#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ The IPython controller application """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 The IPython Development Team # # Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in # the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os import sys from twisted.application import service from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.python import log from IPython.config.loader import NoConfigDefault from IPython.kernel.clusterdir import ( ApplicationWithClusterDir, AppWithClusterDirArgParseConfigLoader ) from IPython.core import release from IPython.utils.importstring import import_item from IPython.kernel.engineservice import EngineService from IPython.kernel.fcutil import Tub from IPython.kernel.engineconnector import EngineConnector #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The main application #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cl_args = ( # Controller config (('--furl-file',), dict( type=str, dest='Global.furl_file', default=NoConfigDefault, help='The full location of the file containing the FURL of the ' 'controller. If this is not given, the FURL file must be in the ' 'security directory of the cluster directory. This location is ' 'resolved using the --profile and --app-dir options.', metavar='Global.furl_file') ), # MPI (('--mpi',), dict( type=str, dest='MPI.use', default=NoConfigDefault, help='How to enable MPI (mpi4py, pytrilinos, or empty string to disable).', metavar='MPI.use') ), # Global config (('--log-to-file',), dict( action='store_true', dest='Global.log_to_file', default=NoConfigDefault, help='Log to a file in the log directory (default is stdout)') ) ) class IPEngineAppCLConfigLoader(AppWithClusterDirArgParseConfigLoader): arguments = cl_args mpi4py_init = """from mpi4py import MPI as mpi mpi.size = mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() mpi.rank = mpi.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() """ pytrilinos_init = """from PyTrilinos import Epetra class SimpleStruct: pass mpi = SimpleStruct() mpi.rank = 0 mpi.size = 0 """ default_config_file_name = 'ipengine_config.py' class IPEngineApp(ApplicationWithClusterDir): name = 'ipengine' description = 'Start the IPython engine for parallel computing.' config_file_name = default_config_file_name auto_create_cluster_dir = True def create_default_config(self): super(IPEngineApp, self).create_default_config() # The engine should not clean logs as we don't want to remove the # active log files of other running engines. self.default_config.Global.clean_logs = False # Global config attributes self.default_config.Global.exec_lines = [] self.default_config.Global.shell_class = 'IPython.kernel.core.interpreter.Interpreter' # Configuration related to the controller # This must match the filename (path not included) that the controller # used for the FURL file. self.default_config.Global.furl_file_name = 'ipcontroller-engine.furl' # If given, this is the actual location of the controller's FURL file. # If not, this is computed using the profile, app_dir and furl_file_name self.default_config.Global.furl_file = '' # The max number of connection attemps and the initial delay between # those attemps. self.default_config.Global.connect_delay = 0.1 self.default_config.Global.connect_max_tries = 15 # MPI related config attributes self.default_config.MPI.use = '' self.default_config.MPI.mpi4py = mpi4py_init self.default_config.MPI.pytrilinos = pytrilinos_init def create_command_line_config(self): """Create and return a command line config loader.""" return IPEngineAppCLConfigLoader( description=self.description, version=release.version ) def post_load_command_line_config(self): pass def pre_construct(self): super(IPEngineApp, self).pre_construct() self.find_cont_furl_file() def find_cont_furl_file(self): """Set the furl file. Here we don't try to actually see if it exists for is valid as that is hadled by the connection logic. """ config = self.master_config # Find the actual controller FURL file if not config.Global.furl_file: try_this = os.path.join( config.Global.cluster_dir, config.Global.security_dir, config.Global.furl_file_name ) config.Global.furl_file = try_this def construct(self): # I am a little hesitant to put these into InteractiveShell itself. # But that might be the place for them sys.path.insert(0, '') self.start_mpi() self.start_logging() # Create the underlying shell class and EngineService shell_class = import_item(self.master_config.Global.shell_class) self.engine_service = EngineService(shell_class, mpi=mpi) self.exec_lines() # Create the service hierarchy self.main_service = service.MultiService() self.engine_service.setServiceParent(self.main_service) self.tub_service = Tub() self.tub_service.setServiceParent(self.main_service) # This needs to be called before the connection is initiated self.main_service.startService() # This initiates the connection to the controller and calls # register_engine to tell the controller we are ready to do work self.engine_connector = EngineConnector(self.tub_service) log.msg("Using furl file: %s" % self.master_config.Global.furl_file) reactor.callWhenRunning(self.call_connect) def call_connect(self): d = self.engine_connector.connect_to_controller( self.engine_service, self.master_config.Global.furl_file, self.master_config.Global.connect_delay, self.master_config.Global.connect_max_tries ) def handle_error(f): log.msg('Error connecting to controller. This usually means that ' 'i) the controller was not started, ii) a firewall was blocking ' 'the engine from connecting to the controller or iii) the engine ' ' was not pointed at the right FURL file:') log.msg(f.getErrorMessage()) reactor.callLater(0.1, reactor.stop) d.addErrback(handle_error) def start_mpi(self): global mpi mpikey = self.master_config.MPI.use mpi_import_statement = self.master_config.MPI.get(mpikey, None) if mpi_import_statement is not None: try: self.log.info("Initializing MPI:") self.log.info(mpi_import_statement) exec mpi_import_statement in globals() except: mpi = None else: mpi = None def exec_lines(self): for line in self.master_config.Global.exec_lines: try: log.msg("Executing statement: '%s'" % line) self.engine_service.execute(line) except: log.msg("Error executing statement: %s" % line) def start_app(self): # cd to the cluster_dir as our working directory. os.chdir(self.master_config.Global.cluster_dir) reactor.run() def launch_new_instance(): """Create and run the IPython controller""" app = IPEngineApp() app.start() if __name__ == '__main__': launch_new_instance()