//============================================================================ // Notebook //============================================================================ var IPython = (function (IPython) { var utils = IPython.utils; var Notebook = function (selector) { this.element = $(selector); this.element.scroll(); this.element.data("notebook", this); this.next_prompt_number = 1; this.kernel = null; this.dirty = false; this.msg_cell_map = {}; this.style(); this.create_elements(); this.bind_events(); }; Notebook.prototype.style = function () { $('div#notebook').addClass('border-box-sizing'); }; Notebook.prototype.create_elements = function () { // We add this end_space div to the end of the notebook div to: // i) provide a margin between the last cell and the end of the notebook // ii) to prevent the div from scrolling up when the last cell is being // edited, but is too low on the page, which browsers will do automatically. this.element.append($('
').height(50)); $('div#notebook').addClass('border-box-sizing'); }; Notebook.prototype.bind_events = function () { var that = this; $(document).keydown(function (event) { // console.log(event); if (event.which === 38) { var cell = that.selected_cell(); if (cell.at_top()) { event.preventDefault(); that.select_prev(); }; } else if (event.which === 40) { var cell = that.selected_cell(); if (cell.at_bottom()) { event.preventDefault(); that.select_next(); }; } else if (event.which === 13 && event.shiftKey) { that.execute_selected_cell(); return false; } else if (event.which === 13 && event.ctrlKey) { that.execute_selected_cell({terminal:true}); return false; }; }); this.element.bind('collapse_pager', function () { var app_height = $('div#main_app').height(); // content height var splitter_height = $('div#pager_splitter').outerHeight(true); var new_height = app_height - splitter_height; that.element.animate({height : new_height + 'px'}, 'fast'); }); this.element.bind('expand_pager', function () { var app_height = $('div#main_app').height(); // content height var splitter_height = $('div#pager_splitter').outerHeight(true); var pager_height = $('div#pager').outerHeight(true); var new_height = app_height - pager_height - splitter_height; that.element.animate({height : new_height + 'px'}, 'fast'); }); this.element.bind('collapse_left_panel', function () { var splitter_width = $('div#left_panel_splitter').outerWidth(true); var new_margin = splitter_width; $('div#notebook_panel').animate({marginLeft : new_margin + 'px'}, 'fast'); }); this.element.bind('expand_left_panel', function () { var splitter_width = $('div#left_panel_splitter').outerWidth(true); var left_panel_width = IPython.left_panel.width; var new_margin = splitter_width + left_panel_width; $('div#notebook_panel').animate({marginLeft : new_margin + 'px'}, 'fast'); }); $(window).bind('beforeunload', function () { var kill_kernel = $('#kill_kernel').prop('checked'); if (kill_kernel) { that.kernel.kill(); } if (that.dirty) { return "You have unsaved changes that will be lost if you leave this page."; }; }); }; Notebook.prototype.scroll_to_bottom = function () { this.element.animate({scrollTop:this.element.get(0).scrollHeight}, 0); }; Notebook.prototype.scroll_to_top = function () { this.element.animate({scrollTop:0}, 0); }; // Cell indexing, retrieval, etc. Notebook.prototype.cell_elements = function () { return this.element.children("div.cell"); } Notebook.prototype.ncells = function (cell) { return this.cell_elements().length; } // TODO: we are often calling cells as cells()[i], which we should optimize // to cells(i) or a new method. Notebook.prototype.cells = function () { return this.cell_elements().toArray().map(function (e) { return $(e).data("cell"); }); } Notebook.prototype.find_cell_index = function (cell) { var result = null; this.cell_elements().filter(function (index) { if ($(this).data("cell") === cell) { result = index; }; }); return result; }; Notebook.prototype.index_or_selected = function (index) { return index || this.selected_index() || 0; } Notebook.prototype.select = function (index) { if (index !== undefined && index >= 0 && index < this.ncells()) { if (this.selected_index() !== null) { this.selected_cell().unselect(); }; this.cells()[index].select(); if (index === (this.ncells()-1)) { this.scroll_to_bottom(); }; }; return this; }; Notebook.prototype.select_next = function () { var index = this.selected_index(); if (index !== null && index >= 0 && (index+1) < this.ncells()) { this.select(index+1); }; return this; }; Notebook.prototype.select_prev = function () { var index = this.selected_index(); if (index !== null && index >= 0 && (index-1) < this.ncells()) { this.select(index-1); }; return this; }; Notebook.prototype.selected_index = function () { var result = null; this.cell_elements().filter(function (index) { if ($(this).data("cell").selected === true) { result = index; }; }); return result; }; Notebook.prototype.cell_for_msg = function (msg_id) { var cell_id = this.msg_cell_map[msg_id]; var result = null; this.cell_elements().filter(function (index) { cell = $(this).data("cell"); if (cell.cell_id === cell_id) { result = cell; }; }); return result; }; Notebook.prototype.selected_cell = function () { return this.cell_elements().eq(this.selected_index()).data("cell"); } // Cell insertion, deletion and moving. Notebook.prototype.delete_cell = function (index) { var i = index || this.selected_index(); if (i !== null && i >= 0 && i < this.ncells()) { this.cell_elements().eq(i).remove(); if (i === (this.ncells())) { this.select(i-1); } else { this.select(i); }; }; this.dirty = true; return this; }; Notebook.prototype.append_cell = function (cell) { this.element.find('div.end_space').before(cell.element); this.dirty = true; return this; }; Notebook.prototype.insert_cell_after = function (cell, index) { var ncells = this.ncells(); if (ncells === 0) { this.append_cell(cell); return this; }; if (index >= 0 && index < ncells) { this.cell_elements().eq(index).after(cell.element); }; this.dirty = true; return this }; Notebook.prototype.insert_cell_before = function (cell, index) { var ncells = this.ncells(); if (ncells === 0) { this.append_cell(cell); return this; }; if (index >= 0 && index < ncells) { this.cell_elements().eq(index).before(cell.element); }; this.dirty = true; return this; }; Notebook.prototype.move_cell_up = function (index) { var i = index || this.selected_index(); if (i !== null && i < this.ncells() && i > 0) { var pivot = this.cell_elements().eq(i-1); var tomove = this.cell_elements().eq(i); if (pivot !== null && tomove !== null) { tomove.detach(); pivot.before(tomove); this.select(i-1); }; }; this.dirty = true; return this; } Notebook.prototype.move_cell_down = function (index) { var i = index || this.selected_index(); if (i !== null && i < (this.ncells()-1) && i >= 0) { var pivot = this.cell_elements().eq(i+1) var tomove = this.cell_elements().eq(i) if (pivot !== null && tomove !== null) { tomove.detach(); pivot.after(tomove); this.select(i+1); }; }; this.dirty = true; return this; } Notebook.prototype.sort_cells = function () { var ncells = this.ncells(); var sindex = this.selected_index(); var swapped; do { swapped = false for (var i=1; i current.input_prompt_number) { this.move_cell_up(i); swapped = true; }; }; } while (swapped); this.select(sindex); return this; }; Notebook.prototype.insert_code_cell_before = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = new IPython.CodeCell(this); cell.set_input_prompt(); this.insert_cell_before(cell, i); this.select(this.find_cell_index(cell)); return cell; } Notebook.prototype.insert_code_cell_after = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = new IPython.CodeCell(this); cell.set_input_prompt(); this.insert_cell_after(cell, i); this.select(this.find_cell_index(cell)); return cell; } Notebook.prototype.insert_html_cell_before = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = new IPython.HTMLCell(this); cell.config_mathjax(); this.insert_cell_before(cell, i); this.select(this.find_cell_index(cell)); return cell; } Notebook.prototype.insert_html_cell_after = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = new IPython.HTMLCell(this); cell.config_mathjax(); this.insert_cell_after(cell, i); this.select(this.find_cell_index(cell)); return cell; } Notebook.prototype.insert_markdown_cell_before = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = new IPython.MarkdownCell(this); cell.config_mathjax(); this.insert_cell_before(cell, i); this.select(this.find_cell_index(cell)); return cell; } Notebook.prototype.insert_markdown_cell_after = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var cell = new IPython.MarkdownCell(this); cell.config_mathjax(); this.insert_cell_after(cell, i); this.select(this.find_cell_index(cell)); return cell; } Notebook.prototype.to_code = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var source_element = this.cell_elements().eq(i); var source_cell = source_element.data("cell"); if (source_cell instanceof IPython.HTMLCell || source_cell instanceof IPython.MarkdownCell) { this.insert_code_cell_after(i); var target_cell = this.cells()[i+1]; target_cell.set_code(source_cell.get_source()); source_element.remove(); }; this.dirty = true; }; Notebook.prototype.to_markdown = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var source_element = this.cell_elements().eq(i); var source_cell = source_element.data("cell"); var target_cell = null; if (source_cell instanceof IPython.CodeCell) { this.insert_markdown_cell_after(i); var target_cell = this.cells()[i+1]; var text = source_cell.get_code(); } else if (source_cell instanceof IPython.HTMLCell) { this.insert_markdown_cell_after(i); var target_cell = this.cells()[i+1]; var text = source_cell.get_source(); if (text === source_cell.placeholder) { text = target_cell.placeholder; } } if (target_cell !== null) { if (text === "") {text = target_cell.placeholder;}; target_cell.set_source(text); source_element.remove(); target_cell.edit(); } this.dirty = true; }; Notebook.prototype.to_html = function (index) { // TODO: Bounds check for i var i = this.index_or_selected(index); var source_element = this.cell_elements().eq(i); var source_cell = source_element.data("cell"); var target_cell = null; if (source_cell instanceof IPython.CodeCell) { this.insert_html_cell_after(i); var target_cell = this.cells()[i+1]; var text = source_cell.get_code(); } else if (source_cell instanceof IPython.MarkdownCell) { this.insert_html_cell_after(i); var target_cell = this.cells()[i+1]; var text = source_cell.get_source(); if (text === source_cell.placeholder) { text = target_cell.placeholder; } } if (target_cell !== null) { if (text === "") {text = target_cell.placeholder;}; target_cell.set_source(text); source_element.remove(); target_cell.edit(); } this.dirty = true; }; // Cell collapsing and output clearing Notebook.prototype.collapse = function (index) { var i = this.index_or_selected(index); this.cells()[i].collapse(); this.dirty = true; }; Notebook.prototype.expand = function (index) { var i = this.index_or_selected(index); this.cells()[i].expand(); this.dirty = true; }; Notebook.prototype.set_autoindent = function (state) { var cells = this.cells(); len = cells.length; for (var i=0; i= 0) { this.handle_output(cell, msg_type, content); } else if (msg_type === 'status') { if (content.execution_state === 'busy') { IPython.kernel_status_widget.status_busy(); } else if (content.execution_state === 'idle') { IPython.kernel_status_widget.status_idle(); } else if (content.execution_state === 'dead') { this.handle_status_dead(); }; } }; Notebook.prototype.handle_status_dead = function () { var that = this; this.kernel.stop_channels(); var dialog = $('
'); dialog.html('The kernel has died, would you like to restart it? If you do not restart the kernel, you will be able to save the notebook, but running code will not work until the notebook is reopened.'); $(document).append(dialog); dialog.dialog({ resizable: false, modal: true, title: "Dead kernel", buttons : { "Yes": function () { that.start_kernel(); $(this).dialog('close'); }, "No": function () { $(this).dialog('close'); } } }); }; Notebook.prototype.handle_output = function (cell, msg_type, content) { var json = {}; json.output_type = msg_type; if (msg_type === "stream") { json.text = utils.fixConsole(content.data + '\n'); } else if (msg_type === "display_data") { json = this.convert_mime_types(json, content.data); } else if (msg_type === "pyout") { json.prompt_number = content.execution_count; json = this.convert_mime_types(json, content.data); } else if (msg_type === "pyerr") { json.ename = content.ename; json.evalue = content.evalue; var traceback = []; for (var i=0; i