var xor = function (a, b) {return !a ^ !b;}; var isArray = function (a) {return === "[object Array]";}; var recursive_compare = function(a, b) { // Recursively compare two objects. var same = true; same = same && !xor(a instanceof Object, b instanceof Object); same = same && !xor(isArray(a), isArray(b)); if (same) { if (a instanceof Object) { for (var key in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(key) && !recursive_compare(a[key], b[key])) { same = false; break; } } for (var key in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(key) && !recursive_compare(a[key], b[key])) { same = false; break; } } } else { return a === b; } } return same; } // Test the widget framework. casper.notebook_test(function () { var index; this.then(function () { // Check if the WidgetManager class is defined. this.test.assert(this.evaluate(function() { return IPython.WidgetManager !== undefined; }), 'WidgetManager class is defined'); }); index = this.append_cell( 'from IPython.html import widgets\n' + 'from IPython.display import display, clear_output\n' + 'print("Success")'); this.execute_cell_then(index); this.then(function () { // Check if the widget manager has been instantiated. this.test.assert(this.evaluate(function() { return IPython.notebook.kernel.widget_manager !== undefined; }), 'Notebook widget manager instantiated'); // Functions that can be used to test the packing and unpacking APIs var that = this; var test_pack = function (input) { var output = that.evaluate(function(input) { var model = new IPython.WidgetModel(IPython.notebook.kernel.widget_manager, undefined); var results = model._pack_models(input); delete model; return results; }, {input: input}); that.test.assert(recursive_compare(input, output), JSON.stringify(input) + ' passed through Model._pack_model unchanged'); }; var test_unpack = function (input) { var output = that.evaluate(function(input) { var model = new IPython.WidgetModel(IPython.notebook.kernel.widget_manager, undefined); var results = model._unpack_models(input); delete model; return results; }, {input: input}); that.test.assert(recursive_compare(input, output), JSON.stringify(input) + ' passed through Model._unpack_model unchanged'); }; var test_packing = function(input) { test_pack(input); test_unpack(input); }; test_packing({0: 'hi', 1: 'bye'}) test_packing(['hi', 'bye']) test_packing(['hi', 5]) test_packing(['hi', '5']) test_packing([1.0, 0]) test_packing([1.0, false]) test_packing([1, false]) test_packing([1, false, {a: 'hi'}]) test_packing([1, false, ['hi']]) }); var textbox = {}; throttle_index = this.append_cell( 'import time\n' + 'textbox = widgets.TextWidget()\n' + 'display(textbox)\n' + 'textbox.add_class("my-throttle-textbox")\n' + 'def handle_change(name, old, new):\n' + ' print(len(new))\n' + ' time.sleep(0.5)\n' + 'textbox.on_trait_change(handle_change, "value")\n' + 'print(textbox.model_id)'); this.execute_cell_then(throttle_index, function(index){ textbox.model_id = this.get_output_cell(index).text.trim(); this.test.assert(this.cell_element_exists(index, '.widget-area .widget-subarea'), 'Widget subarea exists.'); this.test.assert(this.cell_element_exists(index, '.my-throttle-textbox'), 'Textbox exists.'); // Send 20 characters this.sendKeys('.my-throttle-textbox', '....................'); }); this.wait_for_widget(textbox); this.then(function () { var outputs = this.evaluate(function(i) { return IPython.notebook.get_cell(i).output_area.outputs; }, {i : throttle_index}); // Only 4 outputs should have printed, but because of timing, sometimes // 5 outputs will print. All we need to do is verify num outputs <= 5 // because that is much less than 20. this.test.assert(outputs.length <= 5, 'Messages throttled.'); // We also need to verify that the last state sent was correct. var last_state = outputs[outputs.length-1].text; this.test.assertEquals(last_state, "20\n", "Last state sent when throttling."); }); });