Unicode Completion update ------------------------- In IPython 7.1 the unicode completion map has been updated and synchronized with the Julia language. Added and removed character characters: ``\jmath`` (``ȷ``), ``\\underleftrightarrow`` (U+034D, combining) have been added, while ``\\textasciicaron`` have been removed Some sequence have seen their prefix removed: - 6 characters ``\text...`` should now be inputed with ``\...`` directly, - 45 characters ``\Elz...`` should now be inputed with ``\...`` directly, - 65 characters ``\B...`` should now be inputed with ``\...`` directly, - 450 characters ``\m...`` should now be inputed with ``\...`` directly, Some sequence have seen their prefix shortened: - 5 characters ``\mitBbb...`` should now be inputed with ``\bbi...`` directly, - 52 characters ``\mit...`` should now be inputed with ``\i...`` directly, - 216 characters ``\mbfit...`` should now be inputed with ``\bi...`` directly, - 222 characters ``\mbf...`` should now be inputed with ``\b...`` directly, A couple of character had their sequence simplified: - ``ð``, type ``\dh``, instead of ``\eth`` - ``ħ``, type ``\hbar``, instead of ``\Elzxh`` - ``ɸ``, type ``\ltphi``, instead of ``\textphi`` - ``ϴ``, type ``\varTheta``, instead of ``\textTheta`` - ``ℇ``, type ``\eulermascheroni``, instead of ``\Eulerconst`` - ``ℎ``, type ``\planck``, instead of ``\Planckconst`` - U+0336 (COMBINING LONG STROKE OVERLAY), type ``\strike``, instead of ``\Elzbar``. A couple of sequences have been updated: - ``\varepsilon`` now give ``ɛ`` (GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON) instead of ``ε`` (GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL), - ``\underbar`` now give U+0331 (COMBINING MACRON BELOW) instead of U+0332 (COMBINING LOW LINE).