//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The IPython Development Team // // Distributed under the terms of the BSD License. The full license is in // the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //============================================================================ // NotebookList //============================================================================ var IPython = (function (IPython) { var NotebookList = function (selector) { this.selector = selector; if (this.selector !== undefined) { this.element = $(selector); this.style(); this.bind_events(); } }; NotebookList.prototype.style = function () { $('#notebook_toolbar').addClass('list_toolbar'); $('#drag_info').addClass('toolbar_info'); $('#notebook_buttons').addClass('toolbar_buttons'); $('div#project_name').addClass('list_header ui-widget ui-widget-header'); $('#refresh_notebook_list').button({ icons : {primary: 'ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-s'}, text : false }); }; NotebookList.prototype.bind_events = function () { if (IPython.read_only){ return; } var that = this; $('#refresh_notebook_list').click(function () { that.load_list(); }); this.element.bind('dragover', function () { return false; }); this.element.bind('drop', function (event) { var files = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files; for (var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText(f); var fname = f.name.split('.'); var nbname = fname.slice(0,-1).join('.'); var nbformat = fname.slice(-1)[0]; if (nbformat === 'ipynb') {nbformat = 'json';}; if (nbformat === 'py' || nbformat === 'json') { var item = that.new_notebook_item(0); that.add_name_input(nbname, item); item.data('nbformat', nbformat); // Store the notebook item in the reader so we can use it later // to know which item it belongs to. $(reader).data('item', item); reader.onload = function (event) { var nbitem = $(event.target).data('item'); that.add_notebook_data(event.target.result, nbitem); that.add_upload_button(nbitem); }; }; } return false; }); }; NotebookList.prototype.clear_list = function () { this.element.children('.list_item').remove(); } NotebookList.prototype.load_list = function () { this.clear_list(); var settings = { processData : false, cache : false, type : "GET", dataType : "json", success : $.proxy(this.list_loaded, this) }; var url = $('body').data('baseProjectUrl') + 'notebooks'; $.ajax(url, settings); }; NotebookList.prototype.list_loaded = function (data, status, xhr) { var len = data.length; // Todo: remove old children for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { var notebook_id = data[i].notebook_id; var nbname = data[i].name; var item = this.new_notebook_item(i); this.add_link(notebook_id, nbname, item); if (!IPython.read_only){ // hide delete buttons when readonly this.add_delete_button(item); } }; }; NotebookList.prototype.new_notebook_item = function (index) { var item = $('<div/>'); item.addClass('list_item ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix'); item.css('border-top-style','none'); var item_name = $('<span/>').addClass('item_name'); item.append(item_name); if (index === -1) { this.element.append(item); } else { this.element.children().eq(index).after(item); } return item; }; NotebookList.prototype.add_link = function (notebook_id, nbname, item) { item.data('nbname', nbname); item.data('notebook_id', notebook_id); var new_item_name = $('<span/>').addClass('item_name'); new_item_name.append( $('<a/>'). attr('href', $('body').data('baseProjectUrl')+notebook_id). attr('target','_blank'). text(nbname) ); var e = item.find('.item_name'); if (e.length === 0) { item.append(new_item_name); } else { e.replaceWith(new_item_name); }; }; NotebookList.prototype.add_name_input = function (nbname, item) { item.data('nbname', nbname); var new_item_name = $('<span/>').addClass('item_name'); new_item_name.append( $('<input/>').addClass('ui-widget ui-widget-content'). attr('value', nbname). attr('size', '30'). attr('type', 'text') ); var e = item.find('.item_name'); if (e.length === 0) { item.append(new_item_name); } else { e.replaceWith(new_item_name); }; }; NotebookList.prototype.add_notebook_data = function (data, item) { item.data('nbdata',data); }; NotebookList.prototype.add_delete_button = function (item) { var new_buttons = $('<span/>').addClass('item_buttons'); var delete_button = $('<button>Delete</button>').button(). click(function (e) { // $(this) is the button that was clicked. var that = $(this); // We use the nbname and notebook_id from the parent notebook_item element's // data because the outer scopes values change as we iterate through the loop. var parent_item = that.parents('div.list_item'); var nbname = parent_item.data('nbname'); var notebook_id = parent_item.data('notebook_id'); var dialog = $('<div/>'); dialog.html('Are you sure you want to permanently delete the notebook: ' + nbname + '?'); parent_item.append(dialog); dialog.dialog({ resizable: false, modal: true, title: "Delete notebook", buttons : { "Delete": function () { var settings = { processData : false, cache : false, type : "DELETE", dataType : "json", success : function (data, status, xhr) { parent_item.remove(); } }; var url = $('body').data('baseProjectUrl') + 'notebooks/' + notebook_id; $.ajax(url, settings); $(this).dialog('close'); }, "Cancel": function () { $(this).dialog('close'); } } }); }); new_buttons.append(delete_button); var e = item.find('.item_buttons'); if (e.length === 0) { item.append(new_buttons); } else { e.replaceWith(new_buttons); }; }; NotebookList.prototype.add_upload_button = function (item) { var that = this; var new_buttons = $('<span/>').addClass('item_buttons'); var upload_button = $('<button>Upload</button>').button(). click(function (e) { var nbname = item.find('.item_name > input').attr('value'); var nbformat = item.data('nbformat'); var nbdata = item.data('nbdata'); var content_type = 'text/plain'; if (nbformat === 'json') { content_type = 'application/json'; } else if (nbformat === 'py') { content_type = 'application/x-python'; }; var settings = { processData : false, cache : false, type : 'POST', dataType : 'json', data : nbdata, headers : {'Content-Type': content_type}, success : function (data, status, xhr) { that.add_link(data, nbname, item); that.add_delete_button(item); } }; var qs = $.param({name:nbname, format:nbformat}); var url = $('body').data('baseProjectUrl') + 'notebooks?' + qs; $.ajax(url, settings); }); var cancel_button = $('<button>Cancel</button>').button(). click(function (e) { item.remove(); }); upload_button.addClass('upload_button'); new_buttons.append(upload_button).append(cancel_button); var e = item.find('.item_buttons'); if (e.length === 0) { item.append(new_buttons); } else { e.replaceWith(new_buttons); }; }; IPython.NotebookList = NotebookList; return IPython; }(IPython));