//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The IPython Development Team // // Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in // the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //============================================================================ // CodeCell //============================================================================ var IPython = (function (IPython) { var utils = IPython.utils; var CodeCell = function (notebook) { this.code_mirror = null; this.input_prompt_number = ' '; this.is_completing = false; this.completion_cursor = null; this.outputs = []; this.collapsed = false; this.tooltip_timeout = null; IPython.Cell.apply(this, arguments); }; CodeCell.prototype = new IPython.Cell(); CodeCell.prototype.create_element = function () { var cell = $('<div></div>').addClass('cell border-box-sizing code_cell vbox'); cell.attr('tabindex','2'); var input = $('<div></div>').addClass('input hbox'); input.append($('<div/>').addClass('prompt input_prompt')); var input_area = $('<div/>').addClass('input_area box-flex1'); this.code_mirror = CodeMirror(input_area.get(0), { indentUnit : 4, mode: 'python', theme: 'ipython', readOnly: this.read_only, onKeyEvent: $.proxy(this.handle_codemirror_keyevent,this) }); input.append(input_area); var output = $('<div></div>').addClass('output vbox'); cell.append(input).append(output); this.element = cell; this.collapse(); }; //TODO, try to diminish the number of parameters. CodeCell.prototype.request_tooltip_after_time = function (pre_cursor,time){ var that = this; if (pre_cursor === "" || pre_cursor === "(" ) { // don't do anything if line beggin with '(' or is empty } else { // Will set a timer to request tooltip in `time` that.tooltip_timeout = setTimeout(function(){ IPython.notebook.request_tool_tip(that, pre_cursor) },time); } }; CodeCell.prototype.handle_codemirror_keyevent = function (editor, event) { // This method gets called in CodeMirror's onKeyDown/onKeyPress // handlers and is used to provide custom key handling. Its return // value is used to determine if CodeMirror should ignore the event: // true = ignore, false = don't ignore. if (this.read_only){ return false; } // note that we are comparing and setting the time to wait at each key press. // a better wqy might be to generate a new function on each time change and // assign it to CodeCell.prototype.request_tooltip_after_time tooltip_wait_time = this.notebook.time_before_tooltip; tooltip_on_tab = this.notebook.tooltip_on_tab; var that = this; // whatever key is pressed, first, cancel the tooltip request before // they are sent, and remove tooltip if any if(event.type === 'keydown' ){ that.remove_and_cancel_tooltip(); } if (event.keyCode === 13 && (event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey)) { // Always ignore shift-enter in CodeMirror as we handle it. return true; } else if (event.which === 40 && event.type === 'keypress' && tooltip_wait_time >= 0) { // triger aon keypress (!) otherwise inconsistent event.which depending on plateform // browser and keyboard layout ! // Pressing '(' , request tooltip, don't forget to reappend it var cursor = editor.getCursor(); var pre_cursor = editor.getRange({line:cursor.line,ch:0},cursor).trim()+'('; that.request_tooltip_after_time(pre_cursor,tooltip_wait_time); } else if (event.which === 38) { // If we are not at the top, let CM handle the up arrow and // prevent the global keydown handler from handling it. if (!that.at_top()) { event.stop(); return false; } else { return true; }; } else if (event.which === 40) { // If we are not at the bottom, let CM handle the down arrow and // prevent the global keydown handler from handling it. if (!that.at_bottom()) { event.stop(); return false; } else { return true; }; } else if (event.keyCode === 9 && event.type == 'keydown') { // Tab completion. var cur = editor.getCursor(); //Do not trim here because of tooltip var pre_cursor = editor.getRange({line:cur.line,ch:0},cur); if (pre_cursor.trim() === "") { // Don't autocomplete if the part of the line before the cursor // is empty. In this case, let CodeMirror handle indentation. return false; } else if ((pre_cursor.substr(-1) === "("|| pre_cursor.substr(-1) === " ") && tooltip_on_tab ) { that.request_tooltip_after_time(pre_cursor,0); } else { pre_cursor.trim(); // Autocomplete the current line. event.stop(); var line = editor.getLine(cur.line); this.is_completing = true; this.completion_cursor = cur; IPython.notebook.complete_cell(this, line, cur.ch); return true; } } else if (event.keyCode === 8 && event.type == 'keydown') { // If backspace and the line ends with 4 spaces, remove them. var cur = editor.getCursor(); var line = editor.getLine(cur.line); var ending = line.slice(-4); if (ending === ' ') { editor.replaceRange('', {line: cur.line, ch: cur.ch-4}, {line: cur.line, ch: cur.ch} ); event.stop(); return true; } else { return false; } } else if (event.keyCode === 76 && event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey && event.type == 'keydown') { // toggle line numbers with Ctrl-Shift-L this.toggle_line_numbers(); } else { // keypress/keyup also trigger on TAB press, and we don't want to // use those to disable tab completion. if (this.is_completing && event.keyCode !== 9) { var ed_cur = editor.getCursor(); var cc_cur = this.completion_cursor; if (ed_cur.line !== cc_cur.line || ed_cur.ch !== cc_cur.ch) { this.is_completing = false; this.completion_cursor = null; } } return false; }; return false; }; CodeCell.prototype.remove_and_cancel_tooltip = function() { // note that we don't handle closing directly inside the calltip // as in the completer, because it is not focusable, so won't // get the event. if (this.tooltip_timeout != null){ clearTimeout(this.tooltip_timeout); $('#tooltip').remove(); this.tooltip_timeout = null; } } CodeCell.prototype.finish_tooltip = function (reply) { // Extract call tip data; the priority is call, init, main. defstring = reply.call_def; if (defstring == null) { defstring = reply.init_definition; } if (defstring == null) { defstring = reply.definition; } docstring = reply.call_docstring; if (docstring == null) { docstring = reply.init_docstring; } if (docstring == null) { docstring = reply.docstring; } if (docstring == null) { docstring = "<empty docstring>"; } name=reply.name; var that = this; var tooltip = $('<div/>').attr('id', 'tooltip').addClass('tooltip'); // remove to have the tooltip not Limited in X and Y tooltip.addClass('smalltooltip'); var pre=$('<pre/>').html(utils.fixConsole(docstring)); var expandlink=$('<a/>').attr('href',"#"); expandlink.addClass("ui-corner-all"); //rounded corner expandlink.attr('role',"button"); //expandlink.addClass('ui-button'); //expandlink.addClass('ui-state-default'); var expandspan=$('<span/>').text('Expand'); expandspan.addClass('ui-icon'); expandspan.addClass('ui-icon-plus'); expandlink.append(expandspan); expandlink.attr('id','expanbutton'); expandlink.click(function(){ tooltip.removeClass('smalltooltip'); tooltip.addClass('bigtooltip'); $('#expanbutton').remove(); setTimeout(function(){that.code_mirror.focus();}, 50); }); var morelink=$('<a/>').attr('href',"#"); morelink.attr('role',"button"); morelink.addClass('ui-button'); //morelink.addClass("ui-corner-all"); //rounded corner //morelink.addClass('ui-state-default'); var morespan=$('<span/>').text('Open in Pager'); morespan.addClass('ui-icon'); morespan.addClass('ui-icon-arrowstop-l-n'); morelink.append(morespan); morelink.click(function(){ var msg_id = IPython.notebook.kernel.execute(name+"?"); IPython.notebook.msg_cell_map[msg_id] = IPython.notebook.get_selected_cell().cell_id; that.remove_and_cancel_tooltip(); setTimeout(function(){that.code_mirror.focus();}, 50); }); var closelink=$('<a/>').attr('href',"#"); closelink.attr('role',"button"); closelink.addClass('ui-button'); //closelink.addClass("ui-corner-all"); //rounded corner //closelink.adClass('ui-state-default'); // grey background and blue cross var closespan=$('<span/>').text('Close'); closespan.addClass('ui-icon'); closespan.addClass('ui-icon-close'); closelink.append(closespan); closelink.click(function(){ that.remove_and_cancel_tooltip(); setTimeout(function(){that.code_mirror.focus();}, 50); }); //construct the tooltip tooltip.append(closelink); tooltip.append(expandlink); tooltip.append(morelink); if(defstring){ defstring_html = $('<pre/>').html(utils.fixConsole(defstring)); tooltip.append(defstring_html); } tooltip.append(pre); var pos = this.code_mirror.cursorCoords(); tooltip.css('left',pos.x+'px'); tooltip.css('top',pos.yBot+'px'); $('body').append(tooltip); // issues with cross-closing if multiple tooltip in less than 5sec // keep it comented for now // setTimeout(that.remove_and_cancel_tooltip, 5000); }; // As you type completer CodeCell.prototype.finish_completing = function (matched_text, matches) { //return if not completing or nothing to complete if (!this.is_completing || matches.length === 0) {return;} // for later readability var key = { tab:9, esc:27, backspace:8, space:32, shift:16, enter:13, // _ is 95 isCompSymbol : function (code) { return (code > 64 && code <= 90) || (code >= 97 && code <= 122) || (code == 95) }, dismissAndAppend : function (code) { chararr = '()[]+-/\\. ,=*'.split(""); codearr = chararr.map(function(x){return x.charCodeAt(0)}); return jQuery.inArray(code, codearr) != -1; } } // smart completion, sort kwarg ending with '=' var newm = new Array(); if(this.notebook.smart_completer) { kwargs = new Array(); other = new Array(); for(var i = 0 ; i<matches.length ; ++i){ if(matches[i].substr(-1) === '='){ kwargs.push(matches[i]); }else{other.push(matches[i]);} } newm = kwargs.concat(other); matches = newm; } // end sort kwargs // give common prefix of a array of string function sharedStart(A){ if(A.length == 1){return A[0]} if(A.length > 1 ){ var tem1, tem2, s, A = A.slice(0).sort(); tem1 = A[0]; s = tem1.length; tem2 = A.pop(); while(s && tem2.indexOf(tem1) == -1){ tem1 = tem1.substring(0, --s); } return tem1; } return ""; } //try to check if the user is typing tab at least twice after a word // and completion is "done" fallback_on_tooltip_after = 2 if(matches.length == 1 && matched_text === matches[0]) { if(this.npressed >fallback_on_tooltip_after && this.prevmatch==matched_text) { this.request_tooltip_after_time(matched_text+'(',0); return; } this.prevmatch = matched_text this.npressed = this.npressed+1; } else { this.prevmatch = ""; this.npressed = 0; } // end fallback on tooltip //================================== // Real completion logic start here var that = this; var cur = this.completion_cursor; var done = false; // call to dismmiss the completer var close = function () { if (done) return; done = true; if (complete != undefined) {complete.remove();} that.is_completing = false; that.completion_cursor = null; }; // update codemirror with the typed text prev = matched_text var update = function (inserted_text, event) { that.code_mirror.replaceRange( inserted_text, {line: cur.line, ch: (cur.ch-matched_text.length)}, {line: cur.line, ch: (cur.ch+prev.length-matched_text.length)} ); prev = inserted_text if(event != null){ event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }; // insert the given text and exit the completer var insert = function (selected_text, event) { update(selected_text) close(); setTimeout(function(){that.code_mirror.focus();}, 50); }; // insert the curent highlited selection and exit var pick = function () { insert(select.val()[0],null); }; // Define function to clear the completer, refill it with the new // matches, update the pseuso typing field. autopick insert match if // only one left, in no matches (anymore) dismiss itself by pasting // what the user have typed until then var complete_with = function(matches,typed_text,autopick,event) { // If autopick an only one match, past. // Used to 'pick' when pressing tab if (matches.length < 1) { insert(typed_text,event); if(event != null){ event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } } else if (autopick && matches.length == 1) { insert(matches[0],event); if(event != null){ event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } } //clear the previous completion if any update(typed_text,event); complete.children().children().remove(); $('#asyoutype').html("<b>"+matched_text+"</b>"+typed_text.substr(matched_text.length)); select = $('#asyoutypeselect'); for (var i = 0; i<matches.length; ++i) { select.append($('<option/>').html(matches[i])); } select.children().first().attr('selected','true'); } // create html for completer var complete = $('<div/>').addClass('completions'); complete.attr('id','complete'); complete.append($('<p/>').attr('id', 'asyoutype').html('<b>fixed part</b>user part'));//pseudo input field var select = $('<select/>').attr('multiple','true'); select.attr('id', 'asyoutypeselect') select.attr('size',Math.min(10,matches.length)); var pos = this.code_mirror.cursorCoords(); // TODO: I propose to remove enough horizontal pixel // to align the text later complete.css('left',pos.x+'px'); complete.css('top',pos.yBot+'px'); complete.append(select); $('body').append(complete); // So a first actual completion. see if all the completion start wit // the same letter and complete if necessary fastForward = sharedStart(matches) typed_characters = fastForward.substr(matched_text.length); complete_with(matches,matched_text+typed_characters,true,null); filterd = matches; // Give focus to select, and make it filter the match as the user type // by filtering the previous matches. Called by .keypress and .keydown var downandpress = function (event,press_or_down) { var code = event.which; var autopick = false; // auto 'pick' if only one match if (press_or_down === 0){ press = true; down = false; //Are we called from keypress or keydown } else if (press_or_down == 1){ press = false; down = true; } if (code === key.shift) { // nothing on Shift return; } if (key.dismissAndAppend(code) && press) { var newchar = String.fromCharCode(code); typed_characters = typed_characters+newchar; insert(matched_text+typed_characters,event); return } if (code === key.enter) { // Pressing ENTER will cause a pick event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); pick(); } else if (code === 38 || code === 40) { // We don't want the document keydown handler to handle UP/DOWN, // but we want the default action. event.stopPropagation(); } else if ( (code == key.backspace)||(code == key.tab && down) || press || key.isCompSymbol(code)){ if( key.isCompSymbol(code) && press) { var newchar = String.fromCharCode(code); typed_characters = typed_characters+newchar; } else if (code == key.tab) { fastForward = sharedStart(filterd) ffsub = fastForward.substr(matched_text.length+typed_characters.length); typed_characters = typed_characters+ffsub; autopick = true; } else if (code == key.backspace && down) { // cancel if user have erase everything, otherwise decrease // what we filter with event.preventDefault(); if (typed_characters.length <= 0) { insert(matched_text,event) return } typed_characters = typed_characters.substr(0,typed_characters.length-1); } else if (press && code != key.backspace && code != key.tab && code != 0){ insert(matched_text+typed_characters,event); return } else { return } re = new RegExp("^"+"\%?"+matched_text+typed_characters,""); filterd = matches.filter(function(x){return re.test(x)}); complete_with(filterd,matched_text+typed_characters,autopick,event); } else if (code == key.esc) { // dismiss the completer and go back to before invoking it insert(matched_text,event); } else if (press) { // abort only on .keypress or esc } } select.keydown(function (event) { downandpress(event,1) }); select.keypress(function (event) { downandpress(event,0) }); // Double click also causes a pick. // and bind the last actions. select.dblclick(pick); select.blur(close); select.focus(); }; CodeCell.prototype.toggle_line_numbers = function () { if (this.code_mirror.getOption('lineNumbers') == false) { this.code_mirror.setOption('lineNumbers', true); } else { this.code_mirror.setOption('lineNumbers', false); } this.code_mirror.refresh(); }; CodeCell.prototype.select = function () { IPython.Cell.prototype.select.apply(this); // In some cases (inserting a new cell) we need a refresh before and // after the focus. Not sure why this is the case. this.code_mirror.refresh(); this.code_mirror.focus(); this.code_mirror.refresh(); }; CodeCell.prototype.select_all = function () { var start = {line: 0, ch: 0}; var nlines = this.code_mirror.lineCount(); var last_line = this.code_mirror.getLine(nlines-1); var end = {line: nlines-1, ch: last_line.length}; this.code_mirror.setSelection(start, end); }; CodeCell.prototype.append_output = function (json) { this.expand(); if (json.output_type === 'pyout') { this.append_pyout(json); } else if (json.output_type === 'pyerr') { this.append_pyerr(json); } else if (json.output_type === 'display_data') { this.append_display_data(json); } else if (json.output_type === 'stream') { this.append_stream(json); }; this.outputs.push(json); }; CodeCell.prototype.create_output_area = function () { var oa = $("<div/>").addClass("hbox output_area"); oa.append($('<div/>').addClass('prompt')); return oa; }; CodeCell.prototype.append_pyout = function (json) { n = json.prompt_number || ' '; var toinsert = this.create_output_area(); toinsert.find('div.prompt').addClass('output_prompt').html('Out[' + n + ']:'); this.append_mime_type(json, toinsert); this.element.find('div.output').append(toinsert); // If we just output latex, typeset it. if ((json.latex !== undefined) || (json.html !== undefined)) { this.typeset(); }; }; CodeCell.prototype.append_pyerr = function (json) { var tb = json.traceback; if (tb !== undefined && tb.length > 0) { var s = ''; var len = tb.length; for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { s = s + tb[i] + '\n'; } s = s + '\n'; var toinsert = this.create_output_area(); this.append_text(s, toinsert); this.element.find('div.output').append(toinsert); }; }; CodeCell.prototype.append_stream = function (json) { // temporary fix: if stream undefined (json file written prior to this patch), // default to most likely stdout: if (json.stream == undefined){ json.stream = 'stdout'; } var subclass = "output_"+json.stream; if (this.outputs.length > 0){ // have at least one output to consider var last = this.outputs[this.outputs.length-1]; if (last.output_type == 'stream' && json.stream == last.stream){ // latest output was in the same stream, // so append directly into its pre tag this.element.find('div.'+subclass).last().find('pre').append(json.text); return; } } // If we got here, attach a new div var toinsert = this.create_output_area(); this.append_text(json.text, toinsert, "output_stream "+subclass); this.element.find('div.output').append(toinsert); }; CodeCell.prototype.append_display_data = function (json) { var toinsert = this.create_output_area(); this.append_mime_type(json, toinsert); this.element.find('div.output').append(toinsert); // If we just output latex, typeset it. if ( (json.latex !== undefined) || (json.html !== undefined) ) { this.typeset(); }; }; CodeCell.prototype.append_mime_type = function (json, element) { if (json.html !== undefined) { this.append_html(json.html, element); } else if (json.latex !== undefined) { this.append_latex(json.latex, element); } else if (json.svg !== undefined) { this.append_svg(json.svg, element); } else if (json.png !== undefined) { this.append_png(json.png, element); } else if (json.jpeg !== undefined) { this.append_jpeg(json.jpeg, element); } else if (json.text !== undefined) { this.append_text(json.text, element); }; }; CodeCell.prototype.append_html = function (html, element) { var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("box_flex1 output_subarea output_html rendered_html"); toinsert.append(html); element.append(toinsert); }; CodeCell.prototype.append_text = function (data, element, extra_class) { var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("box_flex1 output_subarea output_text"); if (extra_class){ toinsert.addClass(extra_class); } toinsert.append($("<pre/>").html(data)); element.append(toinsert); }; CodeCell.prototype.append_svg = function (svg, element) { var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("box_flex1 output_subarea output_svg"); toinsert.append(svg); element.append(toinsert); }; CodeCell.prototype.append_png = function (png, element) { var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("box_flex1 output_subarea output_png"); toinsert.append($("<img/>").attr('src','data:image/png;base64,'+png)); element.append(toinsert); }; CodeCell.prototype.append_jpeg = function (jpeg, element) { var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("box_flex1 output_subarea output_jpeg"); toinsert.append($("<img/>").attr('src','data:image/jpeg;base64,'+jpeg)); element.append(toinsert); }; CodeCell.prototype.append_latex = function (latex, element) { // This method cannot do the typesetting because the latex first has to // be on the page. var toinsert = $("<div/>").addClass("box_flex1 output_subarea output_latex"); toinsert.append(latex); element.append(toinsert); }; CodeCell.prototype.clear_output = function (stdout, stderr, other) { var output_div = this.element.find("div.output"); if (stdout && stderr && other){ // clear all, no need for logic output_div.html(""); this.outputs = []; return; } // remove html output // each output_subarea that has an identifying class is in an output_area // which is the element to be removed. if (stdout){ output_div.find("div.output_stdout").parent().remove(); } if (stderr){ output_div.find("div.output_stderr").parent().remove(); } if (other){ output_div.find("div.output_subarea").not("div.output_stderr").not("div.output_stdout").parent().remove(); } // remove cleared outputs from JSON list: for (var i = this.outputs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ var out = this.outputs[i]; var output_type = out.output_type; if (output_type == "display_data" && other){ this.outputs.splice(i,1); }else if (output_type == "stream"){ if (stdout && out.stream == "stdout"){ this.outputs.splice(i,1); }else if (stderr && out.stream == "stderr"){ this.outputs.splice(i,1); } } } }; CodeCell.prototype.clear_input = function () { this.code_mirror.setValue(''); }; CodeCell.prototype.collapse = function () { if (!this.collapsed) { this.element.find('div.output').hide(); this.collapsed = true; }; }; CodeCell.prototype.expand = function () { if (this.collapsed) { this.element.find('div.output').show(); this.collapsed = false; }; }; CodeCell.prototype.toggle_output = function () { if (this.collapsed) { this.expand(); } else { this.collapse(); }; }; CodeCell.prototype.set_input_prompt = function (number) { var n = number || ' '; this.input_prompt_number = n; this.element.find('div.input_prompt').html('In [' + n + ']:'); }; CodeCell.prototype.get_text = function () { return this.code_mirror.getValue(); }; CodeCell.prototype.set_text = function (code) { return this.code_mirror.setValue(code); }; CodeCell.prototype.at_top = function () { var cursor = this.code_mirror.getCursor(); if (cursor.line === 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }; CodeCell.prototype.at_bottom = function () { var cursor = this.code_mirror.getCursor(); if (cursor.line === (this.code_mirror.lineCount()-1)) { return true; } else { return false; } }; CodeCell.prototype.fromJSON = function (data) { if (data.cell_type === 'code') { if (data.input !== undefined) { this.set_text(data.input); } if (data.prompt_number !== undefined) { this.set_input_prompt(data.prompt_number); } else { this.set_input_prompt(); }; var len = data.outputs.length; for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { this.append_output(data.outputs[i]); }; if (data.collapsed !== undefined) { if (data.collapsed) { this.collapse(); }; }; }; }; CodeCell.prototype.toJSON = function () { var data = {}; data.input = this.get_text(); data.cell_type = 'code'; if (this.input_prompt_number !== ' ') { data.prompt_number = this.input_prompt_number; }; var outputs = []; var len = this.outputs.length; for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { outputs[i] = this.outputs[i]; }; data.outputs = outputs; data.language = 'python'; data.collapsed = this.collapsed; return data; }; IPython.CodeCell = CodeCell; return IPython; }(IPython));