exit(exit_status) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # utility functions, for convenience #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def boolean_flag(name, configurable, set_help='', unset_help=''): """Helper for building basic --trait, --no-trait flags. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the flag. configurable : str The 'Class.trait' string of the trait to be set/unset with the flag set_help : unicode help string for --name flag unset_help : unicode help string for --no-name flag Returns ------- cfg : dict A dict with two keys: 'name', and 'no-name', for setting and unsetting the trait, respectively. """ # default helpstrings set_help = set_help or "set %s=True"%configurable unset_help = unset_help or "set %s=False"%configurable cls,trait = configurable.split('.') setter = {cls : {trait : True}} unsetter = {cls : {trait : False}} return {name : (setter, set_help), 'no-'+name : (unsetter, unset_help)}