// Test casper.notebook_test(function () { var a = 'ab\ncd'; var b = 'print("b")'; var c = 'print("c")'; var that = this; var cell_is_mergeable = function (index) { // Get the mergeable status of a cell. return that.evaluate(function (index) { var cell = IPython.notebook.get_cell(index); return cell.is_mergeable(); }, index); }; var cell_is_splittable = function (index) { // Get the splittable status of a cell. return that.evaluate(function (index) { var cell = IPython.notebook.get_cell(index); return cell.is_splittable(); }, index); }; var close_dialog = function () { this.evaluate(function(){ $('div.modal-footer button.btn-default').click(); }, {}); }; this.then(function () { // Split and merge cells this.select_cell(0); this.trigger_keydown('a', 'enter'); // Create cell above and enter edit mode. this.validate_notebook_state('a, enter', 'edit', 0); this.set_cell_text(0, 'abcd'); this.set_cell_editor_cursor(0, 0, 2); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(0), 'abcd', 'Verify that cell 0 has the new contents.'); this.trigger_keydown('ctrl-shift-subtract'); // Split this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(0), 'ab', 'split; Verify that cell 0 has the first half.'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(1), 'cd', 'split; Verify that cell 1 has the second half.'); this.validate_notebook_state('split', 'edit', 1); this.select_cell(0); // Move up to cell 0 this.trigger_keydown('shift-m'); // Merge this.validate_notebook_state('merge', 'command', 0); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(0), a, 'merge; Verify that cell 0 has the merged contents.'); }); // add some more cells and test splitting/merging when a cell is not deletable this.then(function () { this.append_cell(b); this.append_cell(c); }); this.thenEvaluate(function() { IPython.notebook.get_cell(1).metadata.deletable = false; }); // Check that merge/split status are correct this.then(function () { this.test.assert(cell_is_splittable(0), 'Cell 0 is splittable'); this.test.assert(cell_is_mergeable(0), 'Cell 0 is mergeable'); this.test.assert(!cell_is_splittable(1), 'Cell 1 is not splittable'); this.test.assert(!cell_is_mergeable(1), 'Cell 1 is not mergeable'); this.test.assert(cell_is_splittable(2), 'Cell 2 is splittable'); this.test.assert(cell_is_mergeable(2), 'Cell 2 is mergeable'); }); // Try to merge cell 0 below with cell 1 this.then(function () { this.select_cell(0); this.trigger_keydown('esc'); this.trigger_keydown('shift-m'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cells_length(), 3, 'Merge cell 0 down: There are still 3 cells'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(0), a, 'Merge cell 0 down: Cell 0 is unchanged'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(1), b, 'Merge cell 0 down: Cell 1 is unchanged'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(2), c, 'Merge cell 0 down: Cell 2 is unchanged'); this.validate_notebook_state('shift-m', 'command', 0); }); // Try to merge cell 1 above with cell 0 this.then(function () { this.select_cell(1); }); this.thenEvaluate(function () { IPython.notebook.merge_cell_above(); }); this.then(function () { this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cells_length(), 3, 'Merge cell 1 up: There are still 3 cells'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(0), a, 'Merge cell 1 up: Cell 0 is unchanged'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(1), b, 'Merge cell 1 up: Cell 1 is unchanged'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(2), c, 'Merge cell 1 up: Cell 2 is unchanged'); this.validate_notebook_state('merge up', 'command', 1); }); // Try to split cell 1 this.then(function () { this.select_cell(1); this.trigger_keydown('enter'); this.set_cell_editor_cursor(1, 0, 2); this.trigger_keydown('ctrl-shift-subtract'); // Split this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cells_length(), 3, 'Split cell 1: There are still 3 cells'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(0), a, 'Split cell 1: Cell 0 is unchanged'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(1), b, 'Split cell 1: Cell 1 is unchanged'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(2), c, 'Split cell 1: Cell 2 is unchanged'); this.validate_notebook_state('ctrl-shift-subtract', 'edit', 1); }); // Try to merge cell 1 down this.then(function () { this.select_cell(1); this.trigger_keydown('esc'); this.trigger_keydown('shift-m'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cells_length(), 3, 'Merge cell 1 down: There are still 3 cells'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(0), a, 'Merge cell 1 down: Cell 0 is unchanged'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(1), b, 'Merge cell 1 down: Cell 1 is unchanged'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(2), c, 'Merge cell 1 down: Cell 2 is unchanged'); this.validate_notebook_state('shift-m', 'command', 1); }); // Try to merge cell 2 above with cell 1 this.then(function () { this.select_cell(2); }); this.thenEvaluate(function () { IPython.notebook.merge_cell_above(); }); this.then(function () { this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cells_length(), 3, 'Merge cell 2 up: There are still 3 cells'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(0), a, 'Merge cell 2 up: Cell 0 is unchanged'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(1), b, 'Merge cell 2 up: Cell 1 is unchanged'); this.test.assertEquals(this.get_cell_text(2), c, 'Merge cell 2 up: Cell 2 is unchanged'); this.validate_notebook_state('merge up', 'command', 2); }); });