""" Module containing custom doctests. """ def str_to_array(s): """ Simplistic converter of strings from repr to float NumPy arrays. If the repr representation has ellipsis in it, then this will fail. Parameters ---------- s : str The repr version of a NumPy array. Examples -------- >>> s = "array([ 0.3, inf, nan])" >>> a = str_to_array(s) """ import numpy as np # Need to make sure eval() knows about inf and nan. # This also assumes default printoptions for NumPy. from numpy import inf, nan if s.startswith(u'array'): # Remove array( and ) s = s[6:-1] if s.startswith(u'['): a = np.array(eval(s), dtype=float) else: # Assume its a regular float. Force 1D so we can index into it. a = np.atleast_1d(float(s)) return a def float_doctest(sphinx_shell, args, input_lines, found, submitted): """ Doctest which allow the submitted output to vary slightly from the input. Here is how it might appear in an rst file: .. code-block:: rst .. ipython:: @doctest float In [1]: 0.1 + 0.2 Out[1]: 0.3 """ import numpy as np if len(args) == 2: rtol = 1e-05 atol = 1e-08 else: # Both must be specified if any are specified. try: rtol = float(args[2]) atol = float(args[3]) except IndexError: e = ("Both `rtol` and `atol` must be specified " "if either are specified: {0}".format(args)) raise IndexError(e) try: submitted = str_to_array(submitted) found = str_to_array(found) except: # For example, if the array is huge and there are ellipsis in it. error = True else: found_isnan = np.isnan(found) submitted_isnan = np.isnan(submitted) error = not np.allclose(found_isnan, submitted_isnan) error |= not np.allclose(found[~found_isnan], submitted[~submitted_isnan], rtol=rtol, atol=atol) if error: e = ('doctest float comparison failure for input_lines={0} with ' 'found_output={1} and submitted ' 'output="{2}"'.format(input_lines, repr(found), repr(submitted)) ) raise RuntimeError(e) doctests = { 'float': float_doctest, }