"""Views of remote engines.""" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2010 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import imp import sys import warnings from contextlib import contextmanager from types import ModuleType import zmq from IPython.testing import decorators as testdec from IPython.utils.traitlets import HasTraits, Any, Bool, List, Dict, Set, Int, Instance, CFloat from IPython.external.decorator import decorator from IPython.parallel import util from IPython.parallel.controller.dependency import Dependency, dependent from . import map as Map from .asyncresult import AsyncResult, AsyncMapResult from .remotefunction import ParallelFunction, parallel, remote #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Decorators #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @decorator def save_ids(f, self, *args, **kwargs): """Keep our history and outstanding attributes up to date after a method call.""" n_previous = len(self.client.history) try: ret = f(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: nmsgs = len(self.client.history) - n_previous msg_ids = self.client.history[-nmsgs:] self.history.extend(msg_ids) map(self.outstanding.add, msg_ids) return ret @decorator def sync_results(f, self, *args, **kwargs): """sync relevant results from self.client to our results attribute.""" ret = f(self, *args, **kwargs) delta = self.outstanding.difference(self.client.outstanding) completed = self.outstanding.intersection(delta) self.outstanding = self.outstanding.difference(completed) for msg_id in completed: self.results[msg_id] = self.client.results[msg_id] return ret @decorator def spin_after(f, self, *args, **kwargs): """call spin after the method.""" ret = f(self, *args, **kwargs) self.spin() return ret #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @testdec.skip_doctest class View(HasTraits): """Base View class for more convenint apply(f,*args,**kwargs) syntax via attributes. Don't use this class, use subclasses. Methods ------- spin flushes incoming results and registration state changes control methods spin, and requesting `ids` also ensures up to date wait wait on one or more msg_ids execution methods apply legacy: execute, run data movement push, pull, scatter, gather query methods get_result, queue_status, purge_results, result_status control methods abort, shutdown """ # flags block=Bool(False) track=Bool(True) targets = Any() history=List() outstanding = Set() results = Dict() client = Instance('IPython.parallel.Client') _socket = Instance('zmq.Socket') _flag_names = List(['targets', 'block', 'track']) _targets = Any() _idents = Any() def __init__(self, client=None, socket=None, **flags): super(View, self).__init__(client=client, _socket=socket) self.block = client.block self.set_flags(**flags) assert not self.__class__ is View, "Don't use base View objects, use subclasses" def __repr__(self): strtargets = str(self.targets) if len(strtargets) > 16: strtargets = strtargets[:12]+'...]' return "<%s %s>"%(self.__class__.__name__, strtargets) def set_flags(self, **kwargs): """set my attribute flags by keyword. Views determine behavior with a few attributes (`block`, `track`, etc.). These attributes can be set all at once by name with this method. Parameters ---------- block : bool whether to wait for results track : bool whether to create a MessageTracker to allow the user to safely edit after arrays and buffers during non-copying sends. """ for name, value in kwargs.iteritems(): if name not in self._flag_names: raise KeyError("Invalid name: %r"%name) else: setattr(self, name, value) @contextmanager def temp_flags(self, **kwargs): """temporarily set flags, for use in `with` statements. See set_flags for permanent setting of flags Examples -------- >>> view.track=False ... >>> with view.temp_flags(track=True): ... ar = view.apply(dostuff, my_big_array) ... ar.tracker.wait() # wait for send to finish >>> view.track False """ # preflight: save flags, and set temporaries saved_flags = {} for f in self._flag_names: saved_flags[f] = getattr(self, f) self.set_flags(**kwargs) # yield to the with-statement block try: yield finally: # postflight: restore saved flags self.set_flags(**saved_flags) #---------------------------------------------------------------- # apply #---------------------------------------------------------------- @sync_results @save_ids def _really_apply(self, f, args, kwargs, block=None, **options): """wrapper for client.send_apply_message""" raise NotImplementedError("Implement in subclasses") def apply(self, f, *args, **kwargs): """calls f(*args, **kwargs) on remote engines, returning the result. This method sets all apply flags via this View's attributes. if self.block is False: returns AsyncResult else: returns actual result of f(*args, **kwargs) """ return self._really_apply(f, args, kwargs) def apply_async(self, f, *args, **kwargs): """calls f(*args, **kwargs) on remote engines in a nonblocking manner. returns AsyncResult """ return self._really_apply(f, args, kwargs, block=False) @spin_after def apply_sync(self, f, *args, **kwargs): """calls f(*args, **kwargs) on remote engines in a blocking manner, returning the result. returns: actual result of f(*args, **kwargs) """ return self._really_apply(f, args, kwargs, block=True) #---------------------------------------------------------------- # wrappers for client and control methods #---------------------------------------------------------------- @sync_results def spin(self): """spin the client, and sync""" self.client.spin() @sync_results def wait(self, jobs=None, timeout=-1): """waits on one or more `jobs`, for up to `timeout` seconds. Parameters ---------- jobs : int, str, or list of ints and/or strs, or one or more AsyncResult objects ints are indices to self.history strs are msg_ids default: wait on all outstanding messages timeout : float a time in seconds, after which to give up. default is -1, which means no timeout Returns ------- True : when all msg_ids are done False : timeout reached, some msg_ids still outstanding """ if jobs is None: jobs = self.history return self.client.wait(jobs, timeout) def abort(self, jobs=None, targets=None, block=None): """Abort jobs on my engines. Parameters ---------- jobs : None, str, list of strs, optional if None: abort all jobs. else: abort specific msg_id(s). """ block = block if block is not None else self.block targets = targets if targets is not None else self.targets return self.client.abort(jobs=jobs, targets=targets, block=block) def queue_status(self, targets=None, verbose=False): """Fetch the Queue status of my engines""" targets = targets if targets is not None else self.targets return self.client.queue_status(targets=targets, verbose=verbose) def purge_results(self, jobs=[], targets=[]): """Instruct the controller to forget specific results.""" if targets is None or targets == 'all': targets = self.targets return self.client.purge_results(jobs=jobs, targets=targets) def shutdown(self, targets=None, restart=False, hub=False, block=None): """Terminates one or more engine processes, optionally including the hub. """ block = self.block if block is None else block if targets is None or targets == 'all': targets = self.targets return self.client.shutdown(targets=targets, restart=restart, hub=hub, block=block) @spin_after def get_result(self, indices_or_msg_ids=None): """return one or more results, specified by history index or msg_id. See client.get_result for details. """ if indices_or_msg_ids is None: indices_or_msg_ids = -1 if isinstance(indices_or_msg_ids, int): indices_or_msg_ids = self.history[indices_or_msg_ids] elif isinstance(indices_or_msg_ids, (list,tuple,set)): indices_or_msg_ids = list(indices_or_msg_ids) for i,index in enumerate(indices_or_msg_ids): if isinstance(index, int): indices_or_msg_ids[i] = self.history[index] return self.client.get_result(indices_or_msg_ids) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Map #------------------------------------------------------------------- def map(self, f, *sequences, **kwargs): """override in subclasses""" raise NotImplementedError def map_async(self, f, *sequences, **kwargs): """Parallel version of builtin `map`, using this view's engines. This is equivalent to map(...block=False) See `self.map` for details. """ if 'block' in kwargs: raise TypeError("map_async doesn't take a `block` keyword argument.") kwargs['block'] = False return self.map(f,*sequences,**kwargs) def map_sync(self, f, *sequences, **kwargs): """Parallel version of builtin `map`, using this view's engines. This is equivalent to map(...block=True) See `self.map` for details. """ if 'block' in kwargs: raise TypeError("map_sync doesn't take a `block` keyword argument.") kwargs['block'] = True return self.map(f,*sequences,**kwargs) def imap(self, f, *sequences, **kwargs): """Parallel version of `itertools.imap`. See `self.map` for details. """ return iter(self.map_async(f,*sequences, **kwargs)) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Decorators #------------------------------------------------------------------- def remote(self, block=True, **flags): """Decorator for making a RemoteFunction""" block = self.block if block is None else block return remote(self, block=block, **flags) def parallel(self, dist='b', block=None, **flags): """Decorator for making a ParallelFunction""" block = self.block if block is None else block return parallel(self, dist=dist, block=block, **flags) @testdec.skip_doctest class DirectView(View): """Direct Multiplexer View of one or more engines. These are created via indexed access to a client: >>> dv_1 = client[1] >>> dv_all = client[:] >>> dv_even = client[::2] >>> dv_some = client[1:3] This object provides dictionary access to engine namespaces: # push a=5: >>> dv['a'] = 5 # pull 'foo': >>> db['foo'] """ def __init__(self, client=None, socket=None, targets=None): super(DirectView, self).__init__(client=client, socket=socket, targets=targets) @property def importer(self): """sync_imports(local=True) as a property. See sync_imports for details. """ return self.sync_imports(True) @contextmanager def sync_imports(self, local=True): """Context Manager for performing simultaneous local and remote imports. 'import x as y' will *not* work. The 'as y' part will simply be ignored. >>> with view.sync_imports(): ... from numpy import recarray importing recarray from numpy on engine(s) """ import __builtin__ local_import = __builtin__.__import__ modules = set() results = [] @util.interactive def remote_import(name, fromlist, level): """the function to be passed to apply, that actually performs the import on the engine, and loads up the user namespace. """ import sys user_ns = globals() mod = __import__(name, fromlist=fromlist, level=level) if fromlist: for key in fromlist: user_ns[key] = getattr(mod, key) else: user_ns[name] = sys.modules[name] def view_import(name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[], level=-1): """the drop-in replacement for __import__, that optionally imports locally as well. """ # don't override nested imports save_import = __builtin__.__import__ __builtin__.__import__ = local_import if imp.lock_held(): # this is a side-effect import, don't do it remotely, or even # ignore the local effects return local_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) imp.acquire_lock() if local: mod = local_import(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level) else: raise NotImplementedError("remote-only imports not yet implemented") imp.release_lock() key = name+':'+','.join(fromlist or []) if level == -1 and key not in modules: modules.add(key) if fromlist: print "importing %s from %s on engine(s)"%(','.join(fromlist), name) else: print "importing %s on engine(s)"%name results.append(self.apply_async(remote_import, name, fromlist, level)) # restore override __builtin__.__import__ = save_import return mod # override __import__ __builtin__.__import__ = view_import try: # enter the block yield except ImportError: if not local: # ignore import errors if not doing local imports pass finally: # always restore __import__ __builtin__.__import__ = local_import for r in results: # raise possible remote ImportErrors here r.get() @sync_results @save_ids def _really_apply(self, f, args=None, kwargs=None, targets=None, block=None, track=None): """calls f(*args, **kwargs) on remote engines, returning the result. This method sets all of `apply`'s flags via this View's attributes. Parameters ---------- f : callable args : list [default: empty] kwargs : dict [default: empty] targets : target list [default: self.targets] where to run block : bool [default: self.block] whether to block track : bool [default: self.track] whether to ask zmq to track the message, for safe non-copying sends Returns ------- if self.block is False: returns AsyncResult else: returns actual result of f(*args, **kwargs) on the engine(s) This will be a list of self.targets is also a list (even length 1), or the single result if self.targets is an integer engine id """ args = [] if args is None else args kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs block = self.block if block is None else block track = self.track if track is None else track targets = self.targets if targets is None else targets _idents = self.client._build_targets(targets)[0] msg_ids = [] trackers = [] for ident in _idents: msg = self.client.send_apply_message(self._socket, f, args, kwargs, track=track, ident=ident) if track: trackers.append(msg['tracker']) msg_ids.append(msg['msg_id']) tracker = None if track is False else zmq.MessageTracker(*trackers) ar = AsyncResult(self.client, msg_ids, fname=f.__name__, targets=targets, tracker=tracker) if block: try: return ar.get() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass return ar @spin_after def map(self, f, *sequences, **kwargs): """view.map(f, *sequences, block=self.block) => list|AsyncMapResult Parallel version of builtin `map`, using this View's `targets`. There will be one task per target, so work will be chunked if the sequences are longer than `targets`. Results can be iterated as they are ready, but will become available in chunks. Parameters ---------- f : callable function to be mapped *sequences: one or more sequences of matching length the sequences to be distributed and passed to `f` block : bool whether to wait for the result or not [default self.block] Returns ------- if block=False: AsyncMapResult An object like AsyncResult, but which reassembles the sequence of results into a single list. AsyncMapResults can be iterated through before all results are complete. else: list the result of map(f,*sequences) """ block = kwargs.pop('block', self.block) for k in kwargs.keys(): if k not in ['block', 'track']: raise TypeError("invalid keyword arg, %r"%k) assert len(sequences) > 0, "must have some sequences to map onto!" pf = ParallelFunction(self, f, block=block, **kwargs) return pf.map(*sequences) def execute(self, code, targets=None, block=None): """Executes `code` on `targets` in blocking or nonblocking manner. ``execute`` is always `bound` (affects engine namespace) Parameters ---------- code : str the code string to be executed block : bool whether or not to wait until done to return default: self.block """ return self._really_apply(util._execute, args=(code,), block=block, targets=targets) def run(self, filename, targets=None, block=None): """Execute contents of `filename` on my engine(s). This simply reads the contents of the file and calls `execute`. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path to the file targets : int/str/list of ints/strs the engines on which to execute default : all block : bool whether or not to wait until done default: self.block """ with open(filename, 'r') as f: # add newline in case of trailing indented whitespace # which will cause SyntaxError code = f.read()+'\n' return self.execute(code, block=block, targets=targets) def update(self, ns): """update remote namespace with dict `ns` See `push` for details. """ return self.push(ns, block=self.block, track=self.track) def push(self, ns, targets=None, block=None, track=None): """update remote namespace with dict `ns` Parameters ---------- ns : dict dict of keys with which to update engine namespace(s) block : bool [default : self.block] whether to wait to be notified of engine receipt """ block = block if block is not None else self.block track = track if track is not None else self.track targets = targets if targets is not None else self.targets # applier = self.apply_sync if block else self.apply_async if not isinstance(ns, dict): raise TypeError("Must be a dict, not %s"%type(ns)) return self._really_apply(util._push, (ns,), block=block, track=track, targets=targets) def get(self, key_s): """get object(s) by `key_s` from remote namespace see `pull` for details. """ # block = block if block is not None else self.block return self.pull(key_s, block=True) def pull(self, names, targets=None, block=None): """get object(s) by `name` from remote namespace will return one object if it is a key. can also take a list of keys, in which case it will return a list of objects. """ block = block if block is not None else self.block targets = targets if targets is not None else self.targets applier = self.apply_sync if block else self.apply_async if isinstance(names, basestring): pass elif isinstance(names, (list,tuple,set)): for key in names: if not isinstance(key, basestring): raise TypeError("keys must be str, not type %r"%type(key)) else: raise TypeError("names must be strs, not %r"%names) return self._really_apply(util._pull, (names,), block=block, targets=targets) def scatter(self, key, seq, dist='b', flatten=False, targets=None, block=None, track=None): """ Partition a Python sequence and send the partitions to a set of engines. """ block = block if block is not None else self.block track = track if track is not None else self.track targets = targets if targets is not None else self.targets mapObject = Map.dists[dist]() nparts = len(targets) msg_ids = [] trackers = [] for index, engineid in enumerate(targets): partition = mapObject.getPartition(seq, index, nparts) if flatten and len(partition) == 1: ns = {key: partition[0]} else: ns = {key: partition} r = self.push(ns, block=False, track=track, targets=engineid) msg_ids.extend(r.msg_ids) if track: trackers.append(r._tracker) if track: tracker = zmq.MessageTracker(*trackers) else: tracker = None r = AsyncResult(self.client, msg_ids, fname='scatter', targets=targets, tracker=tracker) if block: r.wait() else: return r @sync_results @save_ids def gather(self, key, dist='b', targets=None, block=None): """ Gather a partitioned sequence on a set of engines as a single local seq. """ block = block if block is not None else self.block targets = targets if targets is not None else self.targets mapObject = Map.dists[dist]() msg_ids = [] for index, engineid in enumerate(targets): msg_ids.extend(self.pull(key, block=False, targets=engineid).msg_ids) r = AsyncMapResult(self.client, msg_ids, mapObject, fname='gather') if block: try: return r.get() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass return r def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get(key) def __setitem__(self,key, value): self.update({key:value}) def clear(self, targets=None, block=False): """Clear the remote namespaces on my engines.""" block = block if block is not None else self.block targets = targets if targets is not None else self.targets return self.client.clear(targets=targets, block=block) def kill(self, targets=None, block=True): """Kill my engines.""" block = block if block is not None else self.block targets = targets if targets is not None else self.targets return self.client.kill(targets=targets, block=block) #---------------------------------------- # activate for %px,%autopx magics #---------------------------------------- def activate(self): """Make this `View` active for parallel magic commands. IPython has a magic command syntax to work with `MultiEngineClient` objects. In a given IPython session there is a single active one. While there can be many `Views` created and used by the user, there is only one active one. The active `View` is used whenever the magic commands %px and %autopx are used. The activate() method is called on a given `View` to make it active. Once this has been done, the magic commands can be used. """ try: # This is injected into __builtins__. ip = get_ipython() except NameError: print "The IPython parallel magics (%result, %px, %autopx) only work within IPython." else: pmagic = ip.plugin_manager.get_plugin('parallelmagic') if pmagic is None: ip.magic_load_ext('parallelmagic') pmagic = ip.plugin_manager.get_plugin('parallelmagic') pmagic.active_view = self @testdec.skip_doctest class LoadBalancedView(View): """An load-balancing View that only executes via the Task scheduler. Load-balanced views can be created with the client's `view` method: >>> v = client.load_balanced_view() or targets can be specified, to restrict the potential destinations: >>> v = client.client.load_balanced_view(([1,3]) which would restrict loadbalancing to between engines 1 and 3. """ follow=Any() after=Any() timeout=CFloat() _task_scheme = Any() _flag_names = List(['targets', 'block', 'track', 'follow', 'after', 'timeout']) def __init__(self, client=None, socket=None, **flags): super(LoadBalancedView, self).__init__(client=client, socket=socket, **flags) self._task_scheme=client._task_scheme def _validate_dependency(self, dep): """validate a dependency. For use in `set_flags`. """ if dep is None or isinstance(dep, (str, AsyncResult, Dependency)): return True elif isinstance(dep, (list,set, tuple)): for d in dep: if not isinstance(d, (str, AsyncResult)): return False elif isinstance(dep, dict): if set(dep.keys()) != set(Dependency().as_dict().keys()): return False if not isinstance(dep['msg_ids'], list): return False for d in dep['msg_ids']: if not isinstance(d, str): return False else: return False return True def _render_dependency(self, dep): """helper for building jsonable dependencies from various input forms.""" if isinstance(dep, Dependency): return dep.as_dict() elif isinstance(dep, AsyncResult): return dep.msg_ids elif dep is None: return [] else: # pass to Dependency constructor return list(Dependency(dep)) def set_flags(self, **kwargs): """set my attribute flags by keyword. A View is a wrapper for the Client's apply method, but with attributes that specify keyword arguments, those attributes can be set by keyword argument with this method. Parameters ---------- block : bool whether to wait for results track : bool whether to create a MessageTracker to allow the user to safely edit after arrays and buffers during non-copying sends. # after : Dependency or collection of msg_ids Only for load-balanced execution (targets=None) Specify a list of msg_ids as a time-based dependency. This job will only be run *after* the dependencies have been met. follow : Dependency or collection of msg_ids Only for load-balanced execution (targets=None) Specify a list of msg_ids as a location-based dependency. This job will only be run on an engine where this dependency is met. timeout : float/int or None Only for load-balanced execution (targets=None) Specify an amount of time (in seconds) for the scheduler to wait for dependencies to be met before failing with a DependencyTimeout. """ super(LoadBalancedView, self).set_flags(**kwargs) for name in ('follow', 'after'): if name in kwargs: value = kwargs[name] if self._validate_dependency(value): setattr(self, name, value) else: raise ValueError("Invalid dependency: %r"%value) if 'timeout' in kwargs: t = kwargs['timeout'] if not isinstance(t, (int, long, float, type(None))): raise TypeError("Invalid type for timeout: %r"%type(t)) if t is not None: if t < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid timeout: %s"%t) self.timeout = t @sync_results @save_ids def _really_apply(self, f, args=None, kwargs=None, block=None, track=None, after=None, follow=None, timeout=None, targets=None): """calls f(*args, **kwargs) on a remote engine, returning the result. This method temporarily sets all of `apply`'s flags for a single call. Parameters ---------- f : callable args : list [default: empty] kwargs : dict [default: empty] block : bool [default: self.block] whether to block track : bool [default: self.track] whether to ask zmq to track the message, for safe non-copying sends !!!!!! TODO: THE REST HERE !!!! Returns ------- if self.block is False: returns AsyncResult else: returns actual result of f(*args, **kwargs) on the engine(s) This will be a list of self.targets is also a list (even length 1), or the single result if self.targets is an integer engine id """ # validate whether we can run if self._socket.closed: msg = "Task farming is disabled" if self._task_scheme == 'pure': msg += " because the pure ZMQ scheduler cannot handle" msg += " disappearing engines." raise RuntimeError(msg) if self._task_scheme == 'pure': # pure zmq scheme doesn't support dependencies msg = "Pure ZMQ scheduler doesn't support dependencies" if (follow or after): # hard fail on DAG dependencies raise RuntimeError(msg) if isinstance(f, dependent): # soft warn on functional dependencies warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning) # build args args = [] if args is None else args kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs block = self.block if block is None else block track = self.track if track is None else track after = self.after if after is None else after follow = self.follow if follow is None else follow timeout = self.timeout if timeout is None else timeout targets = self.targets if targets is None else targets if targets is None: idents = [] else: idents = self.client._build_targets(targets)[0] after = self._render_dependency(after) follow = self._render_dependency(follow) subheader = dict(after=after, follow=follow, timeout=timeout, targets=idents) msg = self.client.send_apply_message(self._socket, f, args, kwargs, track=track, subheader=subheader) tracker = None if track is False else msg['tracker'] ar = AsyncResult(self.client, msg['msg_id'], fname=f.__name__, targets=None, tracker=tracker) if block: try: return ar.get() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass return ar @spin_after @save_ids def map(self, f, *sequences, **kwargs): """view.map(f, *sequences, block=self.block, chunksize=1) => list|AsyncMapResult Parallel version of builtin `map`, load-balanced by this View. `block`, and `chunksize` can be specified by keyword only. Each `chunksize` elements will be a separate task, and will be load-balanced. This lets individual elements be available for iteration as soon as they arrive. Parameters ---------- f : callable function to be mapped *sequences: one or more sequences of matching length the sequences to be distributed and passed to `f` block : bool whether to wait for the result or not [default self.block] track : bool whether to create a MessageTracker to allow the user to safely edit after arrays and buffers during non-copying sends. chunksize : int how many elements should be in each task [default 1] Returns ------- if block=False: AsyncMapResult An object like AsyncResult, but which reassembles the sequence of results into a single list. AsyncMapResults can be iterated through before all results are complete. else: the result of map(f,*sequences) """ # default block = kwargs.get('block', self.block) chunksize = kwargs.get('chunksize', 1) keyset = set(kwargs.keys()) extra_keys = keyset.difference_update(set(['block', 'chunksize'])) if extra_keys: raise TypeError("Invalid kwargs: %s"%list(extra_keys)) assert len(sequences) > 0, "must have some sequences to map onto!" pf = ParallelFunction(self, f, block=block, chunksize=chunksize) return pf.map(*sequences) __all__ = ['LoadBalancedView', 'DirectView']