Frontend class that uses IPython0 to prefilter the inputs.

Using the IPython0 mechanism gives us access to the magics.

This is a transitory class, used here to do the transition between
ipython0 and ipython1. This class is meant to be short-lived as more
functionnality is abstracted out of ipython0 in reusable functions and
is added on the interpreter. This class can be a used to guide this

#  Copyright (C) 2008-2011  The IPython Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the BSD License.  The full license is in
#  the file COPYING, distributed as part of this software.

# Imports
import sys
import pydoc
import os
import re
import __builtin__

from IPython.core.iplib import InteractiveShell
from IPython.kernel.core.redirector_output_trap import RedirectorOutputTrap

from IPython.kernel.core.sync_traceback_trap import SyncTracebackTrap

import IPython.utils.io

from linefrontendbase import LineFrontEndBase, common_prefix

# Utility functions

def mk_system_call(system_call_function, command):
    """ given a os.system replacement, and a leading string command,
        returns a function that will execute the command with the given
        argument string.
    def my_system_call(args):
        system_call_function("%s %s" % (command, args))

    my_system_call.__doc__ = "Calls %s" % command
    return my_system_call

# Frontend class using ipython0 to do the prefiltering.

class PrefilterFrontEnd(LineFrontEndBase):
    """ Class that uses ipython0 to do prefilter the input, do the
    completion and the magics.

    The core trick is to use an ipython0 instance to prefilter the
    input, and share the namespace between the interpreter instance used
    to execute the statements and the ipython0 used for code

    debug = False

    def __init__(self, ipython0=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Parameters

            ipython0: an optional ipython0 instance to use for command
            prefiltering and completion.
        LineFrontEndBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.shell.output_trap = RedirectorOutputTrap(
        self.shell.traceback_trap = SyncTracebackTrap(

        # Start the ipython0 instance:
        if ipython0 is None:
            # Instanciate an IPython0 InteractiveShell to be able to use the
            # prefiltering.
            # Suppress all key input, to avoid waiting
            def my_rawinput(x=None):
                return '\n'
            old_rawinput = __builtin__.raw_input
            __builtin__.raw_input = my_rawinput
            ipython0 = InteractiveShell(
                parent=None, user_ns=self.shell.user_ns,
            __builtin__.raw_input = old_rawinput
        self.ipython0 = ipython0
        # Set the pager:
                    lambda s, string: self.write("\n" + string))
        self.ipython0.write = self.write
        self._ip = _ip = self.ipython0
        # Make sure the raw system call doesn't get called, as we don't
        # have a stdin accessible.
        self._ip.system = self.system_call
        # XXX: Muck around with magics so that they work better
        # in our environment
        if not sys.platform.startswith('win'):
            self.ipython0.magic_ls = mk_system_call(self.system_call,
                                                                'ls -CF')
        # And now clean up the mess created by ipython0

        if not 'banner' in kwargs and self.banner is None:
            self.banner = self.ipython0.banner

        # FIXME: __init__ and start should be two different steps

    # FrontEndBase interface

    def show_traceback(self):
        """ Use ipython0 to capture the last traceback and display it.
        # Don't do the capture; the except_hook has already done some
        # modifications to the IO streams, if we store them, we'll be
        # storing the wrong ones.

    def execute(self, python_string, raw_string=None):
        if self.debug:
            print 'Executing Python code:', repr(python_string)
        LineFrontEndBase.execute(self, python_string,

    def save_output_hooks(self):
        """ Store all the output hooks we can think of, to be able to
        restore them.

        We need to do this early, as starting the ipython0 instance will
        screw ouput hooks.
        self.__old_cout_write = Term.cout.write
        self.__old_cerr_write = Term.cerr.write
        self.__old_stdout = sys.stdout
        self.__old_stderr= sys.stderr
        self.__old_help_output = pydoc.help.output
        self.__old_display_hook = sys.displayhook

    def capture_output(self):
        """ Capture all the output mechanisms we can think of.
        Term.cout.write = self.write
        Term.cerr.write = self.write
        sys.stdout = Term.cout
        sys.stderr = Term.cerr
        pydoc.help.output = self.shell.output_trap.out

    def release_output(self):
        """ Release all the different captures we have made.
        Term.cout.write = self.__old_cout_write
        Term.cerr.write = self.__old_cerr_write
        sys.stdout = self.__old_stdout
        sys.stderr = self.__old_stderr
        pydoc.help.output = self.__old_help_output
        sys.displayhook = self.__old_display_hook

    def complete(self, line):
        # FIXME: This should be factored out in the linefrontendbase
        # method.
        word = self._get_completion_text(line)
        completions = self.ipython0.complete(word)
        # FIXME: The proper sort should be done in the complete method.
        key = lambda x: x.replace('_', '')
        if completions:
            prefix = common_prefix(completions)
            line = line[:-len(word)] + prefix
        return line, completions

    # LineFrontEndBase interface

    def prefilter_input(self, input_string):
        """ Using IPython0 to prefilter the commands to turn them
        in executable statements that are valid Python strings.
        input_string = LineFrontEndBase.prefilter_input(self, input_string)
        filtered_lines = []
        # The IPython0 prefilters sometime produce output. We need to
        # capture it.
        self.last_result = dict(number=self.prompt_number)

                for line in input_string.split('\n'):
                    pf = self.ipython0.prefilter_manager.prefilter_lines
                    filtered_lines.append(pf(line, False).rstrip())
                # XXX: probably not the right thing to do.

        # Clean up the trailing whitespace, to avoid indentation errors
        filtered_string = '\n'.join(filtered_lines)
        return filtered_string

    # PrefilterFrontEnd interface

    def system_call(self, command_string):
        """ Allows for frontend to define their own system call, to be
            able capture output and redirect input.
        return os.system(command_string)

    def do_exit(self):
        """ Exit the shell, cleanup and save the history.

    def _get_completion_text(self, line):
        """ Returns the text to be completed by breaking the line at specified
        # Break at: spaces, '=', all parentheses (except if balanced).
        # FIXME2: In the future, we need to make the implementation similar to
        # that in the 'pyreadline' module (modes/basemode.py) where we break at
        # each delimiter and try to complete the residual line, until we get a
        # successful list of completions.
        expression = '\s|=|,|:|\((?!.*\))|\[(?!.*\])|\{(?!.*\})'
        complete_sep = re.compile(expression)
        text = complete_sep.split(line)[-1]
        return text