#!/usr/bin/env python """ Backport pull requests to a particular branch. Usage: backport_pr.py [org/repository] branch [PR] [PR2] e.g.: python tools/backport_pr.py 0.13.1 123 155 to backport PRs #123 and #155 onto branch 0.13.1 or python tools/backport_pr.py 2.1 to see what PRs are marked for backport with milestone=2.1 that have yet to be applied to branch 2.x or python tools/backport_pr.py jupyter/notebook 0.13.1 123 155 to backport PRs #123 and #155 of the `jupyter/notebook` repo onto branch 0.13.1 of that repo. """ import os import re import sys from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_call, check_output try: from urllib.request import urlopen except: from urllib import urlopen from gh_api import ( get_issues_list, get_pull_request, get_pull_request_files, is_pull_request, get_milestone_id, ) def find_rejects(root='.'): for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(root): for fname in files: if fname.endswith('.rej'): yield os.path.join(dirname, fname) def get_current_branch(): branches = check_output(['git', 'branch']) for branch in branches.splitlines(): if branch.startswith(b'*'): return branch[1:].strip().decode('utf-8') def backport_pr(branch, num, project='ipython/ipython'): current_branch = get_current_branch() if branch != current_branch: check_call(['git', 'checkout', branch]) check_call(['git', 'pull']) pr = get_pull_request(project, num, auth=True) files = get_pull_request_files(project, num, auth=True) patch_url = pr['patch_url'] title = pr['title'] description = pr['body'] fname = "PR%i.patch" % num if os.path.exists(fname): print("using patch from {fname}".format(**locals())) with open(fname, 'rb') as f: patch = f.read() else: req = urlopen(patch_url) patch = req.read() lines = description.splitlines() if len(lines) > 5: lines = lines[:5] + ['...'] description = '\n'.join(lines) msg = "Backport PR #%i: %s" % (num, title) + '\n\n' + description check = Popen(['git', 'apply', '--check', '--verbose'], stdin=PIPE) a,b = check.communicate(patch) if check.returncode: print("patch did not apply, saving to {fname}".format(**locals())) print("edit {fname} until `cat {fname} | git apply --check` succeeds".format(**locals())) print("then run tools/backport_pr.py {num} again".format(**locals())) if not os.path.exists(fname): with open(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(patch) return 1 p = Popen(['git', 'apply'], stdin=PIPE) a,b = p.communicate(patch) filenames = [ f['filename'] for f in files ] check_call(['git', 'add'] + filenames) check_call(['git', 'commit', '-m', msg]) print("PR #%i applied, with msg:" % num) print() print(msg) print() if branch != current_branch: check_call(['git', 'checkout', current_branch]) return 0 backport_re = re.compile(r"(?:[Bb]ackport|[Mm]erge).*#(\d+)") def already_backported(branch, since_tag=None): """return set of PRs that have been backported already""" if since_tag is None: since_tag = check_output(['git','describe', branch, '--abbrev=0']).decode('utf8').strip() cmd = ['git', 'log', '%s..%s' % (since_tag, branch), '--oneline'] lines = check_output(cmd).decode('utf8') return set(int(num) for num in backport_re.findall(lines)) def should_backport(labels=None, milestone=None, project='ipython/ipython'): """return set of PRs marked for backport""" if labels is None and milestone is None: raise ValueError("Specify one of labels or milestone.") elif labels is not None and milestone is not None: raise ValueError("Specify only one of labels or milestone.") if labels is not None: issues = get_issues_list(project, labels=labels, state='closed', auth=True, ) else: milestone_id = get_milestone_id(project, milestone, auth=True) issues = get_issues_list(project, milestone=milestone_id, state='closed', auth=True, ) should_backport = set() for issue in issues: if not is_pull_request(issue): continue pr = get_pull_request(project, issue['number'], auth=True) if not pr['merged']: print ("Marked PR closed without merge: %i" % pr['number']) continue if pr['base']['ref'] != 'master': continue should_backport.add(pr['number']) return should_backport if __name__ == '__main__': project = 'ipython/ipython' print("DEPRECATE: backport_pr.py is deprecated and is is now recommended" "to install `ghpro` from PyPI.", file=sys.stderr) args = list(sys.argv) if len(args) >= 2: if '/' in args[1]: project = args[1] del args[1] if len(args) < 2: print(__doc__) sys.exit(1) if len(args) < 3: milestone = args[1] branch = milestone.split('.')[0] + '.x' already = already_backported(branch) should = should_backport(milestone=milestone, project=project) print ("The following PRs should be backported:") for pr in sorted(should.difference(already)): print (pr) sys.exit(0) for prno in map(int, args[2:]): print("Backporting PR #%i" % prno) rc = backport_pr(args[1], prno, project=project) if rc: print("Backporting PR #%i failed" % prno) sys.exit(rc)