#!/usr/bin/env python """ A script/util to upgrade all files in a directory This is rather conservative in its approach, only copying/overwriting new and unedited files. To be used by "upgrade" feature. """ from IPython.Extensions.path import path import md5,pickle def showdiff(old,new): import difflib d = difflib.Differ() lines = d.compare(old.lines(),new.lines()) realdiff = False for l in lines: print l, if not realdiff and not l[0].isspace(): realdiff = True return realdiff def upgrade_dir(srcdir, tgtdir): """ Copy over all files in srcdir to tgtdir w/ native line endings Creates .upgrade_report in tgtdir that stores md5sums of all files to notice changed files b/w upgrades. """ def pr(s): print s def ignorable(p): if p.lower().startswith('.svn') or p.startswith('ipythonrc'): return True return False modded = [] files = [path(srcdir).relpathto(p) for p in path(srcdir).walkfiles()] #print files rep = tgtdir / '.upgrade_report' try: rpt = pickle.load(rep.open()) except: rpt = {} for f in files: if ignorable(f): continue src = srcdir / f tgt = tgtdir / f if not tgt.isfile(): pr("Creating %s" % str(tgt)) tgt.write_text(src.text()) rpt[str(tgt)] = md5.new(tgt.text()).hexdigest() else: cont = tgt.text() sum = rpt.get(str(tgt), None) #print sum if sum and md5.new(cont).hexdigest() == sum: pr("Unedited, installing new %s" % tgt) rpt[str(tgt)] = md5.new(tgt.text()).hexdigest() else: pr(' == Modified, skipping %s, diffs below == ' % tgt) #rpt[str(tgt)] = md5.new(tgt.bytes()).hexdigest() real = showdiff(tgt,src) pr('') # empty line if not real: pr("(Ok, it wasn't that different at all, upgrading checksum)") rpt[str(tgt)] = md5.new(tgt.text()).hexdigest() else: modded.append(tgt) #print rpt pickle.dump(rpt, rep.open('w')) if modded: print "\n\nDelete the following files manually (and rerun %upgrade)\nif you need a full upgrade:" for m in modded: print m import sys if __name__ == "__main__": upgrade_dir(path(sys.argv[1]), path(sys.argv[2]))