// Test image class
casper.notebook_test(function () {
    index = this.append_cell(
        'from IPython.html import widgets\n' + 
        'from IPython.display import display, clear_output\n' +

    // Get the temporary directory that the test server is running in.
    var cwd = '';
    index = this.append_cell('!echo $(pwd)');
    this.execute_cell_then(index, function(index){
        cwd = this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim();


    var image_index = this.append_cell(
        'import base64\n' + 
        'data = base64.b64decode("' + test_jpg + '")\n' +
        'image = widgets.Image()\n' +
        'image.format = "jpeg"\n' +
        'image.value = data\n' +
        'image.width = "50px"\n' +
        'image.height = "50px"\n' +
        'display(image)\n' + 
    this.execute_cell_then(image_index, function(index){

        this.test.assertEquals(this.get_output_cell(index).text, 'Success\n', 
            'Create image executed with correct output.');

            '.widget-area .widget-subarea'),
            'Widget subarea exists.');

        var img_sel = '.widget-area .widget-subarea img';
        this.test.assert(this.cell_element_exists(index, img_sel), 'Image exists.');

        // Verify that the image's base64 data has made it into the DOM.
        var img_src = this.cell_element_function(image_index, img_sel, 'attr', ['src']);
        this.test.assert(img_src.indexOf(test_jpg) > -1, 'Image src data exists.');