#!/usr/bin/env python """ PickleShare - a small 'shelve' like datastore with concurrency support Like shelve, a PickleShareDB object acts like a normal dictionary. Unlike shelve, many processes can access the database simultaneously. Changing a value in database is immediately visible to other processes accessing the same database. Concurrency is possible because the values are stored in separate files. Hence the "database" is a directory where *all* files are governed by PickleShare. Example usage:: from pickleshare import * db = PickleShareDB('~/testpickleshare') db.clear() print "Should be empty:",db.items() db['hello'] = 15 db['aku ankka'] = [1,2,313] db['paths/are/ok/key'] = [1,(5,46)] print db.keys() del db['aku ankka'] This module is certainly not ZODB, but can be used for low-load (non-mission-critical) situations where tiny code size trumps the advanced features of a "real" object database. Installation guide: easy_install pickleshare Author: Ville Vainio License: MIT open source license. """ from path import path as Path import os,stat,time import cPickle as pickle import UserDict import warnings import glob from sets import Set as set def gethashfile(key): return ("%02x" % abs(hash(key) % 256))[-2:] _sentinel = object() class PickleShareDB(UserDict.DictMixin): """ The main 'connection' object for PickleShare database """ def __init__(self,root): """ Return a db object that will manage the specied directory""" self.root = Path(root).expanduser().abspath() if not self.root.isdir(): self.root.makedirs() # cache has { 'key' : (obj, orig_mod_time) } self.cache = {} def __getitem__(self,key): """ db['key'] reading """ fil = self.root / key try: mtime = (fil.stat()[stat.ST_MTIME]) except OSError: raise KeyError(key) if fil in self.cache and mtime == self.cache[fil][1]: return self.cache[fil][0] try: # The cached item has expired, need to read obj = pickle.load(fil.open()) except: raise KeyError(key) self.cache[fil] = (obj,mtime) return obj def __setitem__(self,key,value): """ db['key'] = 5 """ fil = self.root / key parent = fil.parent if parent and not parent.isdir(): parent.makedirs() pickled = pickle.dump(value,fil.open('w')) try: self.cache[fil] = (value,fil.mtime) except OSError,e: if e.errno != 2: raise def hset(self, hashroot, key, value): """ hashed set """ hroot = self.root / hashroot if not hroot.isdir(): hroot.makedirs() hfile = hroot / gethashfile(key) d = self.get(hfile, {}) d.update( {key : value}) self[hfile] = d def hget(self, hashroot, key, default = _sentinel, fast_only = True): """ hashed get """ hroot = self.root / hashroot hfile = hroot / gethashfile(key) d = self.get(hfile, _sentinel ) #print "got dict",d,"from",hfile if d is _sentinel: if fast_only: if default is _sentinel: raise KeyError(key) return default # slow mode ok, works even after hcompress() d = self.hdict(hashroot) return d.get(key, default) def hdict(self, hashroot): """ Get all data contained in hashed category 'hashroot' as dict """ hfiles = self.keys(hashroot + "/*") hfiles.sort() last = len(hfiles) and hfiles[-1] or '' if last.endswith('xx'): # print "using xx" hfiles = [last] + hfiles[:-1] all = {} for f in hfiles: # print "using",f try: all.update(self[f]) except KeyError: print "Corrupt",f,"deleted - hset is not threadsafe!" del self[f] self.uncache(f) return all def hcompress(self, hashroot): """ Compress category 'hashroot', so hset is fast again hget will fail if fast_only is True for compressed items (that were hset before hcompress). """ hfiles = self.keys(hashroot + "/*") all = {} for f in hfiles: # print "using",f all.update(self[f]) self.uncache(f) self[hashroot + '/xx'] = all for f in hfiles: p = self.root / f if p.basename() == 'xx': continue p.remove() def __delitem__(self,key): """ del db["key"] """ fil = self.root / key self.cache.pop(fil,None) try: fil.remove() except OSError: # notfound and permission denied are ok - we # lost, the other process wins the conflict pass def _normalized(self, p): """ Make a key suitable for user's eyes """ return str(self.root.relpathto(p)).replace('\\','/') def keys(self, globpat = None): """ All keys in DB, or all keys matching a glob""" if globpat is None: files = self.root.walkfiles() else: files = [Path(p) for p in glob.glob(self.root/globpat)] return [self._normalized(p) for p in files if p.isfile()] def uncache(self,*items): """ Removes all, or specified items from cache Use this after reading a large amount of large objects to free up memory, when you won't be needing the objects for a while. """ if not items: self.cache = {} for it in items: self.cache.pop(it,None) def waitget(self,key, maxwaittime = 60 ): """ Wait (poll) for a key to get a value Will wait for `maxwaittime` seconds before raising a KeyError. The call exits normally if the `key` field in db gets a value within the timeout period. Use this for synchronizing different processes or for ensuring that an unfortunately timed "db['key'] = newvalue" operation in another process (which causes all 'get' operation to cause a KeyError for the duration of pickling) won't screw up your program logic. """ wtimes = [0.2] * 3 + [0.5] * 2 + [1] tries = 0 waited = 0 while 1: try: val = self[key] return val except KeyError: pass if waited > maxwaittime: raise KeyError(key) time.sleep(wtimes[tries]) waited+=wtimes[tries] if tries < len(wtimes) -1: tries+=1 def getlink(self,folder): """ Get a convenient link for accessing items """ return PickleShareLink(self, folder) def __repr__(self): return "PickleShareDB('%s')" % self.root class PickleShareLink: """ A shortdand for accessing nested PickleShare data conveniently. Created through PickleShareDB.getlink(), example:: lnk = db.getlink('myobjects/test') lnk.foo = 2 lnk.bar = lnk.foo + 5 """ def __init__(self, db, keydir ): self.__dict__.update(locals()) def __getattr__(self,key): return self.__dict__['db'][self.__dict__['keydir']+'/' + key] def __setattr__(self,key,val): self.db[self.keydir+'/' + key] = val def __repr__(self): db = self.__dict__['db'] keys = db.keys( self.__dict__['keydir'] +"/*") return "" % ( self.__dict__['keydir'], ";".join([Path(k).basename() for k in keys])) def test(): db = PickleShareDB('~/testpickleshare') db.clear() print "Should be empty:",db.items() db['hello'] = 15 db['aku ankka'] = [1,2,313] db['paths/nest/ok/keyname'] = [1,(5,46)] db.hset('hash', 'aku', 12) db.hset('hash', 'ankka', 313) print "12 =",db.hget('hash','aku') print "313 =",db.hget('hash','ankka') print "all hashed",db.hdict('hash') print db.keys() print db.keys('paths/nest/ok/k*') print dict(db) # snapsot of whole db db.uncache() # frees memory, causes re-reads later # shorthand for accessing deeply nested files lnk = db.getlink('myobjects/test') lnk.foo = 2 lnk.bar = lnk.foo + 5 print lnk.bar # 7 def stress(): db = PickleShareDB('~/fsdbtest') import time,sys for i in range(1000): for j in range(1000): if i % 15 == 0 and i < 200: if str(j) in db: del db[str(j)] continue if j%33 == 0: time.sleep(0.02) db[str(j)] = db.get(str(j), []) + [(i,j,"proc %d" % os.getpid())] db.hset('hash',j, db.hget('hash',j,15) + 1 ) print i, sys.stdout.flush() if i % 10 == 0: db.uncache() def main(): import textwrap usage = textwrap.dedent("""\ pickleshare - manage PickleShare databases Usage: pickleshare dump /path/to/db > dump.txt pickleshare load /path/to/db < dump.txt pickleshare test /path/to/db """) DB = PickleShareDB import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print usage return cmd = sys.argv[1] args = sys.argv[2:] if cmd == 'dump': if not args: args= ['.'] db = DB(args[0]) import pprint pprint.pprint(db.items()) elif cmd == 'load': cont = sys.stdin.read() db = DB(args[0]) data = eval(cont) db.clear() for k,v in db.items(): db[k] = v elif cmd == 'testwait': db = DB(args[0]) db.clear() print db.waitget('250') elif cmd == 'test': test() stress() if __name__== "__main__": main()